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How to make tabuleh


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MOS!I like to pretend the meat we consume comes that way...I like to pretend that chickens are boneless and fish come in fillets!So please enough with the pics! :lol:


SIP,you went out to eat and no pics to share??? :blink: This will not do!


Fixed Smilie --- ExtraHye

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1. Rubo jan. Shnorhavorum em ko nor gorts. May it be more that your wildest expectation. Best wishes.


2. What is wrong with you folks with all this pics of animals in a tabuleh thread. How dare you put pics of animals and talk about stinking khorovats in a thread devoted to one of the best dishes ever made in history of mankind...

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Sorry Azat jan.Are you a vegiterian?Please God say no.


Mos jan one question.You mentioned you marinated the meat and kept it in the freezer?You mean in Freezer? twenty+ hours?

Ok being in the food industry of my intire adult life one thing you learn that anything frozen looses its taste when defrosted becouse the meats and fish actually cook in the freezer that is called cold cooking.

I will never put fresh fish or meats in the freezer unless I planning to store more then two days.

So Mos jan what's the reasoning.

Edited by Armat
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This is off topic but some vegetarians claim that humans are not naturally involved to eat meats.

The latest science discoveries actually prove that without the consumption of animal fats and protein our brain would not have literally grown that is in our evolution animal proteins were instrumental shaping our very own brain.

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Sorry Azat jan.Are you a vegiterian?Please God say no.

ahhhhhhhhmmmmhmhhhmmm. yes. sorry. been one for over 12 years now. :( But I do eat fish couple of times a month. just can't say no to Sushi

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Sorry Azat jan.Are you a vegiterian?Please God say no.


Mos jan one question.You mentioned you marinated the meat and kept it in the freezer?You mean in Freezer? twenty+ hours?

Ok being in the food industry of my intire adult life one thing you learn that anything frozen looses its taste when defrosted becouse the meats and fish actually cook in the freezer that is called cold cooking.

I will never put fresh fish or meats in the freezer unless I planning to store more then two days.

So Mos jan what's the reasoning.

Armat jan - called cold cooking - chi barekam tsankatsats tarm mis - minchev 24~36 jam sarrnarani mej chlin yerbeq chem ogtagortsi - namanavand yete vayri kendanu mis e.

havata - msi ham@ lavanum e ham el dzgutyun@, yev nayev mi qani tasnyak bacteryaner nuynpes veranum en mejterits.


frozen looses its taste - aveli lav e mi qich ham@ kori qan te REZINI pes lini :) havata arden 15 tary e vayri msi het gorts unem, yes el tarm jamanak shat eyi sirum yepel, bayst te tesa vor aveli lav e sarretsnem qan te yepeluts heto rezini pes chtsamvi.


Marinad anum em Saretsneluts heto @nedhanrapes 12jam




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"What is wrong with you folks with all this pics of animals in a tabuleh thread. How dare you put pics of animals and talk about stinking khorovats in a thread devoted to one of the best dishes ever made in history of mankind..."


AzatJan - yes et tabulen aveli vat yev djvar em marrsum - qan mis@,

ham el tesnum enq vro lav chi statsvum tabulen asinq korgits ognenq.:) seran@ datark ch@mna

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I have narrowed down my search for bulgur and found the following 2 things, hope one of them is bulgur






or this?




Azat, Armat... anyone?

It may be late, but since I can read it may i just say that both are the same thing

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Thanks Emma, actually I have tried the second one, and it didn't become soft enough so I had to chew the grain.

After making tabuleh I located a health food store where they sell both "cracked wheat bulgur" and tabuleh (but with a different name). Needless to say, I bought both. I will make a tabuhel with this authentic bulgur, but the one I bought was too salty and didn't taste much like tabuleh. Apparently, it was not made by Armenians.

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Oh BTW, I haven't had meat in 2 weeks and I have absolutely no craving for any sort of meat (except for barbeque, thanks to Armat's and Moso's illustrations :angry: :) ). It's not as hard as it seemed to me before quitting meat as I was a heavy meat eater, not a single day passed that I didn't eat meat, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day.
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You want easy or are you willing to spend some time cooking? "Sut dolma" also know as Sarma is a great vegi dish, but takes a while to cook


Give me hints and I am sure Maral and I can give you lots of recipes, although if I were you I would stay away from Marals recipes as they are not as good as my recipes are. (why do I have a feeling that Maral is going to kick my behind one of these days?) :D

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:o Sasun! Have you fallen victim to the dark side as well?? Have you now become a disciple of the Vegitarian Clan?? Vay! Inchenk anelu? Slowly but Surely Azatism will take over the world!! :fear: :P

Vava jan, and it is slowly moving north from NJ area now. Next is Anileve, then Rubo in Boston, then you and Domino. :evillaugh: :flex: :flex:


We are going to bypass the Wisconsin region, as I am afraid Azatism may be exposed by the people in that area. then all will know that it isnothing but a farce.

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ahhhhhhhhmmmmhmhhhmmm. yes. sorry. been one for over 12 years now. :( But I do eat fish couple of times a month. just can't say no to Sushi

a very interesting vegitarian you are then azat.. lmao.. a vegeterian that eats meat.. :) couple of times a month.. and worse.. SUSHI!! hahaha

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I guess it is just my temperment.I hate ristricting myself to anything. When I want to drink,I drink.When I want to smoke I smoke but I am not a regular smoker.When I want lamb,beef,fish,oysters,sushi,vegi I eat.I just do not understand why some people stop eating one or the other unless it is degerous to your health.

I mean come on Azat jan you eat fish they surely are not vegitables right? then you are not a true Vegiterian.Same true for people who eat dairy products,Eggs etc.

All organic matter share same or very close DNA meaning eating plants and meat are not that different therefore it makes no sence to ristrict your diet.

The only thing I don't eat is Veal since I don't believe in torturing animals by the way all my meats and fish consumption is from organic source since I belive animals should have had a happy lives before humanily killed.

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RUBO YOU JUST KILLED ME HERE I came out to eat its about 11pm here in múnich and now where do i find sish kabab ha, most are turkish and i wont eat there,


congradulations aper, best of lack



so many turks here i tell you, city of 1.5 mil. and 500k turks


just when you need a gun and dont haye one :angry:

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