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Can somebody please teach me how to play the guitar? Please? :)


Emulik jan :) dranits el hesht ban

KArevor@ vro uzzum es sovores da arden Gortsy kesna - isk yerkrod Kesi hamar menak #1 qayl@ karrogh em ognel - Karrogh em im Guitar@ arajarkel dzez - mnatsats@ du qo g@lxi jar@ pit tesnes

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Emulik jan :) dranits el hesht ban

KArevor@ vro uzzum es sovores da arden Gortsy kesna - isk yerkrod Kesi hamar menak #1 qayl@ karrogh em ognel - Karrogh em im Guitar@ arajarkel dzez - mnatsats@ du qo g@lxi jar@ pit tesnes



Mersi, Movses jan. Muys tarva skizber@ noric kharcnem. If you are still willing to lend it to me, I will borrow temporarily 'til I get one of my own. I really want to try to learn to play. I think I will have more time in a few months.


Thank you again for the offer. :)

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Mersi, Movses jan. Muys tarva skizber@ noric kharcnem. If you are still willing to lend it to me, I will borrow temporarily 'til I get one of my own. I really want to try to learn to play. I think I will have more time in a few months.


Thank you again for the offer. :)



your welocme Emul jan

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Թըռչեի մըտքով տուն,

Ուր իմ մայրն է արթուն,

Տեսնէի այն առուն,

կարօտով ես անհուն,

Որ ամէն մի գարուն ջըրերով վարարուն

Կարկաչում էր սարերում:


Թեքուէի աղբիւրին,

Կարօտած պաղ ջրին,

Լինէի հանդերում,

Մեր կանաչ մարգերում,

Ուր ծաղկունքն են բուրում.

Ուր մանուկ օրերում

Հովն էր ինձ միշտ համբուրում:


Հայրենիքն իմ սրտում

Թէ չընկնեմ ես մարտում,

Ա՜խ, իմ մայր թանկագին,

Տուն կը գամ ես կրկին.

Կը սփոփեմ քո հոգին

Համբոյրով սրտագին,

Կը սեղմեմ քեզ իմ կրծքին:

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That's exactly what I said. "Not to my taste". I can sing a thousand times better. Besides he has many words wrong.

Am I hearing it right? Is he saying "lineyi parkeroum" instead of "margeroum"? and listen how he pronounces "hampyurum". His knowledge of the Armenian language is questionable.

Edited by Arpa
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Am I hearing it right? Is he saying "lineyi parkeroum" instead of "margeroum"? and listen how he pronounces "hampyurum". His knowledge of the Armenian language is questionable.

Anyone who can play the oud can also play the lute, the guitar, the sitar, the tar, the saz, the banjo, the mndolin, the balalaika , or the Japanese Harp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaEdKxFgwOs don't forget to click on the kokyu to see Japanese Kamancha. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxTVX0y-_GU...feature=related, or the Chinese ... menq shat hats our paniri karot enq ays astijaninin hasnelou, or should I say "ekmek/akmak/akhmakh ve peynir"?** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awYlLATPFB0

Even if I still see the oud.. look here



Anyone who can play the violin can also play the kamancha,


** http://hyeforum.com/index.php?showtopic=1629&hl=akmak

***Not to forget what Sayat Nova says "amen sazi mejn korats, du TAMAM TASN is kamancha", where he means "lost among all the saz , you are the PERFECT TEN my Kamancha"

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