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And here is MosJan's National Anthem :P

I love it. It reminds me the days when I would sing the solo part - "Tsitil a lusn lays@ Hala.... Sirim zichoutd layse@... Hala...." or "Keghtsen boy@ ketsuts a ... Brnshanvim esuts a..."

Edited by Arpa
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Inch lav gerken che Arpa jan? Shenorhagal em Bari galoustit hamar. :)

Ayo. Jisht im sirats vojov, teyev yes mi qich khndir ounem Kohari het, amenaaraj anoun@ piti Gohar lini voch Halepi barbarov Kohar. Ayo, Sebouh@ Halepatsin e.

Kohar was named in honor of the mother of the Benefactors;

Click on "about" and see;


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MosJane Mousalertsi e? Mousalertsinere Sassountsineri neman shat kach gellan! :starwars:



Yes ays yerkn al shat em siroum vorovhedev Artsaxtsin al shat kach e! :)



Are you kidding? :P

Not only MosJan is the Prdsident of Musa Ler, he is also theHerisa King. :D

Meybe we should revive this ;



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did we invite you back to hyeforum ??


Kez ov esav vor yes hents taquishikn em? :huh:


Chem kider MosJan. Yes shidage garodsta tsezi; touk voch? :msn-cry:


Hayeren asatsvadsk me ga vor gese te yete touren verendek hents badouhanen ners ge mednenk. :P



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shidagn @esem / menq qezi ter chenq garodser, yerb garodnanq, tuthi oghi yev vartin dzaghighi dzaxkepunj m@ iren invitationov qezi gughargenq - minch an aden hajis xndrem hos mi qar iylyevs, voch as anunov voch el urish anunerov


qnas pari

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