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Zartonk last won the day on November 24 2017

Zartonk had the most liked content!

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    Մարդկության ու ճշմարտության միջև

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I can not think of another individual who contributed so much to an online community. His sincere passion, encyclopedic knowledge and unmistakable sense of humor are irreplaceable. I can never forget the man, I learned so much from him RIP dear Arpa. Hyeforum will miss you.
  2. Abris! That's very good! Haygagan televisionneri khntiruh (problem, issue) bazmativ (numerous) ruseren barern en, shat hatook Yerevani barbar (dialect) gkhosin. Aveli hajogh klini yete YouTubov videoner pndres. By the way, your family speaks Western Armenian, right? Meanwhile, here are a few sites to start with. The AGBU program is similar to an actual college program, so you have to worry about enrollment and all that, but it looks pretty good. http://www.101languages.net/armenian/ http://hayeren.hayastan.com/english/mainr.php http://www.avc-agbu....ng&lang=en_utf8
  3. Zartonk

    Porky Bullets

    Ձեռ քաշեք այ մարդ...
  4. Absolutely, type away in English letters! Why don't you start typing a few sentences? I'll try finding you some solid online tutorials as we go.
  5. Hi 12345, welcome!!! We'll be glad to help you as much as we can! Let's start with what you know: does your vocabulary cover everyday things?
  6. Ձեր հերն ու մերն անիծեմ ռուբոներ...
  7. Zartonk


    Let's pretend for a second that Armenia is somehow removed as a factor in the national self-perception of Azerbaijan...what the hell would they be left with?! Armenomania seems to be the core of their identity
  8. The most curious thing about these events is the immediate solidarity expressed by some Armenians, without pausing to consider that the bulk of the protesters are staunchly anti-Armenian Kemalists, engaged in a movement that started out of a vandalized Armenian graveyard.
  9. Zartonk


    That was my first guess. Kurds wouldn't have much to do with Anastasia.
  10. Thanks Yervant. So much going on in one short article...
  11. I'm glad to see a proper academic approach towards the petroglyphs. When it comes to ancient artifacts, our own pseudo-historian's make the Aliyevbaijan UNESCO entry of the "ancient Azeri" Gobustan complex look legitimate. Now let's just see how long it takes Baku to bribe the whole world against this initiative.
  12. Did 'Misha' influence Tsarnaevs? In Watertown, doubts http://bit.ly/11W0hSu Bullshit alert right there.
  13. Unfortunatley, the hidden post really is the truth about Syria.
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