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Uproar About Danish Cartoons


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why such an uproar by our Muslim friends over a Danish newspaper cartoon from many months ago that depicted Prophet Mohamed with a bomb over his head. Its a cartoon. its suppose to exadurate and make fun of the situation.
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It's about lack of respect to another religion. Not that it justifies burning embassies, but people should not abuse the so called freedom of speech. Yeah, we are legally free to verbally insult others, nobody is going to put us in jail. This cartoon thing is not just a freedom of speech but an insult to the whole muslim world. It only created hostility and chaos, there is nothing good in it.
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freedom of speech is all encompasing. not just this and that...


i understand that some may be insulted but they shoukd remember that it is a cartoon


also the people who are burning the embassies today are the same a-holes who are laughing at cartoons in their papers where they depict rabbis eating children.(remember that cartoon year or two ago?) so i dont feel one bit sorry for them. the day they stop their hypocrisy is when i may feel sorry

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according to you Azat 2 wrongs make it right, and the explosive tansions now days that exist this cartoon just adds fuel to a fire, I dont belive this is just a work of danish paper, in 6 EU countries same cartoon was published, what good is this? why? who has an interest in this?

i dont belive freedom of speach gives anybody right to say my God is a terorist

a-holes like jerry fartwell call them terorists, rapists and murderers and idiotic president of US almost garanties armagedon will happen

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nono that is not what i said. i never said 2 wrongs make a right, especially since i had no issue with either cartoon. however what i did say is that if you are going to complain about one of the cartoons you MUST complain about the other and if you did NOT then i feel no pain for your alagator tears today.
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I have no issues eider with either cartton, however i was trying to make a point for the timing of it

again I'm asking you, taistless cartoons like those and commets, what good does it do for humanity and world peace?


anyhow, maybe you dident get my point, my thoughts were not about someones crock tears!

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If nothing else, religion has definitely created a bunch of super-sensitive cry babies running around the world, since day 1.


But on the other hand, I can definitely see how questioning or ridiculing someone's shakey belief system on which their entire lives revolve around can cause massive panic, hysteria, and anger. Of course why doesn't the same thing happen when someone questions a valid and proven scientific claim? Most often, that person is labeled an idiot and dismissed. But question religion and oh boy ... all Hell breaks loose and people's feelings get hurt :cry:

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there is no greater wepon human kind ever invented then religion,


Sip, this is the world we live today,who is going t change it? bush?

industieal countries continue to exploid the 3rd world for there greed, minwile gap is widening and animosity grows on daily bases, man kind has to invend a new aprouch and global harmony, or we are dummed!


we just have to learn to live side by side, there is no other way, and for this to happen; we better start to have respect for what ever people choose to belive in.

Edited by Edward
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there is no greater wepon human kind ever invented then religion,


Sip, this is the world we live today,who is going t change it? bush?

industieal countries continue to exploid the 3rd world for there greed, minwile gap is widening and animosity grows on daily bases, man kind has to invend a new aprouch and global harmony, or we are dummed!


we just have to learn to live side by side, there is no other way, and for this to happen; we better start to have respect for what ever people choose to belive in.



Edward, I completely agree with you but we should not have respect for disrespect. This is a rephrase of what Bill Maher said once that tolerance is good as long as we don't start to tolerate intolerance. Muslims should be the last people to demand respect when they themselves, collectively, are among the most hostile and disrespectful (of others) of ANY religion. Sure there are nice muslims out there and I know many of them personally myself. But as a religion (much like most other religions), Islam is as disrespectful and intolerant of others as they get.

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Ed i did understand and do agree with you but my point is that this wa just a cartoon, and one published many months back. no justification for what they ar doing.


now lets talk about a more important thing then the middle east and religion and world peace. uncle Azat has 20 dollars on stealers. wish him luck

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It's about lack of respect to another religion.


Sorry Sasun, but what respect they expect if I may ask??? You see that even to this day some Turks pride themselves with the Armenian Genocide saying that that way it was proven that their Allah is greater than our Christ. Such animal primitivism shouldn't be tolerated.


On a second thought, what is THAT wrong with this cartoon? How many times the religious symbols of Christianity have been ridiculed, cartooned and sometimes outright offended? Isn't it part of the freedoms the western society enjoys?


Why I can criticize "my" President be it Bush, Kocharian, or Putin and why Moslems can't do the same in their countries?


And finally why the followers of Allah (a.k.a. Turks) want to join Europe and why when Moslem emigrants get in the USA or Europe they suddenly feel very free and fully take advantage of the democracy, which is lacking in their Moslem countries, but even then they don't want see their former countries changed?

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Sorry Sasun, but what respect they expect if I may ask??? You see that even to this day some Turks pride themselves with the Armenian Genocide saying that that way it was proven that their Allah is greater than our Christ. Such animal primitivism shouldn't be tolerated.


On a second thought, what is THAT wrong with this cartoon? How many times the religious symbols of Christianity have been ridiculed, cartooned and sometimes outright offended? Isn't it part of the freedoms the western society enjoys?


Why I can criticize "my" President be it Bush, Kocharian, or Putin and why Moslems can't do the same in their countries?


And finally why the followers of Allah (a.k.a. Turks) want to join Europe and why when Moslem emigrants get in the USA or Europe they suddenly feel very free and fully take advantage of the democracy, which is lacking in their Moslem countries, but even then they don't want see their former countries changed?

In American slang that is known as; “having ones’ cake and eat it too”. I would much rather have “my Kate and Edith too”. )

Some time ago an American magazine, it may have been Readers’ Digest, had a feature; “Pardon me, but your slip is showing”. It is a play on words, slip meaning an undergarment of women and to mean a slip as in the Freudian slip or misstep.

I said something similar in another thread; Muslims and other religious fanatics like the fundamental Christians must to learn to have a sense of humor, which is only a result of one’s security in one’s beliefs. Just like it has been intimated above, Christian culture and Christian icons have been constantly caricaturized and ridiculed both from within and without, yet I cannot remember us going on a rampage burning someone’s ethnic or religious symbols. and icons. Is it time that we should? I have said this on many occasions and I’ll say it again. No matter how one caricaturizes and ridicules my ethnic Armenian and Christian heritage, it will not offend me, on the contrary, I will take it as a compliment, if only as an acknowledgement of my heritage. Consider this. One of the most common jokes about Italian heritage is about “their Mafia”, yet, when told in a good humor it will not only create much laughter but stimulate them to participate and add their take on it telling inside jokes that we have never heard. Is that a sign of ethnic and cultural weakness or is it a sign of security and strength?

Coming back to “having one’s cake and eating it”, look at the so called Muslim culture. They have not invented or created even a shoelace ever since they supposedly invented the so called Arabic digits, which btw was before Islam. They pride themselves for innovations in science and medicine, yet all that stagnated since the advent of Islam, until Europe took over, particularly after the Protestant movement when despite the religious taboos industrial revolution took over.

Once again, getting back to “having the cake and eating it”, looke at some of the most fanatically islaic countries, like Pakistan that has the nuclear bomb, Iran getting closer to it every day, yet in both of those countries, while the internet and other modern gizmos like cellular phones and what not, all inventions of the “Satan” are fast becoming more common than symbols of their faith like the chadoor for the female population and circumcision for the other half.

Who are they kidding?

Were it not for the Christian world, the likes of Denmark and Norway they would not know which leg goes in which side of the trouser, yet they have the gall of coming on TV (another invention of the Satan) clad in Italian made business suits and French made neckties to tell us that Mohammed is the symbol of love and tolerance.

Tell me another lie.

Speaking of which…

Yeah! I have a slightly used bridge to sell you.

It is in Brooklyn.

To never forget that; WE are also the “first”, in this case to mean the A-One, the best)Christians…!!!

If WE/THEY would only believe in the self perpetuated myths and lies!!!

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now lets talk about a more important thing then the middle east and religion and world peace. uncle Azat has 20 dollars on stealers. wish him luck

Hey Azat!

Do you know why tonight's spectacle is called "Super Bowl"?

To find out search the net using "super ball super bowl Lamar Hunt" as your key word.

A hint.

"bowl" is the southern US pronunciation of "ball".

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Roman Catholic priest shot dead in Turkey Sun Feb 5, 10:44 PM ET


ANKARA - A Roman Catholic priest was shot dead Sunday in the courtyard of a church in Turkey, raising fears the murder could be linked to the Muslim uproar over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed published in Europe.




Italian priest Andrea Santoro, 59, was shot twice in the entrance of the Santa Maria Catholic Church in the northern city of Trabzon and the Vatican's ambassador to Turkey said the gunman shouted "God is great" as he fired his pistol.


"We don't have much to go on to make a proper interpretation of what happened. However, the only element which a collaborator of Father Santoro's mentioned to me is that the person who killed him shouted 'Allahu Akhbar'," Monsignor Antonio Lucibello was quoted as saying by Italy's ANSA news agency.


The acclamation, used in prayer, is also employed as a rallying cry by Islamic militants.


"There are claims that the incident may be related to the cartoons," Trabzon Governor Huseyin Yavuzdemir told Anatolia news agency. "This will become clear when the suspect is captured."


The Turkish government "ferociously" condemned the murder and promised to find the perpetrator, described by witnesses as a male in his late teens who ran away after the shooting.


A person who was inside the 19th century church told the police the assailant fired three shots as the priest opened the gate before evening prayers, Anatolia reported.


Two bullets hit the victim and a preliminary examination established that he died of a wound in his chest, it said.


The Vatican embassy in Ankara said Santoro was originally from Piverno, a small town near Rome.


Yavuzdemir said the police had information the priest had been threatened by locals in the past over alleged efforts to convert Muslims, but there was no indication the church was involved in missionary work.


"The security forces are investigating the people who have threatened and criticized him," he said, adding that Santoro had not asked for protection from the police.


Missionary activities are generally met with suspicion in Turkey, but attacks on religious personalities are virtually unheard of.


The Santa Maria Church in Trabzon, a port city on the Black Sea coast, was built in the second half of the 19th century on the orders of an Ottoman sultan to serve foreign visitors.


"We ferociously condemn this murder committed in a religious sanctuary and against a man of religion," Justice Minister Cemil Cicek, who is the government's spokesman, told Anatolia.


"The government is making all possible efforts to shed light on this incident and find out who perpetrated it and why," he said.


Police stepped up security measures at main crossroads in Trabzon and at the entrances and exits of the city, Anatolia reported.


Earlier Sunday, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned the torching of Danish and Norwegian missions in Syria and Lebanon and warned that violence over the Prophet Mohammed cartoons would further undermine efforts to bring different cultures closer.


Erdogan maintained his criticism of the drawings but stressed that "torching and destruction cannot be a means of correcting mistakes", Anatolia reported.


"The solution should be at the negotiating table, in diplomacy," he said.


"One cannot look for a solution at the barrel of a gun. This is the wish and objective of those who want a clash of civilizations."


Turkey, a strictly secular state with a predominantly Muslim population, sees itself as a bridge between East and West and is seeking to join the European Union.


Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul convened an emergency meeting with senior diplomats late Sunday to discuss what initiatives Turkey can undertake to help bring an end to the cartoon crisis, officials said.


In a statement condemning the priest's murder, the foreign ministry insisted that Turkey remained an example of peaceful co-habitation between Islam and other religions.


"We believe this brutal murder is an isolated incident," it said. "We hope it will not be repeated and will not harm the climate of tolerance in our country."




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I wonder what would happen if an imam were killed in europe. Probably we would watching the flames and smoke rising from the big cities of europe.


Thanx to those empathy handicapped danish provacateus and gormless, paranoid muslim hordes. They have gifted us another embarassing page in our history.


My land or our land anyway, is being ***ed again...


fed up being a turk...

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The more light the news media shed on Turkey the better. She should be exposed for what she really is.

In the same way the U.S. must be "exposed" for what Timothy McVeigh did, I gather, or what countless American hicks have been doing to Middle Easterners, among them Copts. Or how about that Brazilian shot in London?

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There are numerous Timothy McVeigh types documented in the media. Most of these lunatics sit on the right-hand side of the political spectrum. The world knows about these elements. Turkey has white-washed itself to the world. Are you familiar with the Grey Wolves?


You don't have to tell me about American hicks harboring homicidal feelings, since I am an Armenian who was raised among the "germags." During the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis, I was attacked by a bunch of hoodlums. When I told them that I was Armenian and not Iranian, they said "No difference, we will kill you anyway."



In the same way the U.S. must be "exposed" for what Timothy McVeigh did, I gather, or what countless American hicks have been doing to Middle Easterners, among them Copts. Or how about that Brazilian shot in London?
Edited by phantom22
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and soon after the Roman Catholic priest was shot our ARmenia Patriarch of Istanbul is in news


Armenian Patriarch of Istanbul and All Turkey Condemned Cartoon Caricatures of Prophet Muhammad

07.02.2006 00:25 GMT+04:00 Print version Send to mail

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ His Beatitude Mesrob II, Armenian Patriarch of Istanbul and All Turkey, made a statement on the subject of the cartoon caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in the western media, reported Lraper bulletin of the Armenian partiarchate in Istanbul. The statement says, in part, "Both I and the members of the Spiritual Council of our Patriarchal See condemn the publication, first in Denmark, and then in Norway, Germany, Holland, Italy, Iceland, Mexico, and in France of the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, which are openly political propaganda aimed at the adherents of the religion of Islam. "The justification given in a French newspaper for the publication of these cartoons as 'testing the limits of the freedom of expression' is nonsense and unacceptable. "The press here has not exceeded the freedom of expression but has gone beyond what is ethical. It has hurt large numbers of people and has dealt a blow to a newly beginning and accelerating dialogue of civilizations. I think that this sort of behavior is something quite other than testing the reactions of radical and liberal elements; it is a serious question of human rights. The rights of religiously believing persons are as important as the freedom of the press and of commerce."

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A Dane apologises to Muslims






Sorry for giving you a home and assistance.

Sorry for giving you an education, free of charge.

Sorry for helping you economically.

Sorry for letting you exercise your religion freely in our Christian country.

Sorry for sending foreign aid to your home countries.

Sorry for not starting blood feuds over your murders of our countrymen.

Sorry for not wearing explosive belts and blowing ourselves up in public when our feelings are hurt.

Sorry for not following the requirements of your religion.


But an apology for speaking up in our own nation according to our own laws? That, you’ll never have.


- A letter to the editor, printed in the Ekstrabladet newspaper


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