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The Gurgen Margaryan :trial:


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Yeah Turkey is not involved! I'm sure they are not involved in Syria as well. ;)






Anadolu Agency

Sept 6 2012




ANKARA (AA) -September 5, 2012 -Turkish spokesman has said that efforts

to make Turkey a target in a recent tension between Azerbaijan and

Armenia was a new defamation campaign against Turkey.


Turkey was not involved in any phase of recent tension between

Azerbaijan and Armenia, Foreign Ministry spokesman Selcuk Unal said

on Wednesday.


Ramil Safarov who killed Armenian soldier Gurgen Markarian at a

military academy in Budapest in 2004 was sentenced to life imprisonment

and then he was transferred from Hungary to Azerbaijan.


Later he was given an official pardon by President Ilham Aliyev after

returning to his country.


Unal said that reactions by Armenian diaspora in the United States

over the issue were directed towards Turkey, stating that Turkey was

not involved in any phase of it. Some malicious circles tried to make

Turkey a target and it was another defamation campaign against Turkey,

he added.

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Is this misinformation? Or the Nato chief is kissing azeri oil ass? :angry:






Hurriyet Daily News

Sept 7 2012



NATO chief has praised oil-rich Azerbaijan for its closer security

cooperation with the alliance amid heightened regional tensions due to

the pardoning of an Azeri officer who murdered an Armenian counterpart.


"Our ties are developing steadily and positively," Anders Fogh

Rasmussen said after talks with Azeri President Ä°lham Alyiev

on Sept. 7.


The secretary general said Azerbaijan was a "valuable partner for

NATO," adding that both sides had "an opportunity to build a solid,

long-term partnership."


Rasmussen thanked Azerbaijan for its participation in the NATO-led

mission in Afghanistan and conveyed the alliance's appreciation

for the country's additional support given to NATO operations via

over-flight rights and transit lines.


But Aliyev remained defiant over Rasmussen's criticism of the pardoning

of an Azeri officer who axed to death an Armenian serviceman in 2004

during a NATO training seminar in Budapest. "Armenia is unjustifiably

kicking up a fuss over Ramil Safarov's pardoning," Aliyev said,

arguing that the process was legal and fair.


'In line with convention'


"Safarov was extradited in conformity with the European Convention

[on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons] and his pardoning is based on

Azerbaijani legislation," Agence France-Presse quoted him as saying.


Reiterating his concerns over the incident, the NATO chief said, "The

act he committed in 2004 was a crime that should not be glorified,

as this damages trust and does not contribute to the peace process."


Rasmussen made the same statement in the Armenian capital Yerevan on

Sept. 6, where public outrage over the case has sparked large protests.


Touching on the tensions between Baku and Yerevan, Rasmussen said:

"Two things are clear. First, that there is no military solution.


Second, the only way forward is through dialogue, compromise and

cooperation." Yerevan has broken off diplomatic links with Budapest,

which had been assured by Baku that the killer would serve out his

prison term in Azerbaijan.


Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said Sept. 6 that "making a hero out

of a criminal is unacceptable" and accused Azerbaijan of endangering

the fragile peace.





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Is this misinformation? Or the Nato chief is kissing azeri oil ass? :angry:






Hurriyet Daily News

Sept 7 2012



NATO chief has praised oil-rich Azerbaijan for its closer security

cooperation with the alliance amid heightened regional tensions due to

the pardoning of an Azeri officer who murdered an Armenian counterpart.


"Our ties are developing steadily and positively," Anders Fogh

Rasmussen said after talks with Azeri President Ä°lham Alyiev

on Sept. 7.


The secretary general said Azerbaijan was a "valuable partner for

NATO," adding that both sides had "an opportunity to build a solid,

long-term partnership."


Rasmussen thanked Azerbaijan for its participation in the NATO-led

mission in Afghanistan and conveyed the alliance's appreciation

for the country's additional support given to NATO operations via

over-flight rights and transit lines.


But Aliyev remained defiant over Rasmussen's criticism of the pardoning

of an Azeri officer who axed to death an Armenian serviceman in 2004

during a NATO training seminar in Budapest. "Armenia is unjustifiably

kicking up a fuss over Ramil Safarov's pardoning," Aliyev said,

arguing that the process was legal and fair.


'In line with convention'


"Safarov was extradited in conformity with the European Convention

[on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons] and his pardoning is based on

Azerbaijani legislation," Agence France-Presse quoted him as saying.


Reiterating his concerns over the incident, the NATO chief said, "The

act he committed in 2004 was a crime that should not be glorified,

as this damages trust and does not contribute to the peace process."


Rasmussen made the same statement in the Armenian capital Yerevan on

Sept. 6, where public outrage over the case has sparked large protests.


Touching on the tensions between Baku and Yerevan, Rasmussen said:

"Two things are clear. First, that there is no military solution.


Second, the only way forward is through dialogue, compromise and

cooperation." Yerevan has broken off diplomatic links with Budapest,

which had been assured by Baku that the killer would serve out his

prison term in Azerbaijan.


Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said Sept. 6 that "making a hero out

of a criminal is unacceptable" and accused Azerbaijan of endangering

the fragile peace.





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I guess Nato chief is kissing azeri ASS.





by Giorgi Lomsadze



Sept 7 2012



NATO boss Anders fogh Rasmussen has slapped Baku on the wrist for

pardoning the murderer of an Armenian army officer (and glorifying him,

to boot), but the gesture appears to have left Yerevan unimpressed.


In this tough-spoken part of the world, "deep concern" is widely seen

as a Western diplomatic term for "This was bad, but we are not going

to do anything about it." And subsequent tweets expressing NATO's

appreciation of Azerbaijan's role in the Afghanistan campaign and of

Baku's partnership with the Alliance would particularly not correct

that impression.


Many Armenians believe that the Alliance bears some responsibility for

the 2004 axe murder since it happened at a NATO seminar in Budapest.


Rasmussen does not.


Arguably, at a time like this, whatever he said on his

Armenia-Azerbaijan tour, the general secretary would be left having

to balance on an extremely high wire. But the question is to what

extent his presence gave both sides pause amidst their rush of rage

or simply directed their anger at another target -- the international

community itself.


Some Azerbaijani commentators, in a reflection of ongoing domestic

debate about President Ilham Aliyev's pardon, expressed long-standing

frustration with the Minsk Group discussions.


Armenia had its own thoughts. As Rasmussen jetted off to Baku,

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan declared that the Safarov pardon

was "an attempt to test the international community's reaction to

Azerbaijan's unusual steps." (He himself later headed off to Nagorno

Karabakh for the inauguration of de-facto leader Bako Saakian.)


How this chapter of the Karabakh conflict will end is anyone's guess,

but don't look for the international community to go out on a limb

at this point.



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On September 6th, the Secretary General of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen

paid a working visit to Yerevan. When the visit was originally planned

the topics of discussion were to include Armenia's participation

in the ISAF in Afghanistan as well as the overall "benefits" that

Armenia receives from the NATO Partnership for Peace program.


However, the extradition of axe-murderer, Ramil Safarov, by Hungary

has caused an international fiasco. While Rasmussen stopped short of

criticizing NATO member Hungary, he did criticize the Azerbaijan's

decision to pardon the killer. It may be that NATO is asking the tough

questions behind the scenes via diplomatic channels and therefore did

not want to publicly embarrass a member state. However, as President

Sargsyan said in his August 31st address to foreign diplomats in

Yerevan, the time for empty rhetoric and unclear statements are over;

Armenia is expecting clear actions from the international community,

particularly from the Minsk Group co-chair nations, and NATO. If

the latter organization values its relationship with Yerevan then it

should take the proper measures to address the dim-witted actions of

a member state, and curtail or cut relations with Azerbaijan. NATO

must unequivocally condemn Azerbaijan. The next stop on Rasmussen's

tour is Baku, where he has promised to raise this issue with the

Azerbaijani regime.


As we Armenians watched in disgust, the murderer's deplorable action

was celebrated by Azerbaijani state officials and the Azerbaijani

people. The mirth of the Azerbaijani's at such an act are not

surprising when one closely examines the state sponsored anti-Armenian

propaganda that has been disseminated virtually on a daily basis by

the Azerbaijani government and its pseudo-intelligentsia in recent

years. In fact, their anti-Armenian hysteria is eerily similar to what

the global community witnessed in Nazi Germany during the 1930s. One

only needs to read Azerbaijani commentaries about Armenia and Armenians

to get a good sense of how deep and how widespread the Azerbaijani

hate is toward Armenians today. Therefore, when the international

community observes a convicted murderer being adored as a hero by

his countrymen for having axed to death an Armenian in his sleep,

it should not come as a shock to anyone. In fact, this action by

Baku clearly reveals why Armenians can not and will not live under

Azerbaijani subjugation ever again.


Ironically, this one event has done more to advance the case

of Artsakh's independence and eventual de jure re-unification with

Armenia than several years of negotiations under the auspices of the

OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship. The primary goal of official Yerevan

should now be to lobby harder for the international recognition of

Artsakh; showcasing the barbaric salutations of joy and praise for

a killer that was on display in Azerbaijan last week. The small

amount of mutual respect that existed prior to this event has all

but evaporated, and it is hard to see how the Armenian leadership

can continue to convince the Armenian people that a credible and

mutually beneficial deal can be struck with Azerbaijan. Clearly,

one side is interested in peace and prosperity, while the other is

intent on winning what they see as a zero sum game, regardless of

the damage done to the other party. Therefore, the current situation

is not conducive to achieving a breakthrough neither in negotiations

nor toward establishing a lasting peace in the region.


Although some analysts of the Caucasus have warned that a new war is

more likely now than before, this is unrealistic. Armenian policymakers

know better than to launch a war and disrupt a status quo that in

fact favors Armenia and Artsakh. The cold blooded murder of a soldier

and the celebration of the act by the enemy are not grounds for war,

irrespective of how abhorrent the crime is to civilized persons. For

his part, Aliyev Jr. knows that his despotic regime can not survive

without a total victory, and a victory against Armenia is something

that he knows is not very likely. Had Aliyev been confident of a

military victory over Armenia he would have launched a war many years

ago. As far as Baku is concerned, it's far better to use the 'Armenian

threat' in order to distract their disgruntled masses than to deal

with the urgent social and psychological problems of their people,

and the rampant corruption of the Azerbaijani government. This is

essentially why the extradition of the axe-murderer was so important

to the Aliyev regime. Despite their bombastic claims that Azerbaijan

is superior to Armenia, they have had so very little to show. Not to

mention the repeated call to 'liberate Qarabag', which has begun to

fall on deaf ears in recent years. Therefore this tiny token of an

"Azerbaijani victory" was sorely needed to appease the bloodlust of

the Azerbaijani populace.


As for Hungary, I believe Karl Marx's statement that "money turns

everything into a commodity that can be bought and sold: government,

honor, morality, the writing of history, legality" is apt. Indeed,

the action of official Budapest, which was expecting Azerbaijan to

buy ~@2-3 billion worth of Hungarian government bonds, has been

the latest example of the maxim that everyone and everything has

a price. It is now up to the Hungarian people to either punish or

praise the disgraced government of Viktor Orban, and judging from the

recent online petitions and demonstrations taking place in Budapest,

punishment seems more likely... and rightly deserved.


Vilen Khlgatyan is the Vice-Chairman of Political Developments Research

Center (PDRC)

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The New York Times. «Սաֆարովի գործը» սպառնում է վերջ դնել Հայաստանի եւ Ադրբեջանի միջեւ հակամարտության կարգավորման գործընթացին


Սեպտեմբեր 08, 2012 | 02:41

«Սաֆարովի գործը» սպառնում է վերջ դնել Հայաստանի եւ Ադրբեջանի միջեւ հակամարտության կարգավորման գործընթացին եւ վերաճել արյունալի պատերազմի:


Նավթով հարուստ Ադրբեջանը մշտապես ճնշում է գործադրել Հունգարիայի վրա` Սաֆարովի արտահանձնման համար` չնայած Հայաստանի բողոքներին: Պաշտոնական Բուդապեշտը որպես արդարացում հայտարարել է, թե Ադրբեջանի հետ գոյություն է ունեցել գրավոր պայմանավորվածություն, որ Սաֆարովն ազատ կարձակվի 25 տարի պատիժը կրելուց հետո, սակայն հայրենիք վերադառնալուն պես նա Ադրբեջանի նախագահի կողմից ներման արժանացավ:


Սաֆարովին ներման արժանացնելու իրադարձությունն այնքան էր ոգեւորել Ադրբեջանի քաղաքացիներին, որ անգամ անծանոթները փողոցում շնորհավորում էին միմյանց:


Առայժմ հայտնի չէ, թե ինչ կերպ կարձագանքի այդ իրադարձություններին հայկական կողմը:


«Մենք ոչ մի դեպքում պատերազմ չենք ցանկանում, սակայն եթե ստիպված լինենք ռազմական գործողություններ սկսել, կպայքարենք եւ կհաղթենք»,-հայտարարել էր Հայաստանի նախագահ Սերժ Սարգսյանը սեպտեմբերի 3-ին:


Հայաստանի ընդդիմությունն առաջարկեց ճանաչել Լեռնային Ղարաբաղի անկախությունը: Քայլ, որը կարող է նշանակել Հայաստանի եւ Ադրբեջանի միջեւ խաղաղ բանակցությունների ավարտ: Հայաստանն իր հերթին կարող է բարդացնել իրավիճակը` բացելով Ստեփանակերտի օդանավակայանը:


«Ես կասկածում եմ նրանում, որ կողմերը փորձել են ռազմական գործողությունների սկիզբ դնել, սակայն այս իրադարձությունները կարող են պատահական կերպով ռազմական հակամարտության պատճառ դառնալ»,-ասում է վերլուծաբան Ռիչարդ Կիրակոսյանը:


Ադրբեջանի նախագահ Իլհամ Ալիեւը վերջին շրջանում ոչ քիչ գումարներ է դրել` երկրի վարկանիշը բարձրացնելու համար, մասնավորապես, ընդունելով «Եվրատեսիլ» մրցույթը, սակայն Ադրբեջանի դիրքերը սասանվեցին, երբ պաշտոնական Վաշինգտոնն ու Մոսկվան իրենց դժգոհությունը հայտնեցին մարդասպանի ներման առնչությամբ:


«Սաֆարովի տուն վերադարձը հաղթանակի մասին հայտարարելու պարզունակ միջոց է: Հային սպանած այդպիսի հերոսին աջակցությունը հավասարեցնում է հերոսի եւ նախագահի կարգավիճակները: Բավականին հրատապ է` հաշվի առնելով առաջիկա նախագահական ընտրությունները»,-հայտարարել է ադրբեջանցի ընդդիմադիր գործիչ Զուրդուշտ Ալիզադեն:


«Այդ իրավիճակը նման է նրան, ինչ տեղի ունեցավ Բալկաններում: Դա արյունալի հաշվեհարդար էր: Միաժամանակ` վտանգ կա, որ այս տարածաշրջանում հակամարտությունը նոր ուժով կբռնկվի»-հայտարարել է Ալիզադեն:





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Baku tries to justify itself, says never declared axe-killer “hero”

http://media.pn.am/media/issue/122/182/photo/122182.jpghttp://static.pn.am/images/l_op1_eng.gifSeptember 8, 2012 - 18:17 AMTPanARMENIAN.Net - Having faced harsh worldwide criticism for pardon and release of Azeri criminal Ramil Safarov convicted for axe-murdering an Armenian officer in Budapest, the official Baku attempts to justify itself in the eyes of international community.


According to the chief of social-political department of Presidential Administration Ali Hasanov, Azerbaijan hasn’t officially announced Safarov a hero or extolled his crime. As he noted, “Baku has merely released its soldier who’s served 8,5 years in prison and proved that he poses no social or international threat.”


Turns out, “the high interest of Azeri society to Safarov case prompted him to be declared a hero, while the official Baku is in no way exulted over the developments.”


If Hasanov’s words are true, welcoming criminals with flowers, gifting them apartments, promoting them to higher posts is in the order of things.


To say nothing of Azeri statements, citing Safarov as an “example for future generations, a model of bravery, who shed the blood of the enemy.” Doesn’t matter if the enemy was axe-murdered at peaceful time, while asleep in his bed.


Baku’s wish to restore its tarred reputation is understandable, considering severe criticism of the international community, from UN, NATO to the Council of Europe. Every major state and superpower slammed Baku for undermining Karabakh settlement through the criminal’s release.


Seems like Baku itself is not happy over the step which led the international community to realize: under no circumstances can Artsakh become a part of a country cultivating the image of the likes of Safarov.


Marina Ananikyan / PanARMENIAN News

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European Parliament to adopt resolution on Safarov release case

http://media.pn.am/media/issue/122/168/photo/122168.jpgSeptember 8, 2012 - 13:30 AMTPanARMENIAN.Net - European Parliament has scheduled a debate on Hungary-extradited Azeri criminal Ramil Safarov convicted for murdering an Armenian officer.


The debate will be held in the framework of discussions on human rights and democracy at September 13 plenary sitting in Strasburg.


A resolution will be adopted following the debate, European Parliament official website said.


Ramil Safarov, the Azerbaijani army officer who was serving a life sentence in Hungary for axing to death Armenian Lt. Gurgen Margaryan, was extradited to Azerbaijan and pardoned by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.


Official Yerevan reacted by suspending diplomatic ties with Hungary.


Hungary, however, states that it had sent Safarov back to Azerbaijan after receiving assurances from the Azerbaijani Justice Ministry that Safarov's sentence, which included the possibility of parole after 25 years, would be enforced.


According to some reports, Safarov was extradited to Azerbaijan in exchange for Azeri purchase of Hungarian securities worth Euro 2-3 billion, an information official Budapest denies.



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Hungarian Foreign Minister: No insult intended in Safarov affair


Photo: government.hu


Janos Martonyi



Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Janos Martonyi, says Armenians should not feel offended at his country for releasing Ramil Safarov, the murderer of Gurgen Margaryan.



In a letter to his Armenian counterpart Eduard Nalbandian, Martonyi said Hungary acted within the bounds of international regulations and that the transaction that sent Safarov home to Azerbaijan where he was pardoned was “purely of a legal nature”.



Martonyi’s letter reminded Nalbandian of the long-standing friendship between Hungary and Armenia and intimated that “Christian values connecting the two peoples for a thousand years'' should not be tarnished simply because his country released an axe-murdering Muslim.


The foreign minister also warned that Armenia would suffer should diplomatic relations not be restored.

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Heffern: US wants answers in Safarov case




US Ambassador to Armenia John Heffern (L) and Armenia's Prosecutor General Avghan Hovsepyan

Washington expects explanations from Budapest and Baku with respect to Ramil Safarov’s extradition and pardon, US Ambassador to Armenia John Heffern stated Monday, at Armenia’s Chief Prosecutor’s Office, during official signing of the agreement on continuing the juridical cooperation between Armenia and US.


The Ambassador recalled that the US made an announcement immediately after the extradition, and expressed a concern and apprehension by this development.


“I want to reconfirm that the US, as an OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair, is against any manifestations that threaten the fragile peace process. We expect explanations from Budapest and Baku, and we will be persistent in receiving them,” the US Ambassador stressed.

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NYT article slams U.S. for sacrificing justice in axe-killer case for Azeri oil

http://media.pn.am/media/issue/122/377/photo/122377.jpgSeptember 10, 2012 - 18:51 AMTPanARMENIAN.Net - In recent days there have been two symbolic events that run the danger of igniting hostilities in an already tense neighborhood of the Caucasus, The New York Times-published article titled “Two Steps Backwards in the Caucasus” said.


“On Aug. 31 a former Azerbaijan Army lieutenant, Ramil Safarov, flew back to Baku after serving eight years in a Budapest jail for killing Gurgen Margaryan in 2004. The victim, an Armenian officer, had been a fellow participant in a NATO Partnership for Peace exercise. Safarov hacked him to death in his sleep with an ax.


Immediately upon his arrival in Baku, Lieutenant Safarov was pardoned by President Ilham Aliyev, restored to military duties, promoted to major, given an apartment and awarded back pay for his time in prison. These actions drew universal condemnation from Washington, Moscow and European governments.


Apart from the fact that such a step is an affront to basic notions of justice and the rule of law, even more troubling is the message that it sends to the rest of the world: that the Azerbaijani government thinks it is acceptable to kill Armenians. Apparently, the grievances they suffered in their defeat by Armenian forces in 1992-94 are so profound that even murder is excusable. It is hard, then, to ask the Armenians living in Karabakh to quietly accept the idea that the solution to the issue is for them to return to living under Azerbaijani rule,” Professor Peter Rutland said in his article.


“Compounding the problem was a less significant but still noteworthy gesture. On Sept. 3, Richard Morningstar, the new U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan, paid his respects to Heidar Aliyev, the deceased former president (and father of the incumbent), by laying a wreath at his statue in central Baku. Apparently it is standard protocol for U.S. ambassadors to include this stop in their round of duties when arriving in Baku. Photographs also clearly showed the ambassador bowing his head before the monument, though a State Department spokesman later denied this.


Mr. Morningstar’s far from empty gesture sent two wrong signals.


First, it is disheartening to democratic activists to see the United States so cravenly supporting dictatorship as a suitable form of rule, a pattern all too familiar from U.S. policy toward the entire Middle East.


Second, it signals to Armenia — and its principal ally, Russia — that the United States is an unqualified backer of the Azerbaijani government, warts and all. Strategic interests — Caspian oil, access to Central Asia, containment of Iran — count for more than the niceties of human rights and democratic procedure.


This makes it all but impossible for Armenia to expect the United States to act as an honest broker in the peace process. And if the United States cannot play that role, no one else will.


Diplomacy has long revolved around such symbolic acts. When Chancellor Willy Brandt fell to his knees before the monument to the Warsaw Ghetto in 1970 he turned a page in German atonement for its past atrocities. In the same spirit, Vladimir Putin sent a clear message of reconciliation when in 2010 he knelt at the monument to the Polish officers killed at Katyn on Stalin’s orders.


What we need in the Caucasus are leaders willing to follow the examples of Mr. Brandt and Mr. Putin, with the courage to show contrition and a willingness to meet with their former adversary and figure out a way to live together. We may be in for a long wait,” the article concluded.



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Armenian Americans demand Azeri axe-murderer’s re-incarceration

http://media.pn.am/media/issue/122/391/photo/122391.jpgSeptember 10, 2012 - 20:13 AMTPanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian Americans from throughout the Greater Washington DC area called Hungary's release and Azerbaijan's pardon and glorification of convicted axe-murderer Ramil Safarov a travesty of justice and pressed for the killer's immediate re-incarceration, at a demonstration held in front of the Hungarian Embassy.


"Hungary's extradition of an unrepentant axe-murderer to Azerbaijan, where his actions were hailed as heroic from the moment he committed the crime, is simply unconscionable and must be reversed," said AYF Ani Chapter Chairwoman Tevin Poladian. "President Aliyev's unapologetic pardon and rewarding of Safarov sends a clear message to the rest of his troops - 'kill a defenseless Armenian and you can be promoted in rank and get a new apartment,' - certainly not the actions of a leader committed to peace."


The September 9th protest, organized by the local ARF Sebouh Gomideh and AYF Ani chapter, was the second in two weeks to be held in the nation's capital. The first was an impromptu action held on August 31st, just hours after media reports of Hungary's extradition of Safarov, an Azerbaijani army officer serving a life-sentence for brutally hacking to death Armenian Lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan, in his sleep, during a NATO sponsored English language training program in Hungary in 2004. Armenian communities worldwide have protested Hungary's release and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev's immediate, pardon, promotion and compensation of Safarov, who has been glorified by Azerbaijani government and media alike.


During remarks offered at the protest, ARF Sebouh Gomideh member Hovsep Avakian noted that Safarov's release is simply the most recently example of the Azerbaijani Government's efforts to undermine the internationally mediated Nagorno Karabakh peace talks, citing the Aliyev regime's constant cease-fire violations against Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh and repeated calls for war. "How can President Aliyev be considered a reliable partner for peace, when his actions are geared to incite violence, hatred and war?"


Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Executive Director Aram Hamparian cited the international outrage at Hungary and Azerbaijan's actions, including statements by the White House and State Department issued within hours of Safarov's release. "Statements are an important first step," said Hamparian, "but what is needed now is action - including a ban on all U.S. military assistance and sales to Azerbaijan."


The ANCA has encouraged Armenian Americans and people of good conscience to reach out to their U.S. Senators and Representatives, asking that they support a range of pro-Armenian foreign aid priorities, including cutting off all military assistance to Azerbaijan, humanitarian and relocation assistance for the vulnerable Armenian population in Syria, assistance to Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.


At the end of the protest, Soorp Khatch Armenian Church pastor, Rev. Fr. Sarkis Aktavoukian and St. Mary Armenian Church pastor, Rev. Fr. Hovsep Karapetyan, led protesters in prayers and a requiem ceremony in memory of slain Armenian soldier Gurgen Margaryan.


A community-wide protest in front of the Hungarian United Nations Mission in New York is planned for Monday evening, September 10th at 6:30pm.



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Leaked doc suggests Azerbaijan cheated Hungary - report


September 10, 2012 - 14:22 AMTPanARMENIAN.Net - A restricted document issued by the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs (MKI), leaked by news website nol.hu last week, indicates that Hungarian authorities were misled by Azerbaijan in connection with the handover of the Azeri officer who killed an Armenian officer in Hungary eight years ago, according to politics.hu.


The MKI’s head Botond Zakonyi said the leaking of the document, which analyzed the diplomatic situation, had been “unfortunate”. The Institute, a government agency for foreign affairs, regularly issues such reports on key affairs of Hungarian diplomacy, he added.


The document, according to nol.hu, stated that Prime Minister

Viktor Orban had met Azeri President Ilham Aliyev to discuss the repatriation of the prisoner. Aliyev promised him that the life-sentenced Ramil Safarov would be kept behind bars, the doc said.


The MKI report concluded that Hungary had been misled by the Azeri president, nol.hu reported, citing a copy of the document. It added that Hungary was surprised by Safarov’s release and needed 24 hours to formulate an official government position on the matter. The report added that Azerbaijan tried to give the false impression there had been an agreement with Hungary on Safarov’s release.


“Azerbaijan is much more important to Hungary at the moment than vice versa,” the report said, adding that for this reason Budapest would not openly say that the Azeri president had misled Orban.


The MKI suggested that Hungary should pursue a communications strategy which made it plain that the release had been made without Hungary’s consent. “We must speak of a misunderstanding,” the report said.


The report said it was clear that relations between Hungary and Armenia would be icy for a period of time but it added that “in the medium-term relations could be revived through hard work.”


Safarov was convicted in Hungary in 2006 for murdering the Armenian officer Gurgen Margaryan two years earlier, when the two men attended a NATO English-language course together.



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Ինչի՞ մասին են խոսել Օրբանը եւ Ալիեւը. Հունգարական լրատվամիջոցները բացահայտում են մանրամասները


Սեպտեմբեր 10, 2012 | 15:40

Ադրբեջանը շփոթեցրել է Հունգարիային, ասվում է Հունգարիայի միջազգային գործերի ինստիտուտի գաղտնի զեկույցում` Ռամիլ Սաֆարովի արտահանձնման հետ կապված: Զեկույցը հունգարական լրատվամիջոցների տրամադրության տակ է հայտնվել:


Զեկույցում նշվում է, որ վարչապետ Վիկտոր Օրբանի եւ Ադրբեջանի նախագահ Իլհամ Ալիեւի հանդիպման ժամանակ վերջինս նրան երաշխավորել է, որ Սաֆարովը հայրենիքում բանտում կպահվի, գրում է հունգարական nol.hu կայքը:


Զեկույցի հեղինակները նշում են, որ Ադրբեջանը ցանկանում է սխալ տպավորություն ստեղծել մարդասպանի ազատման հարցում Հունգարիայի համաձայնության մասին: Ադրբեջանն այժմ շատ կարեւոր է Հունգարիայի համար, այդ պատճառով էլ Բուդապեշտը չի կարող բացահայտ ասել, որ Ադրբեջանի նախագահը խաբել է Օրբանին:


Զեկույցում նաեւ նշվում է, որ Հայաստանի եւ Հունգարիայի միջեւ հարաբերությունները սառը կմնան:


Մինչդեռ Ադրբեջանի նախագահի հասարակական-քաղաքական հարցերով բաժնի վարիչ Ալի Հասանովը հայտարարել էր, որ Հունգարիայի ղեկավարությունը գիտեր Ռամիլ Սաֆարովի հնարավոր ներման մասին:


Նշենք, որ միջազգային հանրության` այս իրադարձության հետ կապված բուռն արձագանքից հետո Հունգարիայի իշխանությունները ծավալել են իրենց «անտեղյակությունը» ցուցադրելու մի ամբողջ գործողություն: Սակայն հայկական կողմը չի հավատացել նաեւ, որ հունգարական կողմը տեղյակ չէր Ռամիլ Սաֆարովին ներելու Ադրբեջանի մտադրությունների մասին:


Ինչպես ավելի վաղ հայտնել էր NEWS.am-ը, օգոստոսի 31-ին Հայաստանը դադարեցրել էր դիվանագիտական հարաբերությունները Հունգարիայի հետ այն բանից հետո, երբ հայտնի էր դաձել, որ հայ սպայի սպանության համար Հունգարիայում դատապարտված ադրբեջանցի զինծառայող Ռամիլ Սաֆարովը արտահանձնվել էր Ադրբեջան, որտեղ էլ ազատություն էր ստացել:



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Սաուդյան թերթ. Անկախ ամեն ինչից Սաֆարովը սառնասիրտ մարդասպան է


Սեպտեմբեր 11, 2012 | 00:15

Անկախ այն բանից, թե Լեռնային Ղարաբաղի հարցում ով է մեղավոր, Սաֆարովը մարդասպան է: Նրա հանցագործությանը արդարացում չկա, գրել է սաուդյան «Saudi Gazette» թերթը խմբագրականում: «Կարճ ասած, Ադրբեջանի նախագահ Իլհամ Ալիեւը բոլորի աչքի առջեւ չարդարացրեց իր հանդեպ վստահությունը եւ խաբեց: Իսկ դա կարող է թունավորել նրա երկրի եւ Եվրամիության հարաբերությունները:


Ոչ ոք Բուդապեշտում չէր սպասում, որ մեկ այլ երկրի կառավության տված լրջագույն խոստումները այդքան շուտ կդրժվեին: Ոչ մի հերոսություն չկա սառնասրտորեն մարդ սպանելու մեջ, եւ դրա հերոսականացումը ափսոսանք է առաջացնում: Սաֆարովին հերոսի նման ընդունող Ադրբեջանի բնակիչները պետք է մտածեն, թե ինչպես իրենց կզգային, եթե իրավիճակը փոխվեր ճիշտ հակառակը: Այսինքն՝ հայ սպան սպաներ Սաֆարովին, հետո ցմահ ազատազտրկվեր, ապա արտահանձնվեր Հայաստան, որից հետո նա միանգամից ազատ արձակվեր, կոչումը բարձրացվեր ու դրամական պարգեւ ստանար»,- գրել է թերթը:


Սաֆարովի ազատարկումը միանգամայն արդարացի էր: Այնուհանդերձ հունգարացիները թույլ են տվել, որ իրենց համեզեն, որ մարդասպանը «կնստի տանը, որտեղ նրան կարող են այցելել հարազատները եւ վերջապես նա կարող է իր հայրենիքում լինել»:


«Saudi Gazette»-ն ընդգծում է, որ այս գործը երկու երկրների միջեւ թշնամանքին չի վերաբերում, այլ պարզապես օրենքին եւ երկու ինքնիշխան երկրների մեկմեկու նկատմամբ վստահությանը (չնայած՝ հոդվածում նշվում է, որ միջազգային իրավունքով Ադրբեջանն ունի առավելություն): Օրենքի գերակայության նկատմամբ անարգալից վարք դրսեւորելով ու ցուցադրելով իր իսկ խոսքի անարժեքավորությունը, ալիեւյան իշխանությունը ոչինչ չկարողացավ շահել, իսկ հետագայում կարող է նաեւ հասկանալ, թե ինչպիսի գին պետք է վճարի իր վարքի պատճառով: «Կարելի է վստահաբար պնդել, որ այս պատմությունը Ադրբեջանին ոչ մի կերպ չօգնեց հաստատելու իր պահանջների Լեռնային Ղարաբաղի նկատմամբ»,- ընդգծում է թերթը:


Նշենք, որ հրապարակված հոդվածի տակ մի քանի հայ օգտագործողներ մեկնաբանություն են թողել, որ Ադրբեջանի կողմից մեջբերվող տարածքային ամբողջականության սկզբունքին Հայաստանը նշում է ազգերի ինքնորոշման իրավունքի մասին սկզբունքը, որը հավասարազոր է միջազգային իրավունքում:





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Safarov’s pardoning to hamper Karabakh settlement - US Ambassador to Azerbaijan


September 10, 2012 | 17:53

BAKU. – The U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan Richard Morningstar believes that the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process, despite recent tension in the region, will go on. The Ambassador, in addition, does not believe in the possibility of new war.


Morningstar emphasizes the importance that Armenia and Azerbaijan go on the talks within the frameworks of the OSCE Minsk Group and come to a peace solution. As a mediator country, the Unites States will continue efforts for finding such solutions, 1news.az reports.


He also re-confirmed the approach by the U.S. State Department and the White House in connection with Azeri murderer Safarov, stressing that it does not promote the reduction of tension in the region but hampers the establishment of relations.


Armenian News-NEWS.am has earlier informed that Armenia suspended diplomatic ties with Hungary as the Azeri murderer Ramil Safarov, who was sentenced for life in jail in Hungary for having killed the Armenian lieutenant, was extradited to Azerbaijan and granted a pardon in Baku on Aug. 31.





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Azerbaijan should be excluded from UN Security Council - Union of Armenians of Russia


September 07, 2012 | 20:42

MOSCOW. – Head of the Union of Armenians of Russia Ara Abrahamyan met with the Hungarian Ambassador to Russia on Friday following a protest action in front of the Hungarian Embassy in Moscow. Abrahamyan gave the Ambassador a petition representing the protest action participants.


During the meeting, Abrahamyan presented the Union’s approach to the reaction in Armenia following the extradition of Azerbaijani murderer Safarov from Hungary to Azerbaijan and his immediate release there. Abrahamyan also added that the Ambassador should write a letter to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, in which he should assess the extradition of the murderer, who was convicted for murder motivated by ethnic hatred.


The Hungarian Ambassador promised to inform about the protest and the demand of its participants the Hungarian authorities, as well as he assured that the Hungarian people, as before, are kind to the Armenian people.





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Baku confesses Hungarian authorities were aware of release of Azeri murderer




http://img.newsam.com/news/120266.jpgSeptember 08, 2012 | 20:01

BAKU. – The Hungarian authorities were aware that Azerbaijani authorities will pardon Ramil Safarov, who killed Armenian lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan, Azerbaijani presidential administration representative Ali Hasanov said in an interview with Media-forum.


“We enjoyed wide support of the interactional law and laws of Azerbaijan while granting a pardon to Ramil Safarov. Besides, the extradition of Safarov by the Hungarian authorities also was in accordance with law and the European Convention. In addition, the Hungarian authorities were aware of Safarov’s possible pardon,” he said.


To note, the Hungarian authorities tried to justify themselves by insisting they were unaware of the consequences preceding the extradition and granting a pardon to Safarov.


“Azerbaijan assured us, with an official letter, that Ramil Safarov will continue serving his sentence in [the Azerbaijani capital city] Baku,” the Hungarian Ministry of Public Administration and Justice stated.


Despite previous cooperation and arrangements, the Hungarian Ministry was not expecting for Azerbaijan - represented by the country’s Justice Ministry - to release Safarov upon arrival in Azerbaijan.


Hungary’s State Secretary handed the ambassador a diplomatic note whereby the Hungarian MFA expresses its concern that Safarov will not serve his sentence.


The Armenian side also did not believe that the Hungarian side was unaware of Azerbaijan’s intentions on pardoning Safarov.


Armenian News-NEWS.am earlier reported that Armenia’s President Serzh Sargsyan announced on August 31 that Armenia is suspending its diplomatic ties with Hungary.



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Carnegie Endowment expert claims no justification to Azerbaijani actions on Azeri murderer release


http://img.newsam.com/news/120229.jpgSeptember 08, 2012 | 17:35

Carnegie Endowment senior specialist Thomas de Waal does not see likelihood that Armenia’s President Serzh Sargsyan will agree to face to face talks with his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev in the near future, de Waal said in an online conference.


Besides, he believes that the Armenian side may recognize Nagorno-Karabakh’s independence, which will put an end to the OSCE Minsk Group process and there will be nothing left for Yerevan and Baku to negotiate on.


In addition, de Waal believes that from ethical point of view, it is nasty that the murderer having axed a sleeping man is made a hero. The senior specialist sees no justification to the Azerbaijani authorities in the ‘Safarov Affair,’ Zerkalo newspaper reports.


As for the OSCE Minsk Group format change, de Waal is not for its change. The change is possible only if the conflict escalates so much as international players see the necessity of forcing a decision to Armenia and Azerbaijan, which will be opposed by both.





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European Parliament to Discuss Safarov Case


http://hetq.am/static/news/b/2012/09/18417.jpg 00:36, September 11, 2012

The European Parliament reports that it will refer to the case up the of Azerbaijani axe-murderer Ramil Safarov, who was extradited from Hungary on August 31and was later pardoned and released by Azerbaijani authorities.


The European Parliament is expected to discuss the issue on September 13. The case of Safarov will be considered as part of the discussion on fundamental freedoms, human rights and democracy in general.


The EP is expected to adopt a resolution on Safarov case.



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Hungary and Azerbaijan: Unorthodox Bail Outs


http://hetq.am/static/news/b/2012/09/18062.jpg 10:19, September 3, 2012

By Shant Krikorian


There is no doubt that the recent demise of the Hungarian justice system has come at the helm of Azeri interest in the Hungarian bond market.


Only about two weeks ago did the Hungarian State Debt Management Agency announce its auctioning of treasury bonds in an effort to ease pressure from the IMF and EU directives.According to portfolio.hu and Hungarian business and news weekly Figyelő, Azerbaijan is currently looking to buy Hungarian government bonds at two and three year maturity, estimated at 3billion Euros.


While Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s tenure in office has already been marred by controversy, stop.hu reports that the Safarov’s extradition to Azerbaijan was finally agreed upon during the prime minister’s last visit to Baku, where the case was tied with Azerbaijan’s bond-purchase offer along with future cooperation in the energy sector.


It still remains unclear what Turkey’s possible role in Safarov’s extradition was, as some Hungarian and Armenian news outlets claimed that Turkey helped facilitate the talks between Hungary and Azerbaijan, and Turkey, itself has expressed strong interest in cooperating with Hungarian refinancing measures.


Hungarian opposition parties, including former 2010 presidential candidate Attila Mesterházy of the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) was quick to condemn Orbán’s actions as damaging to Hungarian and European-Democratic interests, stating that “the decision has brought shame to Hungary”.


As of Sunday, the Hungarian Socialist Party has initiated requests for emergency meetings on subjects of constitutional, foreign, and national security affairs for formulating a coherent investigation and follow-up to the Safarov case.



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Hungarian-Azerbaijani arrangement shocked international community – Armenian MFA




http://img.newsam.com/news/120569.jpgSeptember 11, 2012 | 16:06

YEREVAN. – The Hungarian-Azerbaijani arrangement shocked the international community, Armenia’s FM Edward Nalbandian stated Tuesday during his joint news conference with Luxembourg’s Deputy PM and FM Jean Asselborn.


In response to the observation that the Hungarian FM had sent a letter to Nalbandian, in which a wish was expressed toward normalizing relations with Armenia, Nalbandian said in particular:


“The Hungarian side publicized the letter. You know that the Hungarian-Azerbaijani arrangement shocked the international community and a corresponding reaction was made by the international community.


[And] What we hear today from Azerbaijan is just as shocking. But I can note with regret that what we hear likewise from Hungary today is just as shocking.


Official Hungarian representatives say the course of the arrangement was transparent, whereas the most senior Azerbaijani officials say secret negotiations were held.”


As per Nalbandian, Hungary sent notes and letters to the embassies accredited in Budapest, and expressed its resentment over the Azerbaijan’s decision to release Ramil Safarov.


“But the very same letter concludes with that. Is this the manifestation of the Hungarian side’s resentment? Hungary says the decision on extraditing Safarov is in compliance with the Strasbourg Convention, the Council of Europe Convention. You know that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe [PACE] President stated that this arrangement is an abuse of this very convention,” Armenia’s FM noted, and added that the reactions coming from the Hungarian side are merely attempts to justify what transpired.


“It is for Hungary’s responsibility in making this arrangement that Armenia decided to suspend relations with Hungary,” Edward Nalbandian concluded.


Armenian News-NEWS.am reported earlier that Ramil Safarov, a lieutenant in the Azerbaijani military, was extradited on August 31 from Hungary, where he was serving a life sentence—and with no expression of either regret or remorse—for the premeditated axe murder of Armenian lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan, in his sleep, during a NATO Partnership for Peace program in Budapest back in 2004.


As expected, Ramil Safarov’s return to Baku was welcomed, as was his act of murder, by the officials of president Ilham Aliyev’s government and much of Azerbaijani society, and the Azerbaijani president immediately granted him a pardon.


And Armenia’s President Serzh Sargsyan announced on August 31 that Armenia is suspending its diplomatic ties with Hungary.


Ramil Safarov’s pardoning is condemned by virtually all international organizations.


Photo by Sona Barseghyan





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Aliyev releases Azeri murderer but suspicions about Brevik’s sentence




http://img.newsam.com/news/120602.jpgSeptember 11, 2012 | 18:43

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev is offended by international community on the whole and the European agencies in particular.


President said pressure and accusations started against Azerbaijan after the extradition of Ramil Safarov and his pardoning.


“Armenians and Armenian lobbies raised a clamor. I said some moths ago that our main enemy is Armenian lobby. At present, they are conducting many dirty campaigns against Azerbaijan. Under the care of the Armenian lobby, corrupt, hypocritical senators, heads of several international organizations, some politicians put forward groundless accusations against Azerbaijan. These accusations are baseless,” APA agency quotes Aliyev. He seems to be especially offended by Council of Europe Secretary General.


“Everything was settled within the law and conventions adopted by Europe. And now look, what did the Secretary General of the Council of Europe do? His duty is to embody humanism and defend human rights. The Council of Europe has repeatedly put forward groundless accusations against Azerbaijan.


His compatriot Breivik killed about 80 people and he was sentenced to 21 year imprisonment. And it means that he got 3 month of imprisonment for each people.Is that possible? Why does he keep silence about this?”









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Armenian President and EPP head discuss Azeri murderer case


http://img.newsam.com/news/120598.jpgSeptember 11, 2012 | 18:23

YEREVAN. - President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan had a phone conversation with the President of the European People’s Party (EPP) Wilfried Martens.


They discussed Hungary’s decision to transfer Ramil Safarov who was sentenced in Hungary for murdering Armenian officer Gurgen Margaryan to Azerbaijan where he got pardon immediately.


They exchanged thoughts on the results of this decision and touched upon regional developments and challenges.


One of the questions on the agenda was the issues of the upcoming EPP Political Assembly session and regional summit scheduled in Yerevan in the end of this year.





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