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French President urges Azerbaijan to build confidence with Armenia

http://media.pn.am/media/issue/123/613/photo/123613.jpgSeptember 19, 2012 - 14:40 AMTPanARMENIAN.Net - Paris earlier hosted a meeting between French President Francois Hollande and his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliye, with Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement and Baku’s illegal pardoning of Azeri criminal Ramil Safarov on the agenda.


In a statement after the meeting at the Elysee Palace, Hollande said he had "called on Azerbaijan to take the necessary measures to re-establish a climate of confidence with Armenia" in order to pursue peace talks.


More than 2000 gathered in front of the Azerbaijan’s embassy in Paris Tuesday, Sept 18 to protest Azeri President Aliyev’s visit to France, according to Asbarez.


Earlier in the day, Aliyev met with French President Francois Hollande, who told him to work hard to restore Armenia’s confidence and pursue the Nagorno Karabakh peace process within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group, reported the official presidential Web site.


The protesters called on the French government to press Aliyev to immediately incarcerate Ramil Safarov, the axe-murderer who killed Armenian soldier Gurgen Margaryan in 2004 during a NATO Partnership for Peace mission in Budapest.


Bureau of the Armenian Cause in France (BFCA/ANC France) executive director Hratch Varjabedian reported that several French Parliament members representing the entire French political spectrum turned out for the protest and joined their voices with French-Armenian community.


The demonstration and the Armenian community’s opposition to Aliyev’s visit was widely covered by the French press.


Ramil Safarov, the Azerbaijani army officer who was serving a life sentence in Hungary for axing to death Armenian Lt. Gurgen Margaryan, was extradited to Azerbaijan and pardoned by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.


Official Yerevan reacted by suspending diplomatic ties with Hungary.


Hungary, however, states that it had sent Safarov back to Azerbaijan after receiving assurances from the Azerbaijani Justice Ministry that Safarov's sentence, which included the possibility of parole after 25 years, would be enforced.


According to some reports, Safarov was extradited to Azerbaijan in exchange for Azeri purchase of Hungarian securities worth Euro 2-3 billion, an information official Budapest denies.


“Hungarian prime minister is “morally bankrupt” and should resign after admitting that he personally approved the transfer of the Azeri axe murderer while knowing the likely consequences,” the leader of the opposition Socialists said earlier.


Attila Mesterhazy said it was clear from Orban’s comments at a news conference on Tuesday September 11 that he had been aware that Azerbaijan would release the life-sentenced Ramil Safarov after his repatriation.



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Sept 25 2012



The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary sent a diplomatic note

to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia on 24

September, 2012. The diplomatic note expresses the interest of the

Government of Hungary to end the unilateral suspension of diplomatic

relations by the Republic of Armenia without preconditions. The

diplomatic note is a formal answer to the communication in which

Armenia informed Hungary about the suspension of the diplomatic

relations August 31, 2012.


The note can be read at


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Armenian FM addresses Safarov Affair at New York meetings




Armenia’s Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian met, on Thursday in New York, with Eamon Gilmore, the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Ireland’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister.


According to the MFA press office, the parties discussed “the damage which the Azerbaijani-Hungarian arrangement has caused to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict’s settlement process.” In this connection, the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office reportedly highly appreciated Armenia’s commitment to resolve the matter by way of negotiations,


Armenia suspended its diplomatic ties with Hungary after Budapest handed Ramil Safarov, a convicted murderer of an Armenian serving a life sentence, over to Azerbaijan on August 31. The move followed Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s decision to immediately pardon the extradited criminal and promote him to the rank of major, also giving him a house and eight years’ worth of back-pay. Armenia says the move has greatly complicated the search for peace in the protracted Karabakh conflict.


The previous day Nalbandian also met with the United States, Russian and French cochairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group and U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Philip Gordon. The Safarov Affair also dominated the agenda of those talks.


Minister Nalbandian reportedly stressed the importance of the reaction of the international community that he said had unanimously condemned the ‘Azerbaijani-Hungarian deal’.



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Safarov case not closed, Hungary’s State Secretary Nemeth says

http://media.pn.am/media/issue/125/072/photo/125072.jpgSeptember 28, 2012 - 18:57 AMTPanARMENIAN.Net - Issues around Hungary's repatriation of Ramil Safarov to Azerbaijan cannot be closed as yet, state secretary for foreign affairs Zsolt Nemeth said in an interview to the daily Nepszabadsag on Thursday, September 27, MTI Daily Bulletin reported.


Nemeth argued that the Hungarian decision entailed "many consequences and tasks" including tension with Armenia. He also said that there was a "serious bilateral loss of confidence" with the U.S., but added that it was rooted in a "fundamental misunderstanding".


The state secretary said that Hungary would make "all efforts" to restore Hungary-Armenia ties, adding that re-establishing diplomatic relations with that country in the next few months was a realistic goal.


Nemeth said that "there had been no direct compensation of any kind" for Hungary in return for its decision to repatriate Safarov at Azerbaijan's request.


Safarov was serving a life sentence for murdering an Armenian officer in Budapest in 2004.


Nemeth noted that Azerbaijan was an important partner not only for Hungary but for the whole of Europe. The country is rich in oil and gas, and has the potential to serve as a transit for alternative energy supplies to Europe, he added.


Azerbaijan's pardoning Safarov on his return may not have negative consequences impacting Hungarian-Azeri economic cooperation, however, the Azeri move "has left a thorn in the Hungarian government," Nemeth said.


On the subject of an upcoming visit by the Romanian foreign minister to Hungary, Nemeth said Hungary wants to find out if Romania is ready to further develop bilateral ties and "stay on the ground of solidarity" between countries in the region.



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Հունգարիայի պետքարտուղարը հիմնավորել է Սաֆարովի արտահանձնումը. «Ադրբեջանը հարուստ է նավթով եւ գազով»




http://img.newsam.com/news/122846.jpgՍեպտեմբեր 28, 2012 | 18:51

Հունգարիայի կողմից Ռամիլ Սաֆարովին Ադրբեջան արտահանձնելու հետ կապված հարցերը առայժմ չեն կարող փակված համարվել: Այդ մասին հայտարարել է Հունգարիայի արտաքին գործերի պետքարտուղար Ժոլտ Նեմետը:


Ինչպես հայտնում է հունգարական MTI լրատվական գործակալությունը, Nepszabadsag թերթի հետ հարցազրույցում Նեմետն ընդգծել է, որ պաշտոնական Բուդապեշտի որոշումը «բազմաթիվ հետեւանքներ եւ խնդիրներ է առաջ բերել», այդ թվում` Հայաստանի հետ լարվածություն: Նա նաեւ նշել է, որ ԱՄՆ-ի հետ երկկողմ վստահության լուրջ կորուստ կա»` հավելելով, սակայն, որ դրա հիմքում ընկած է «մեծ թյուրիմացությունը»:


Պետքարտուղարը վստահեցրել է, որ Հունգարիան բոլոր ջանքերը կգործադրի Հայաստանի հետ հարաբերությունների վերականգնման համար: Ըստ նրա`հաջորդ մի քանի ամիսների ընթացքում Երեւանի հետ պաշտոնական հարաբերությունների վերականգնումը «իրատեսական նպատակ է»:


Նեմետը նաեւ վստահեցրել է, որ Սաֆարովի արտահանձնման դիմաց Հունգարիային «ոչ մի ուղղակի փոխհատուցում» չի տրվել: Նա նաեւ նշել է, որ «Ադրբեջանը կարեւորագույն գործընկեր է ոչ միայն Հունգարիայի, այլեւ Եվրոպայի համար», քանի որ «հարուստ է նավթով եւ գազով, եւ այն Եվրոպա էներգամատակարարման տարանցիկ այլընտրանքային ուղի դառնալու ներուժ ունի»:


Ըստ պետքարտուղարի` Ադրբեջանի կողմից Սաֆարովի ներումը բացասական ազդեցություն չի ունենա հունգարա-ադրբեջանական տնտեսական հարաբերությունների վրա, չնայած որ այն հետք է թողել հունգարական կառավարությունում:





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Ադրբեջանցի քիլերի գործով Բաքվի եւ Բուդապեշտի բացատրություններն ԱՄՆ-ն բավարար չի համարել



Սեպտեմբեր 28, 2012 | 22:19

Միացյալ Նահանգները «բավարարված չեն» ադրբեջանցի քիլերի գործով Բաքվի եւ Բուդապեշտի բացատրություններով, «Ազատություն» ռադիոկայնաին ասել է ԱՄՆ պետքարտուղարի Եվրոպայի եւ Եվրասիայի հարցերով օգնական Ֆիլիպ Գորդոնը:


Հանդես գալով Եվրոպական քաղաքականության վերլուծության կենտրոնում, նա հայտարարել է, որ Վաշինգտոնը նախկինի պես «անհանգստություն եւ հիասթափություն» է արտահայտում Բուդապեշտի հասցեին` Ռամիլ Սաֆարովի արտահանձնման հետ կապված:


Նա նշել է, որ Վաշինգտոնը նույն ուղերձը հղում է Ադրբեջանի կառավարությանը, որն անմիջապես ներում էր շնորհել Սաֆարովին:


«Մենք ապշած էինք անձի հերոսացումով, որը դատապարտվել էր սպանության համար»,-ասել է Գրոդոնը: Նա այդ գործը «տարածաշրջանում իրական սադրանք» է համարել:



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Gurgen Margaryan would have turned 34 today: Armenians march to Yerablur in honor of slain Armenian officer

Armenian officer Gurgen Margaryan, who was killed by Azeri officer Ramil Safarov in Budapest on February 19, 2004, would have turned 34 today.


Yerevan State University’s 'Union of Young Students' NGO, Yerkrapah Volunteer Union and Gurgen Margaryan NGO organized today a march to Yerablur military cemetery in Yerevan – the resting place of the slain Armenian officer.


“Every Armenian should realize that he could be in the place of Gurgen Margaryan and become the victim of Azerbaijan’s state policy,” Gevorg Melkonyan, head of the 'Union of Young Students' NGO, said in his remarks to participants.


“I express my condemnation of the Hungarian-Azerbaijani deal of Safarov’s extradition and announce on behalf of the Armenian youth that we stand by our state and army.”


At the end of the march, participants laid flowers at the graves of Sparapet Vazgen Sargsyan, Andranik Ozanyan and Gurgen Margaryan.


On February 19, 2004, Armenian citizen, Lieutenant of Armenian Armed Forces Gurgen Margaryan, 26, was hacked to death while asleep by Ramil Safarov, a Lieutenant of the Azerbaijani Army. Both were participants of an English language training course within the framework of the NATO-sponsored “Partnership for Peace” program held in Budapest, Hungary.


On August 31, 2012, Hungary extradited convicted killer Ramil Safarov to Azerbaijan, where Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev pardoned and released him on arrival. Furthermore, the ax-murderer was promoted to the rank of major, given an apartment and paid all salary lost during his imprisonment.


The international community strongly condemned both Hungary and Azerbaijan for their gross breach of justice and international law.




Source: Panorama.am



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Armenian, Russian FMs discuss Azeri murderer release

http://media.pn.am/media/issue/125/134/photo/125134.jpgSeptember 29, 2012 - 16:38 AMTPanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian met with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in New York.


The two men focused on Armenian-Russian relations, implementation of agreements reached between the two countries, steps targeting strengthening of strategic cooperation and collaboration in the framework of international organizations.


Release of Azerbaijani murderer Ramil Safarov and peaceful settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict were further discussed.


Ramil Safarov, the Azerbaijani army officer who was serving a life sentence in Hungary for axing to death Armenian Lt. Gurgen Margaryan, was extradited to Azerbaijan and pardoned by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.


Official Yerevan reacted by suspending diplomatic ties with Hungary. Hungary, however, states that it had sent Safarov back to Azerbaijan after receiving assurances from the Azerbaijani Justice Ministry that Safarov's sentence, which included the possibility of parole after 25 years, would be enforced.


According to some reports, Safarov was extradited to Azerbaijan in exchange for Azeri purchase of Hungarian securities worth euro 2-3 billion, an information official Budapest denies.


“Hungarian prime minister is “morally bankrupt” and should resign after admitting that he personally approved the transfer of the Azeri axe murderer while knowing the likely consequences,” the leader of the opposition Socialists said earlier.


Attila Mesterhazy said it was clear from Orban’s comments at a news conference on Tuesday September 11 that he had been aware that Azerbaijan would release the life-sentenced Ramil Safarov after his repatriation.



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U.S. Rep. Berman urges to block Azeri participation in NATO program

http://media.pn.am/media/issue/124/952/photo/124952.jpgSeptember 28, 2012 - 10:44 AMTPanARMENIAN.Net - U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Democrat Howard Berman (D-CA) urged the State Department to rally a joint protest of NATO allies against Azerbaijan and to block that country’s participation in NATO Partnership for Peace initiatives in response to the Aliyev government’s recent pardon and promotion of convicted axe-murderer Ramil Safarov, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).


In a strongly worded letter sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Rep. Berman acknowledged the strong Obama administration condemnation of Azerbaijan’s release of Safarov, but added, “in my view, however, the abhorrent nature of this pardon, as well as the gruesome nature of the original crime and the context in which it occurred, demands something more. It demands a strong and meaningful response.”


Berman went on to outline concrete actions that the State Department can undertake including: arranging for a joint protest to President Aliyev by all members of NATO; calling on NATO to suspend Azerbaijan from all participation in PfP events unless and until Aliyev rescinds the pardon and promotion and re-incarcerates the killer, or returns him to Hungary, to serve the remainder of his life sentence; immediately halting all military assistance and arms transfers to Azerbaijan.



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FM slams Azeri stance on Karabakh settlement at UN session

http://media.pn.am/media/issue/125/604/photo/125604.jpgOctober 2, 2012 - 19:25 AMTPanARMENIAN.Net - The scandalous case of Azeri axe-killer Ramil Safarov undermined the Karabakh conflict settlement efforts, threatening regional stability, Armenian Foreign Minister said addressing the 67th session of the United Nations General Assembly.


In his address, Edward Nalbandian slammed Azeri military rhetoric, Baku’s refusal to accept OSCE Minsk Group proposal to strengthen ceasefire, as well as Azeri attacks at contact line.


“While Armenia, along with international mediators works towards progress in Karabakh settlement talks, Azeri leadership is upping the country’s military budget. While Armenia urges for regional cooperation, Azeri authorities express intention to continue the blockade of Armenia in tow with Turkey.


Armenia and the international community are speaking in one language regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.


Despite the intensive efforts of the three Co-Chair countries it has been impossible to reach a breakthrough in the conflict resolution, because the Azerbaijani side rejected one after another all proposals presented by the mediators.


Regardless of Azerbaijan’s destructive stance, Armenia will continue to exert efforts towards the settlement of the Karabakh issue exclusively through peaceful means and on the basis of the purposes, principles and norms reflected in the UN Charter and the international law,” the minister said in his speech.



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October 03, 2012 | 13:47

YEREVAN. – Suspending diplomatic relations with Hungary was Armenia’s right, German Ambassador Reiner Morell said during a press conference on Wednesday.

“That was Armenia’s independent decision, just as a possible decision to restore ties,” the diplomat stressed, and recalled that Germany and Europe did not condemn Armenia’s decision to suspend relations.

Ambassador Morell reiterated that Ramil Safarov’s extradition and subsequent release was unusual from the emotional perspective. “[This] Move was absurd. The end results were exaggerated in Azerbaijan. It is comprehensible that this was to receive such reaction in Armenia,” the German diplomat noted.

Armenian News-NEWS.am reported earlier that Ramil Safarov, a lieutenant in the Azerbaijani military, was extradited on August 31 from Hungary, where he was serving a life sentence—and with no expression of either regret or remorse—for the premeditated axe murder of Armenian lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan, in his sleep, during a NATO Partnership for Peace program in Budapest back in 2004.

As expected, Ramil Safarov’s return to Baku was welcomed, as was his act of murder, by the officials of president Ilham Aliyev’s government and much of Azerbaijani society, and the Azerbaijani president immediately granted him a pardon.

And Armenia’s President Serzh Sargsyan announced on August 31 that Armenia is suspending its diplomatic ties with Hungary.

Ramil Safarov’s pardoning is condemned by virtually all international organizations.

Photo by Sona Barseghyan

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October 03, 2012 | 12:47


YEREVAN.- Glorification of Ramil Safarov is beyond the European values, Germany’s Ambassador to Armenia Reiner Morell told reporters on Wednesday.

“Safarov’s case contradicts international standards,” he said expressing regret that the position of Germany and the EU did not focus on the fact that a gross violation of international law took place as “regional stability and peace is very important for us, and the EU first of all.”

He stressed that Germany realizes the importance of the issue. The reason for EU’s wordings lays in aspiration not to lead to further deterioration of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Ambassador stressed there may be an impression that the incident is not important for Germany but it is not so.

Reiner Morell noted that the incident will greatly damage the image of Azerbaijan and Baku’s further actions must be assessed taking into account the recent developments.

Armenian News-NEWS.am reported earlier that Ramil Safarov, a lieutenant in the Azerbaijani military, was extradited on August 31 from Hungary, where he was serving a life sentence—and with no expression of either regret or remorse—for the premeditated axe murder of Armenian lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan, in his sleep, during a NATO Partnership for Peace program in Budapest back in 2004.

As expected, Ramil Safarov’s return to Baku was welcomed, as was his act of murder, by the officials of president Ilham Aliyev’s government and much of Azerbaijani society, and the Azerbaijani president immediately granted him a pardon.

And Armenia’s President Serzh Sargsyan announced on August 31 that Armenia is suspending its diplomatic ties with Hungary.

Ramil Safarov’s pardoning is condemned by virtually all international organizations.

Photo by Sona Barseghyan

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3 October, 2012



YEREVAN, OCTOBER 3, ARMENPRESS: Recently it has become obvious why

Azerbaijan buys the European officials and deputies with its caviar

and oil dollars. The subject will be highlighted in the speech of the

member of the Armenian delegation Naira Zohrabyan at the Parliamentary

Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE), intended for the discussion of

the shameful Hungarian-Azerbaijani deal of the Azerbaijani assassin

Ramil Safarov's extradition.


"Some of those deputies are now in this hall, next to us, and

they absolutely do not feel uncomfortable because of the title

Azerbaijan's caviar-corrupted", - Naira Zohrabyan will state, as

reported by Armenpress.


According to her, what happened on August 31 might be considered

as one of the most shameful events of our times. The European Union

member Hungary extradited to Azerbaijan Ramil Safarov, who axe-murdered

the Armenian officer Gurgen Margaryan while sleeping in Budapest and

sentenced to life imprisonment. Right at the Baku Airport the assassin

was pardoned, as in Azerbaijan the anti-Armenianism and Armenocide

is heroism.


"This disgraceful deal was implemented in front of the civilized world,

when the beast, who axe-murdered the Armenian on ethnic ground,

was met as a hero in his country. And among the welcoming people

there were deputies from this structure. The decision to extradite

Safarov heralded a perfect fiasco of the European values. Safarov

not only became the impartiality indicator of the European justice,

but also one of the biggest disgraces of Europe, adhering other human

values", - says the speech of the member of the Armenian delegation

Naira Zohrabyan.


Hungary extradited Ramil Safarov, but if Europe, the European

authoritative structures, the Parliamentary Assembly do not make

definite actions towards Azerbaijan beside making announcements,

the European justice and European values will be seriously damaged.


"And I think that it must be clear and comprehensible for everybody

that the Nagorno Karabakh Republic cannot be a part of a country,

where the assassination on national ground is considered to be the

biggest heroism. Finally, maybe Azerbaijan can buy Olympic gold

medals or can give unprecedented ransom for a coward beast, who is

able only to axe-murder a sleeping man, one thing is beyond doubt,

a country with a degradated society, which give birth to Safarovs and

makes Safarovs heroes, should be condemned by the civilized world. We

should soberly evaluate the situation and ask ourselves a question:

does a country, the national hero of which is an assassin, have the

right to be in our family", - states the PACE delegate Naira Zohrabyan.


According to her, with this disgraceful deal Azerbaijan has proved once

again that in its foreign policy agenda the human rights are nothing.


"Certainly, I understand that next to the totalitar Azerbaijan

it would be wrong to sound the name of Hungary, but when the Prime

Minister of Hungary, in response to the protest of the entire civilized

world as well as his country, announced that he did everything right,

notwithstanding the deepest regard to the Hungarian people, I should

doubt about the real values system of the current political power of

the country", - will be stated by the member of the Armenian delegation

Naira Zohrabyan at the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe.

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October 04, 2012 | 22:01


STRASBOURG. - The world community should assess Azerbaijan and its

degenerate society, Armenian delegation member to Parliamentary

Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) Naira Zohrabyan said during

hearings on the case of Azerbaijani killer Ramil Safarov, who had

murdered an Armenian officer with an axe in his sleep in Bucharest,

and later was extradited to Baku, granted a pardon and made a hero,

Armenian News-NEWS.am reports.


"We should asked to ourselves whether a country where Safarov is a hero

should be PACE member," Zohrabyan said adding after the Azeri killer

Safarov's case everybody realized that Artsakh [Nagorno-Karabakh]

cannot be a part of Azerbaijan, where a cruel murder [of Armenian]

on ethnic grounds is heroism.


Head of the French delegation to PACE Rene Rouquet stressed that

Azerbaijan's actions on pardoning a killer is 'disrespectful for human

life.' Bulgarian MP Latchezar Toshev emphasized that justification

of a killer [safarov] by Azerbaijan is inadmissible and by this

Azerbaijan broke all hopes that reconciliation of the sides [regarding

the Karabakh settlement] is possible.

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October 04, 2012 | 23:06


STRASBOURG. - The Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE)

held hearings on the case of Azerbaijani killer Ramil Safarov, who had

murdered an Armenian lieutenant with an axe in his sleep in Bucharest,

and later was extradited to Baku, granted a pardon and made a hero,

Armenian News-NEWS.am reports.


During the hearings delegates of all countries except for Turkey

and Azerbaijan stressed the inadmissibility of the action of the

Azerbaijani killer and condemned the murder perpetrated by Safarov. At

the same time Azerbaijani MPs insisted on the fact that granting

a pardon to Safarov, who was sentenced to life in prison by the

Hungarian court is 'Azerbaijan's sovereign right.'


"Azerbaijan is an important energetic partner," Azerbaijani MP Aydin

Abbasov threatened hoping energetic interests will not allow the PACE

MPs openly condemn the Azerbaijani killer and his glorification by

the Azerbaijani community.


The French MP, PACE delegate Rudy Salles put an end to the discussion

by reminding about the gravity of the crime by Azeri killer Safarov,

who had hit for 16 times with an axe the sleeping Armenian officer. He

also turned to the Azerbaijan MPs stating that the PACE has already

heard enough propaganda during the hearings.


The French MP stressed that on hearing Azerbaijani MPs' debates he

doubts whether Azerbaijan has the right to stay in PACE any more.

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Hungarians have not to answer for their government – Armenian President




video -


October 09, 2012 | 00:49


The Hungarian people have never been hostile to Armenia, President Serzh Sargsyan said.

In an interview with Hungarian ATV channel, President Sargsyan pointed out excellent relations between the Armenian and Hungarian nations. Many Armenian patriots laid down their lives for Hungary’s independence, he added.

“The decision of the Hungarian government jeopardized not only Armenian-Hungarian relations but led to problems in the eastern policy of the EU and peaceful talks with Azerbaijanis, thus putting at risk regional stability,” President Sargsyan said.

Premier Viktor Orban’s decision did not contribute to settlement of the Karabakh conflict, on the contrary aggravated conflict between the sides. President Sargsyan noted that Azerbaijan’s policy suggests there is little chance for peaceful resolution of the conflict.

Armenia will spare no effort to achieve peace. Nevertheless, all Armenians realize that in case of Azerbaijan’s armed attack on Nagorno-Karabakh, all the potential will be used to protect the Karabakh citizens.

The Armenian leader added that Hungary’s government was well aware of consequences of its decision to extradite killer Safarov, this is the reason why the Armenian side had not been informed. Moreover, several months ahead of repatriation, high ranking Hungarian politicians lied assuring the extradition would not take place.

“I do not want Armenian people to turn their back on the Hungarians, because of Hungary’s government which was against us,” he added.

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Hungarian intellectuals in Yerevan to apologize for Safarov extradition

Hungarian intellectuals in Yerevan to apologize for Safarov extradition

October 9, 2012 - 18:16 AMT


PanARMENIAN.Net - Four Hungarian intellectuals (historian, political analyst Zoltán Biro, rector of the John Wesley Theological College Gábor Iványi, journalist/publicist Gabor Deak and writer Rudolf Ungváry) have arrived in Armenia to apologize for the extradition of Azerbaijani criminal Ramil Safarov.


“We organized the journey to inform of most of Hungarian people’s disagreement, and our discontent with the authorities’ decision to transfer a sleeping officer’s assassin back to his homeland. Though most Hungarians negatively reacted to what happened, not all of them were able to fully express their standpoint,” Gabor Deak told a press conference in Yerevan.


“We have come to express our regret and shame. Hungary didn’t even officially recognize the Armenian Genocide as the country was in need of Turkish support then. As for the prime minister having allowed for the extradition, he would have resigned his post,” Mr. Iványi said.


Dwelling on the suspension of diplomatic relations with Hungary and Armenia’s tough policy on the issue, the intellectuals said they acknowledged that the measures were taken against the authorities, rather than the people.

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Armenia mustn’t pin hopes on CoE in Safarov case – official



October 9, 2012 - 15:44 AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net - The majority of PACE members supported Armenia’s stance during the Assembly debate on Azeri axe-killer Ramil Safarov case, slamming Baku’s promotion of xenophobia, according to the head of Armenian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

As Davit Harutyunyan stated, even the Hungarian MPs condemned the criminal’s release, criticizing their country’s government for the blunder committed.

“The PACE committee on legal affairs plans to work out a report envisaging mechanisms of prevention of such incidents in future,” Harutyunyan said.

When asked about the reason behind PACE’s failure to adopt a resolution on Safarov case, Harutyanyan noted that the Assembly’s regulations don’t envisage passing resolutions following current debates.

“The statements on Safarov case were made by the most influential PACE structures, including the Assembly chair, secretary and the commissioner for human rights,” Haturyunyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

“We mustn’t expect anything - Armenia has its own way to follow. We demanded a response – we got it, we raised a legal issue – it’s being discussed. We mustn’t pin our hopes on the Council of Europe in expectation of its verdict,” Harutyunyan said.

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Եթե Հունգարիան չի կարող օգնել, ապա չպետք է խանգարի. հունգար պատմաբան

10 Հոկտեմբերի 2012 - 18:51


Հունգար պատմաբան, քաղաքական վերլուծաբան Զոլտան Բիրոն Հայաստանում է գտնվում երրորդ անգամ, առաջին այցը ուսանողական տարիներին էր, երկրորդը` չորս տարի առաջ:

Երրորդ այցի դրդապատճառը Ռամիլ Սաֆարովին Բաքու արտահանձնելու Հունգարիայի որոշումն էր, որին հաջորդեց ադրբեջանցի մարդասպանի ազատ արձակումը: Հունգարիայի այս քայլը ցնցել է պատմաբանին, ինչպես 2004-ին` Գուրգեն Մարգարյանի դաժան սպանության լուրը: Հայ-հունգարական բարեկամությունը տասնամյակների պատմություն ունի, իսկ այսօր` մեկ գործարքի հետևանքով, այդ բարեկամությունը վտանգված է, որում պատմաբանի խոսքով` հունգար ժողովուրդը ոչ մի մեղք չունի:


Սա պետք էր ապացուցել. հավաքվում են քաղաքական և կրոնական տարբեր հայացքների տեր չորս հունգար մտավորականներով և որոշում հայերից և Գուրգեն Մարգարյանի ծնողներից անձամբ ներողություն խնդրել:


«Ես աթեիստ եմ, մեկը` պահպանողական, մյուսը` լիբերալ, բայց դա չխանգարեց միավորվել մեկ գաղափարի շուրջ և գալ Հայաստան: Այն, ինչ կատարվեց օգոստոսին, համարում եմ խորը վիրավորանք, որն արդարացում չունի ոչ բարոյական, ոչ քաղաքական, ոչ դիվանագիտական և ոչ էլ իրավական տեսանկյունից: Մենք բարոյական պարտք ունեինք կատարելու, դրա կարիքը մենք զգում էինք»,- նշեց պատմաբանը:


Չնայած անձրևին` Եռաբլուր պանթեոնում Զոլտան Բիրոն չշտապեց ավարտել հարցազրույցն եւ հունգարական որոշումն ու դրա հետևանքները քննարկեց նաև քաղաքական հարթությունում:


Քաղաքական վերլուծաբանը նկատեց, թե Հայաստանի և Ադրբեջանի միջև գոյություն ունի հակամարտություն, որին Հունգարիան միջամտելու իրավունք չունի.

«Մենք չենք կարող հակամարտության կարգավորման հարցում օգնել, ուրեմն, եթե Հունգարիան չի կարող օգնել, ապա չպետք է խանգարի կամ խոչընդոտի: Ռամիլ Սաֆարովին արտահանձնելու որոշում կայացնելիս այս փաստը պետք է հաշվի առնվեր, մինչդեռ ի ՞նչ կատարվեց` անտեսվեց այս ամենը և կայացվեց անբարո որոշում, մեծ սխալ, ինչպես վերևում նշեցի` բոլոր առումներով»,- շեշտեց Զոլտան Բիրոն` հիշեցնելով, որ Գուրգեն Մարգարյանի սպանությունից անմիջապես հետո, ինքն առաջիններից է եղել, ով քննադատական շեշտադրումներով հարցազրույց է տվել:


Վաղը հունգար պատմաբանը և նրա հետ նաև մյուս երեք մտավորականները կմեկնեն հայրենիք: Հրաժեշտից առաջ փորձեցի պարզել, թե ի՞ նչ տպավորություններով է հեռանում Հայաստանից, ինչպիսի՞ քաղաք էր Երևանը, պատասխանը կարճ էր. «Երևանը խիստ քաղաք է»:


Նախքան կնստեր իրեն սպասող մեքենան և կհեռանար` հունգար պատմաբանը իր էլեկտրոնային փոստի հասցեն և հեռախոսահամարը փոխանցեց` առաջարկելով, Բուդապեշտ այցելելուն պես նամակ ուղարկեմ կամ զանգահարեմ. «Ես «տնային» գիտնական եմ, միշտ տանն եմ լինում, հազվադեպ եմ բացակայում տանից: Գտնելը դժվար չի լինի»:


Մարիամ Պետրոսյան

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  • 2 weeks later...

U.S. State Department: “Strong disappointment” expressed to Hungary over Safarov



State Department sources confirmed Thursday that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton relayed the U.S. Government’s “strong disappointment” over Hungary’s extradition of convicted Azerbaijani axe-murderer Ramil Safarov during a state visit by Hungarian Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi to Washington this week.


In response to a question by H1 Armenian Television Washington DC correspondent Haykaram Nahapetyan, a State Department Spokesperson noted that, “Secretary Clinton reiterated our strong disappointment that Hungary transferred convicted murderer Ramil Safarov to Azerbaijan, where he was immediately pardoned. This decision was harmful to the peace process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and to trust between the sides.”


“We welcome Secretary Clinton’s continued efforts to impress upon Hungary’s leaders how their reckless release and transfer of unrepentant axe-murder Ramil Safarov to Azerbaijan has undermined the peace process,” commented Armenian National Committee of America Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “In the interest of peace, we encourage the Secretary to translate her words of criticism – toward both Hungary and Azerbaijan – into reality by putting in place a ban on U.S. arms sale to Baku and ending all military aid to the Azerbaijani armed forces.”


The U.S. was among the first to express concern about Hungary’s extradition and President Ilham Aliyev’s subsequent pardon, promotion and praise for Azerbaijani army lieutenant Ramil Safarov, who was convicted of brutally axing to death Armenian soldier Gurgen Margaryan in his sleep, during a 2004 NATO English-language training course. In a statement issued by the White House in the name of National Security Council Spokesman Tommy Vietor, underscoring the President’s view that, “This action is contrary to ongoing efforts to reduce regional tensions and promote reconciliation.” Vietor went on to note that, “The United States is also requesting an explanation from Hungary regarding its decision to transfer Safarov to Azerbaijan.”


The Department of State, through a formal announcement issued by Acting Deputy Spokesman Patrick Ventrell, also took a stand against Hungary’s extradition and Azerbaijan’s pardon, explaining that: “The United States is extremely troubled by the news that the President of Azerbaijan pardoned Azerbaijani army officer Ramil Safarov, who returned to Baku today following his transfer from Hungary. . . . We are expressing our deep concern to Azerbaijan regarding this action and seeking an explanation. We are also seeking further details from Hungary regarding the decision to transfer Mr. Safarov to Azerbaijan.”


During the Center for European Policy Analysis’ U.S.-Central Europe Strategy Forum on September 20, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Philip Gordon told RFE/RL that Washington continues to express “dismay and disappointment” to Budapest about its decision to release Ramil Safarov to Baku. “We were appalled by the glorification that we heard in some quarters of somebody who was convicted of murder,” Gordon said. He called the case “a real provocation in the region.”


Worldwide suspicions that the Hungarian Government knew full well of Azerbaijan’s intention to pardon Safarov were confirmed soon after the axe-murderer’s extradition. Reuters reported that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stated, “The foreign ministry had forecast precisely what types of consequences this or the other decision [extradition or non-extradition] may have. Nothing happened after our decision that we would not have reckoned with in advance.”


Orban’s statements came as speculation continued about the connection between the Safarov’s extradition and talks between the Orban Administration and Aliyev regarding a possible Azerbaijani buy-out of Hungarian loans valuing over $2-3 Billion Euros. International financial news outlets reported the possible deal just days prior to the August 31st release of Safarov.


The Hungarian opposition condemned Prime Minister Orban’s actions as ‘morally bankrupt,’ and called for his resignation. Thousands of Hungarians protested the Orban decision during demonstrations in Budapest just days after the August 31st extradition of Safarov.


Despite international criticism from the U.S., France, Russia, and NATO, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev remains defiant about his decision to pardon, promote and financially reward axe-murderer Safarov for the ethnically motivated murder of Lt. Gurgen Margaryan. Safarov’s repatriation “was carried out in accordance with European conventions, and his release in accordance with Azerbaijan’s constitution,” Reuters quoted Aliyev as stating during a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.


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Thursday, October 18th, 2012


Rep. Royce


WASHINGTON-Congressional Armenian Caucus CoChair Ed Royce Wednesday

issued a blog post calling out the recent Washington Post story

glorifying Azerbaijan and citing the Safarov scandal.


Below is Rep. Royce's blog post:


Azerbaijan, J-Lo and the Axe Murderer




Washington, Oct 17 - The Washington Post on Monday ran a glowing

page-one article on the energy-rich, Caspian Sea nation of Azerbaijan.


Azerbaijan is "coming to relish its role as the region's anti-Iran,

a secular, Western-leaning country that is working mightily to become

everything that Iran is not." Iran is repressive, but Azerbaijan is

"tolerant," embracing Western music and entertainers, Post readers

were told.


Exhibit-A is a recent Jennifer Lopez concert, flocked to by Azeris.


The article's sub-headline pronounces this "embrace of J-Lo symbolizes

Muslim-majority nation's ascent." More, we are told that the pop

music is actually part of Baku's foreign policy, as "every Western

diva who arrives to croon and titillate" drives the mullahs in Iran

crazy. The embrace of J-Lo, Rihanna and Shakira sure gives the reader

a sense that this is a country moving in the right direction.


This all reminds me a bit of when the Economist pointed to an uptick

of sushi restaurants as a sign of Syria's moderation.


A different rock-star reception reveals another Azerbaijan. Last

month, a convicted axe murderer who nearly decapitated an Armenian

soldier in his sleep was given a hero's welcome. Thousands of Azeris

greeted the ex-soldier at the airport as he returned from Hungary,

scene of his ghastly crime. Eight years ago, the Azeri murdered

the Armenian while both were in Budapest for a "Partnership for

Peace" English language course. The Azerbaijan-Armenia war over the

Nagorno-Karabakh enclave killed 30,000 in the late 80s and 90s and

the two remain bitter foes. But no one expected this brutality.


Sent home under an Azeri promise that he would serve his life sentence

in Azerbaijan, President Ilham Aliyev instead promptly pardoned,

promoted and back paid the murderer. Local media was filled with

stories of how the President saved their hero. I don't care how

many hits J-Lo cranked out, the outfit she wore, or how irritated

the Iranian regime was. When axe murderers are national heroes,

something is askew in Baku.


You don't see President Aliyev's "so I pardoned an axe murderer" tale

in this Post article. The lengthy piece gave just three sentences to

the country's ills, calling it "hardly the perfect role model." I'll



The only thing this Post article tells me is that, next to the regime

in Iran, anyone looks good.

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Hungary turns into Azeri herald in Europe?



October 19, 2012 | 23:18


YEREVAN. - Hungary gets closer with Azerbaijan and it is done not only

on the level of culture, economy or science. Hungary has likely

decided to turn from a civilized European state into a herald of a

country, which turns the killer into a national hero.


It was not enough for Budapest to extradite a killer Ramil Safarov to

Azerbaijan, the country continues spreading anti-Armenian propaganda

in Europe. Before the scandalous extradition, Hungary had released a

stamp devoted to the 20th anniversary of the so-called occupation of

allegedly ancient Azerbaijani cultural center Shushi by Armenian Armed

Forces. While the note on the stamp `20th occupation of Shusi by

Armenia' is written in Azeri, Hungarian and English.


Another piece of anti-Armenian propaganda is a photo album `Aghdam:

Hiroshima of the Caucasus' published on the initiative of Azerbaijani

Embassy in Hungary. The album shows photos of before and after the

alleged occupation.


In the context of suspending diplomatic ties by Armenia, such a policy

by the official Hungary to actively encourage anti-Armenian propaganda

provides basis for pondering.

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Czechia parliament concerned over Azeri axe-killer release



October 23, 2012 - 19:17 AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic issued a resolution expressing deep concern over release of Azeri criminal Ramil Safarov convicted by a court of an EU member state over axe-killing an Armenian officer.

The Senator Jaromir Stetina-initiated resolution noted that Azeri President’s decision to release a murderer may escalate tensions in Armenian-Azerbaijani relations, hampering peaceful settlement of Karabakh conflict and threatening regional stability.

The Committee instructed its Chairman Jozef Regec to inform the Senate Chair about the resolution above.

Ramil Safarov, the Azerbaijani army officer who was serving a life sentence in Hungary for axing to death Armenian Lt. Gurgen Margaryan, was extradited to Azerbaijan and pardoned by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

Official Yerevan reacted by suspending diplomatic ties with Hungary.

Hungary, however, states that it had sent Safarov back to Azerbaijan after receiving assurances from the Azerbaijani Justice Ministry that Safarov's sentence, which included the possibility of parole after 25 years, would be enforced.

According to some reports, Safarov was extradited to Azerbaijan in exchange for Azeri purchase of Hungarian securities worth Euro 2-3 billion, an information official Budapest denies.

“Hungarian prime minister is “morally bankrupt” and should resign after admitting that he personally approved the transfer of the Azeri axe murderer while knowing the likely consequences,” the leader of the opposition Socialists said earlier.

Attila Mesterhazy said it was clear from Orban’s comments at a news conference on Tuesday September 11 that he had been aware that Azerbaijan would release the life-sentenced Ramil Safarov after his repatriation.

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Armenian vice-FM: Azeri society deems glorification of killers normal



October 23, 2012 - 17:31 AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net - Extradition of Armenian officer Gurgen Margaryan’s axe-killer Ramil Safarov disclosed a number of circumstances that will urge for coordination in Nagorno Karabakh conflict talks, Deputy Foreign Minister said.

Asked by a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter as to how “Safarov case” may affect the negotiation process, Zohrab Mnatsakanian noted that Armenia holds commitment to peaceful settlement of Karabakh problem.

“This expresses our commitment to peace and regional stability,” he said.

Deputy minister noted with regret that Azerbaijani society deems giving a hero’s welcome to a a murderer natural, voicing confidence that the latter is imposed by the country’s ruling system.

Ramil Safarov, the Azerbaijani army officer who was serving a life sentence in Hungary for axing to death Armenian Lt. Gurgen Margaryan, was extradited to Azerbaijan and pardoned by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

Official Yerevan reacted by suspending diplomatic ties with Hungary. Hungary, however, states that it had sent Safarov back to Azerbaijan after receiving assurances from the Azerbaijani Justice Ministry that Safarov's sentence, which included the possibility of parole after 25 years, would be enforced.

According to some reports, Safarov was extradited to Azerbaijan in exchange for Azeri purchase of Hungarian securities worth Euro 2-3 billion, an information official Budapest denies.

“Hungarian prime minister is “morally bankrupt” and should resign after admitting that he personally approved the transfer of the Azeri axe murderer while knowing the likely consequences,” the leader of the opposition Socialists said earlier.

Attila Mesterhazy said it was clear from Orban’s comments at a news conference on September 11 that he had been aware that Azerbaijan would release the life-sentenced Ramil Safarov after his repatriation.

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Czechia parliament concerned over Azeri axe-killer release



October 23, 2012 - 19:17 AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic issued a resolution expressing deep concern over release of Azeri criminal Ramil Safarov convicted by a court of an EU member state over axe-killing an Armenian officer.

The Senator Jaromir Stetina-initiated resolution noted that Azeri President’s decision to release a murderer may escalate tensions in Armenian-Azerbaijani relations, hampering peaceful settlement of Karabakh conflict and threatening regional stability.

The Committee instructed its Chairman Jozef Regec to inform the Senate Chair about the resolution above.

Ramil Safarov, the Azerbaijani army officer who was serving a life sentence in Hungary for axing to death Armenian Lt. Gurgen Margaryan, was extradited to Azerbaijan and pardoned by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

Official Yerevan reacted by suspending diplomatic ties with Hungary.

Hungary, however, states that it had sent Safarov back to Azerbaijan after receiving assurances from the Azerbaijani Justice Ministry that Safarov's sentence, which included the possibility of parole after 25 years, would be enforced.

According to some reports, Safarov was extradited to Azerbaijan in exchange for Azeri purchase of Hungarian securities worth Euro 2-3 billion, an information official Budapest denies.

“Hungarian prime minister is “morally bankrupt” and should resign after admitting that he personally approved the transfer of the Azeri axe murderer while knowing the likely consequences,” the leader of the opposition Socialists said earlier.

Attila Mesterhazy said it was clear from Orban’s comments at a news conference on Tuesday September 11 that he had been aware that Azerbaijan would release the life-sentenced Ramil Safarov after his repatriation.




lav de aseq tesnem te sa inch tarberutyun e anelu azerineir hamar ??

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