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Phobia Armeniaca


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Why was this wonderful thread started by Arpa talking about problems with the Armenians turned into insults. If you disagree go ahead and post a reply. If you agree you can post your replies as well. New ideas, please post, but lets stop the name calling and getting personal with each-other. For the rest of us who are not involved in your arguments it looks very immature and sad.


I ask you guys to just go and clean up your own posts prior to the mods deleting it.

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Originally posted by Domino:

Would that first lesson(above) be on the one hour allocated ?

No. It would be the title of that one hour lesson.


BTW, I meant to say "You have already started..."


Too tired tonight.

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Why is it that debating or exchanging contrary views among Armenians always for most part results name calling and insults? Is this not what Ara Baliozian been writing about for twenty years? That is immaturity, insecurity and the residue mentality of suppressed. The same people who advocate self-reliance, or see themselves as “progressive” are incapable of exchanging views without resorting to insults and cheap shots. Ara Balizian has been verbally abused including his mother and for what? If confident let your words speak loader not your insults which only clearly shows ones weakness.
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Originally posted by Boghos:

Originally posted by MJ:

Isn’t something that has a sole purpose of preservation called parasite?

That is a question that reveals the essence of the Disney Armenian.
I am still waiting for an answear!I "me" "es" has nothing to do with this.
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Are these the only alternatives available to us? "




You may have some more in a place where you are now.

About alternatives: maybe we need one but not in this forum but in a broader perspective.

One way is to recon-st territories - unreal in my opinion, but historically proved to be the best way.

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Moderators of HyeForum deleted many of the insulting posts from this topic. We have tried to maintain as much of the original discussion in the thread but apologize to anyone whose message context has been altered.


We ask you again to PLEASE maintain forum rules.


Moderators of HyeForum


[ December 12, 2002, 11:43 AM: Message edited by: MosJan ]

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Originally posted by Sip:

Originally posted by TigrannesIII:

Is xenophobia really a bad thing? No. We like being Armenian and staying Armenian. What's so bad about that?

I'd say probably the "phobia" part. The rest is all good.
The fact that we're even discussing this crap shows how infected our thinking is with western ideas.
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Being xenophobic and liking to be an Armenian are two things completely different. Being xenophobic is putting yourself as superior to others, it is like any other kind of discrimination-boundary; i.e. being homophobic, sexist, racist. In this country, a lot of people are xenophobic toward immigrants (especially non-White immigrants) and we, Armenias as immigrants, should be the less ones to be xenophobic.
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Originally posted by Loreley:

Being xenophobic and liking to be an Armenian are two things completely different. Being xenophobic is putting yourself as superior to others, it is like any other kind of discrimination-boundary; i.e. being homophobic, sexist, racist. In this country, a lot of people are xenophobic toward immigrants (especially non-White immigrants) and we, Armenias as immigrants, should be the less ones to be xenophobic.

this is exactly what i mean- we've been tainted by western thinking.
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Hey Tig. I think I've said this before but if you are so affraid of western thinkings, why do you use the internet? Why not give it up? I can assure you the internet was NOT invented by Armenians and I can assure you that virtually ALL things online have been influenced (or "tainted') by western thinking.


So whether you like it or not, "western tints" are here to stay! I am sure even IN ARMENIA ... and it's not going to go away. So I'd say, the phobia is only going to cause problems and NOT solutions.

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Actually, you are wrong Sip.


The prototype of the Internet was invented by Armenians. It was discovered by academician Piatrovsky about 60 years ago during the explorations of the ruins of Erebuni. There, along the sewage pipline that was extending from Argishti's palace to the Tempel of Khald and down the hill, he found a prototype of fiber optics cable. Moreover, the early Assyrian sources attest to the fact that Argishti had been active on an Assyrian Bulletin Board and had been engaged with the King of Assyrians in a dispute on the true origins of Armenians.


Some impartial Hebrew manuscripts of around 500BC claim that this was the reason of the collapse of Urartu - Argishti got too much exposed to western ways of thinking and lifestyle.


Then, while Armenians and Assyrians were arguing with each other, Jews implemented Internet in Jerusalem without any reference to Armenians.


This is the true story. I have heard it in a private seminar organized by the estimed professor Episkoposyan of ROA.


[ December 13, 2002, 08:03 AM: Message edited by: MJ ]

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I was driving to the office and thinking about this thread, believe it or not. I came to the conclusion that there is nothing wrong in being xenophobic if you live in your own mythical world surrounded by like minded people. The problem that arose after this complex analysis was how to find such a place...
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Originally posted by TigrannesIII:

If xenophobia is what you call keeping my culture, then fine, I'm xenophobic, which I dont think is that big of a deal.
Which century of "your" culture are you refering to? At just what time/influence period is it "pure"? And remember American Football was only invented this last century...(and is not know as a native sport to Armenia.


Originally posted by TigrannesIII:

And exactly what is racism and sexism?
Are these invented Western concepts by your definition?


Originally posted by TigrannesIII:

According to western thinking I'm an extremist on both ends of those spectrums, yet I have friends from different cultures and backgrounds.
No - I think that your extremism is on only one end of the spectrum. I have a good old friend who is among the most racist people I know - yet he too claims to have black/Jewish/whatever friends and I have seen he is OK one on one - but still maintins extremely vile racist attitudes and beliefs - IMO - otherwise he is an OK guy...LOL. Its just how he was brought up and he won't change...but does that mean these attitudes are OK - No - I certainly don't think so...


Originally posted by TigrannesIII:

And homophobia? It's not a phobia if I just dont like them, and it's not that big of a deal to not like them.
Sure its a phobia - at least to make an issue out of it. Perhaps its a matter of degree - but what difference is it/shol dit be to you what other people do with their lives - as long as they are not (negatively) impacting you (or hurting anyone) in any way.


Oh & BTW Hitler didn't like Jews either...he just didn't like them...no big deal...Talat didn't like Armenians...no big deal...

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Originally posted by MJ:

Actually, you are wrong Sip.


... It was discovered by academician Piatrovsky about 60 years ago during the explorations of the ruins of Erebuni....


I stand corrected Boghos and MJ.


Actually this thread and MJ's recent "Armenianness Checklist" made me realize a very interesting parallel about how Armenians pride themselves of being the first Christian nation and how we at UCLA pride ourselves as the birthplace of the Internet At virtually any possible occasion, attempts are made to bring up the name of Professor Kleinrock (who's still here) and his group's experiments in the 70s with TCP and the ARPA net ...


... hmmm ... much like I just did here I guess

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Originally posted by Sip:

Originally posted by MJ:

Actually, you are wrong Sip.


... It was discovered by academician Piatrovsky about 60 years ago during the explorations of the ruins of Erebuni....

I stand corrected Boghos and MJ.


No no no. You all stand (or you can sit if you like) corrected. The prototype of the Internet was invented by the canines of London, and was called ... the Twilight Bark! For the documentary evidence, consult Disney's 101 Dalmatians.
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As for the title topic, yes, Armenians could be described as xenophobic, provided that one clarifies the term for this particular case. "Phobia" means fear, but in cultural contexts it is usually taken to mean "hate". That is wrong in the case of Armenian xenophobia. Armenians actually do fear other nations, partly for good reason, and partly for lack of self-confidence when there is no good reason. Fearful of other cultures, yes. Hateful of other cultures, no. Getting rid of the Armenian xenophobia requires the gaining of self-confidence. In the meantime, implying that Armenian xenophobia is hateful is wrong and unfair. We may be goofballs. But we are harmless goofballs.
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