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Culinary Arts Of A Single Guy


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  • 3 weeks later...
So why Parskahye people use the Russian word "ikra" and think that it is Armenian? :rolleyes: :D From now on, use "khaviar" instead of "ikra" ;) (not that it is originally Armenian, sounds too much like English "caviar" although ours has a wider use than just fish caviar)

Ikra is actually a Japanese word that Russians happened to adopt and it does primarily used for the fish eggs (Yum-Yum)

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  • 2 months later...

Ash Vosp Reshteh (~15-20 minutes)


Rating: Pretty healthy as long as you don't go crazy with the salt. Lots of protein and lots of fiber and lots of good taste.




  • A bag of vosp (aka lentil)
  • One large plain non fat yogurt
  • 2 cans of Ash Reshteh* http://www.Sip.us/hf/ash.jpg

    * If you can't get the canned kind, you can substitute the dried kind that comes in a box from Sadaf. But preparing that must be done in advance and takes extra time. Follow their directions.

What to do:
  1. Wash the vosp in a ghazan with water
  2. Add enough water. If you need to know how much, go get a cook book. This thread ain't about those kinds of small details. Ok just put some water in there Jeez!
  3. Boil the vosp
  4. After it's ready to eat, drain all the water out. Make sure to keep as much of the vosp from going down the drain as possible. We'll need the vosp for later steps.
  5. Dump the yogurt in there
  6. Dump the 2 cans of Ash in there
  7. Mix well while heating
  8. Salt to taste
Make sure you don't boil it. If it boils, it's no biggie but it's better if it's just heated.


Serve and enjoy. And you don't even have to serve ... just eat right there on the oven if you like!

Edited by Seapahn
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Sip, that looks like Taliban Airlines on board lunch :) Terrorist food  :angry:  :)



My Dad mailed me a big box of those from LA and some other stuff ... there was something else (powdery) in there that he sent me that I still don't know what it was ... well the package had some sort of "accident" on the way here and by the time they dropped it off, the cardboard was half torn and there was white powder everywhere, though it was wrapped with plastic and had some re-route tags on it.


So I called my dad to thank him but I couldn't stop laughing at how he had sent me a big box of stuff with arabic-looking things written on it and some WHITE POWDER :lol2: :msn-cry:

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My Dad mailed me a big box of those from LA and some other stuff ... there was something else (powdery) in there that he sent me that I still don't know what it was ... well the package had some sort of "accident" on the way here and by the time they dropped it off, the cardboard was half torn and there was white powder everywhere, though it was wrapped with plastic and had some re-route tags on it.


So I called my dad to thank him but I couldn't stop laughing at how he had sent me a big box of stuff with arabic-looking things written on it and some WHITE POWDER :lol2:  :msn-cry:



Can you please call and ask your dad? I am curious to know.


Oh, I got the recipe for this Persian dish called Fesenjan (or something close to that). It's one of my fav. Persian dishes. Yummmmy. Can't wait to make it. :chef:

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Slice potatoes and put them on an oven. Bake then broil until they become red, crispy and round like small baloons. Serve with butter, Bulgarian goat cheese and wine. I am gonna have this all by myself right away. I love me :) Oh yes, it takes 15 minutes.




Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh ... I do this whenever I'm down. I pop in an old movie (like "Mer Mankutyan Tangon" or "Menq Enq Mer Sarer@"), eat the potatoes with butter (just like my mom taught me) and remember my childhood.

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Can you please call and ask your dad?  I am curious to know. 


Ask him what? what the powder was? He said it was something to mix with water and is good for caughs. Of course I explained to him several times that there was nothing wrong with me and that I wasn't sick. Actually haven't been sick in a long time ... but he didn't believe me. :D

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Ask him what? what the powder was?  He said it was something to mix with water and is good for caughs. Of course I explained to him several times that there was nothing wrong with me and that I wasn't sick. Actually haven't been sick in a long time ... but he didn't believe me.  :D




Saep :) mi qich et Spitak powderist tur katuyit tes inch klini

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Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh ... I do this whenever I'm down.  I pop in an old movie (like "Mer Mankutyan Tangon" or "Menq Enq Mer Sarer@"), eat the potatoes with butter (just like my mom taught me) and remember my childhood.



Sulamik, I will complete the picture ... Some tsitsak or molocan cabage marinade with onion rings and olive oil, a smoked "taranka" or "seledka", Borodiski bread and lot of Czech beer :)

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Sulamik, I will complete the picture ... Some tsitsak or molocan cabage marinade with onion rings and olive oil, a smoked "taranka" or "seledka", Borodiski bread and lot of Czech beer :)



OK Armen now I'm starving !!!! Which means I have to leave my traffic school session and go make food. Bayts inch utem? Tan@ tsitsak ch@ka :exhausted:

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OK  Armen now I'm starving !!!!  Which means I have to leave my traffic school session and go make food.  Bayts inch utem?  Tan@ tsitsak ch@ka  :exhausted:



Don't know where is it situated but last time I was in LA but cousin drove to a "perashki-lamajou" place somewhere in Holywood. Was amazing! Go buy some. Or, put some pealed tomatoes, cut pepper and onions with some butter into a fan and let them boil until the tommato juice almost evaporates then add some eggs :)

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Don't know where is it situated but last time I was in LA but cousin drove to a "perashki-lamajou" place somewhere in Holywood. Was amazing! Go buy some. Or, put some pealed tomatoes, cut pepper and onions with some butter into a fan and let them boil until the tommato juice almost evaporates then add some eggs :)



pomidorov dzvadzegh !!!! vonts chei mtatsel? mersi :chef:

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Sulamita jan. This HyeForum is an addiction for me. I am not kidding. I'll go to meetings where people are discussing multi million projects and I an thinking about the forum.


I think someone needs to check me in the Betty Ford clinic or something. :(

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