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What Is Sex Coming To These Days?


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I was just walking to my truck from my classroom, and as i near this girl with a desk and some stuff on it, i could just tell shes selling something, i i do my best tto ignore.. She yells acros the walkway and asks, hey do u wanna buy a bag full of goodies? I look at her and say.. " ummm,, wel... not really" shes like, well you wanna see whats in them? " so im like, ok, whats in them?" and i walk to the desk. As i get there she pulls out a really kewl looking candle from a bag, and she is like describing the candle making it look better than it was, so im like oh, kewl ill buy that candle, and give t to my sister or something.. how much? she says it 3 bucks, im like oh really.. ok. She says but wait theres more, im like kewl, and she pulls out a strip of fresh condoms. Im like, WTF is this????? And she says here are a few condoms and, i distupt her and ask, " Can i just get the candle and you can keep the comdoms, i dont need it, but looks like you do!? with a straight out kinda stern voice,, and she kinda looks at me surprised like, "WHAT!! YOU DONT WANT FREE CONDOMS!!!!?? and she kinda mutters,, "yeah sure" so i give her the 3 bucks and get the candle....Now,


I was like, what the hell was that, how spread is this diseas of sex that we free condoms as a means to attract "buyers"..


And Please im sure you allunderstand what i mean by sex being a disease,, i hope so ;)


SO, please comment on this issue, i want to see if you guys think this is fine to do, or is this as low as humanity can get?

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Well you could use them to hold loose change or something...dunnoh - I'm sure there is some use...and on a related note...are you really a guy gevo? LOL

thot... LOL.. am i a guy???


i wont answer that question :)


Yeah right carry loos change, thatls be something to see eh.. go the the market and whip out your condom and start counting change out of it?? LMAO.. oh man u can be more imaginative than that no??

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I don't consider sex as a "disease" in the manner you were referring to, gevo. It is, just like any other thing, a marketing tool, an industry. I think it's O.K. to do that, as long as one is not offering condoms to kids. University level is O.K, in my opinion. Edited by den_wolf
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gevo, are you on a college campus?


I was an RA and obviously a student for many years and condoms(as well as free food) are a means by which to get most students to at least turn their heads into what you are doing. I'm past all of the "we shouldn't promote sex" talk. Becuase kids are out there being irresponsible as it is. So be protected, we don't need any more diseased, or unexpected children running around here. I do believe sex is over exposed, don't get me wrong, but your experience isn't that surprising nonetheless.



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I agree, sev-mard. :D


The guild of students hands out condoms here. Hahaha.. And believe it or not, a lot of people come and get them. I suppose it's good. One can't assume that there will be no sex without condoms. So providing condoms is an act of good-will, in addition to being useful in terms of getting people's attention to other products. :)

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Come on guys, lets stay on topic. :)

I do feel your pain, but a little "fun" doesn't hurt anyone. In serious threads like genocide discussion or philosophy, I would agree with you, but with all due respect, I disagree with this. The human mind is much more complex than thinking about just one thing at one time and expressing it. :rolleyes:

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Come on guys, lets stay on topic. :)

As for the topic...hehe....I just feel that if you're not having sex for whatever reasons fine, and I think that sex is being had a bit too freely myself. But I would much rather people using condoms, because that saves the 'incurable' headaches and sometimes children that come about without the condoms. Have to be realistic here. Safe sex isn't condoning sex, it's merely being smart about sex if you're going to have, something many 'adults' could stand to learn.

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That shouldn't be too difficult no?


BTW - I think we could all use a good spanking! :naughty: :taz: :thumbup:


...yes we must be motivatewd to stay on topic! :lol: :P



How about a nice needle instead? :doctor:


I personal don't see anything wrong with giving out free condoms at Universities. All it does is promote safe sex.

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How about a nice needle instead? :doctor:


I personal don't see anything wrong with giving out free condoms at Universities. All it does is promote safe sex.

it promotes more sex, these days there is enough talk about safe sex, and only people who dont use condoms are little kids that think they r kewl and dont know what the hell they are doing. I dont about you guys, sex is a touchy issue yes, but i think the lack pf promoting sex and condoms would be better than promoting anything of it...


Maybe i was shocked cause of the unexpectancy, or maybe i was naive in thinking, * this is wrong** but it is embarrasing to human kind, it makes us animals, not being able to control ourselves, *and that i guess we all are in some sense** either or, she can keep her condoms... and i forgot who asked, but yes this is a university campus, CAL STATE NORTHRIDGE

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gevo, i think that since sex is such an accepted thing in society now a days, and especially among college students, that it shouldnt be considered something bad that she is trying to put out a message, because it goes on whether people talk about it or not, and i guess its better to be safe then sorry--i dont necessarily consider what shes doing somethng bad, its just the fact that alot of us arent used to talking about such things that makes it seem like a bad thing...
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