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The Respnsibility of an Armenian


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1)Marry another Armenian. For centuries our women have been stolen from us by Moslems for purposes of rape and forced assimilation, in free societies we must keep them close to us. Do not even talk to odars.


2)Pass the language onto the next generation. If the language is lost, the new generation should make all possible strides to learn it.


3)Keep the religion. How many millions of Armenians have died simply for being Christian??? To leave the church is perhaps the ultimate form of betrayal, not only to your people, but to your ancestors.


It is also essential to keep Christian morals. We all know what these are. This goes for both sexes.


I have to go now......

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Originally posted by Thorny Rose:
Half of my ancestors were forced to leave their land, if they themselves did not choose to, because they were Muslim. About "betrayal of ancestors," - I'm glad nobody has brainwashed me to that effect.

sorry, nobody has brainwashed me... my thoughts are mine own
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Why should being an Armenian restrict us and take away our freedom? If someone marries, it should be out of love, not some imaginary honor code. And since when are we not allowed to have freedom of religion because we have "ian" attached to our last names? One should worship in church because they believe in Jesus, not because not doing so would be "the ultimate betrayal to one's ancestors." Being Armenian is not about following rules.
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Originally posted by Anshnork:
Why should being an Armenian restrict us and take away our freedom? If someone marries, it should be out of love, not some imaginary honor code. And since when are we not allowed to have freedom of religion because we have "ian" attached to our last names? One should worship in church because they believe in Jesus, not because not doing so would be "the ultimate betrayal to one's ancestors." Being Armenian is not about following rules.

because if you don't then all you are is a person whose last name ends in -ian, not an armenian
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Originally posted by TigrannesIII:
1)Marry another Armenian. For centuries our women have been stolen from us by Moslems for purposes of rape and forced assimilation, in free societies we must keep them close to us. Do not even talk to odars.

2)Pass the language onto the next generation. If the language is lost, the new generation should make all possible strides to learn it.

3)Keep the religion. How many millions of Armenians have died simply for being Christian??? To leave the church is perhaps the ultimate form of betrayal, not only to your people, but to your ancestors.

It is also essential to keep Christian morals. We all know what these are. This goes for both sexes.

I have to go now......

Beautifully stated
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Originally posted by Anshnork:
Why should being an Armenian restrict us and take away our freedom? If someone marries, it should be out of love, not some imaginary honor code. And since when are we not allowed to have freedom of religion because we have "ian" attached to our last names? One should worship in church because they believe in Jesus, not because not doing so would be "the ultimate betrayal to one's ancestors." Being Armenian is not about following rules.

You're right, I agree with a person living free, however all Tigran 3rt is saying is once you know that this is where you belong, dont abandon it.
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  • 5 weeks later...

Tigraness III, kez mi ban asem: sarsapeli bashdamunkits engel es.


To be armenian you have to live in Armenia, maybe I'm wrong...

Es Venezuela em abrum, hos unenk gentron ev ekeghetsi, bayts tshpaxtapar et yeranta chka vorbes hay mnan, uzum em asel te mer Srpazana orinaki hamar chi karogh "hokehankist, 40nots gam requiem linel mors mahvan, gam voroshel zavgis hamar nra mgrdutiuna, evayln, evayln, chi kitem...

Hay mnalu hamar miutiun betk e bahanchvi, voch te hay hed amusnatsel es te voch sa amena khosk en intz hamar.

If Dragon #255 allow me to insert his writing and I add something more you could see what we have to avoid to be as you say "Armenian":

Mishd harkelov patsaroutiunneru bedk e usel, vor haygagan-azkayin gyanku arten shadonts gorsuntsoutsadz e ir hmayku` arjanabadvoutian, badivi, partsr idealnerou, IRAGAN ARACHNORTNEROU patsagaypoutian badjarov.

-Hayu aysor aveli ''charchi'' e, kan azniv vajaragan.


-Hayu aysor aveli mageresayin e, kan khorki mart.


-Hay gineru aysor aveli tetevamid en, geroukhoumov, hakousd gabousdov pavararvogh, kan irents undanikin ou zavagneroun hokevor arjeknerou ajoumov.


-Hay dghamartig aysor aveli yesagetron ou ampardavan en, kan nvirvadz irents undanikin ou azkin. Isg yete kani mu ghroush al tram ounin, ouremn` Asdvadz okne irents tserku ingoghin...


-Hay harousdu aysor aveli paraser e, kan iragan parerar. Portsetsek vorpi mu, gam ousanoghi mu hamar oknoutiun khuntrel ou bidi desnek, te vorkan arkahadagan bidi ulla irents badaskhanu. Payts yete arachargek BADVO HIUR gam ORVAN NAKHAKAH ullal tsernargi mu gam barahantesi mu, anonk sirov bidi untounin` mughvadz irents parasiroutenen (teyev yerpemun al chvjarelov irents khosdatsadz koumaru, gam al payment-i veradzelov zayn...)


- Hay ggheraganu aysor aveli MEDZAPERAN e, kan iragan voghormadz ou oknoutian poutatsogh. Daregan yergou merelotsnerou dzkhader kahanan gaytsele ir hodu...miayn tram havakelou nbadagov. ''Hayr Mer'' mu agraneroun mechen (achgu chors goghm tartsunelov...) aba anmichabes usdatsakiri dedrag!

And I add:

Mez chi vayler khonarh @llal odarnerun hanteb yev koroz askagitsnerun hanteb. Nayev, hay@ yerp odarneru mech e ingadz, hazar achkov hay ge p’ndre, isg yerp hayerov e sh’rchabadvadz` hayu achk yev honk ge hane!


Hay@ 1915-en i ver, Astdzo tem kh’rovadz e, payts ur vor al yerta, nakh yegeghetsi ge partzratsne.


Hay@ amen giragi Asdudzme “Ser-Miutiun” ge kh’ntre, isg Asdvadz sh’varadz e te inch hastseov gh’rge.


“…Yete mez Asdvadz tever che @ndzayadz, nayev che bardatradz Arnedi bes abrel...”






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