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Pictures of my trip to Kayseri...


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To Thorn Rose: can you tell me why you went on a church tour? You are an affirmed Atheist. Did you suddenly find God(Alah)?

I think not. God was never a part of you.

You already know my religion. I do not pretend to be something I am not.You are the Scarlet Rose. You know that. So quit pretending. Be what you are.

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Originally posted by Thorny Rose:
I hope they don't wait long to ban you, Edward.
Since this is an open forum and you don't seem to have any reservations, there is no harm in my posting this thread on MEF, is there? "You will be mine, gaa gaa..."

TRose, thanks for the pictures. I loved them.
Well, as I know already churches that was nothing special. But the special thing is that you went over there to capture this pics and you made them public.
It's really special. I appreciate it.

Looks like you got a "sticking junk". Well, I'm not in the position to give advices, but ignore this idiot, it will save your time and nerves. He looks pretty retarded.
And I think he looks desperately for the way out. He doesn't want to live, he prefers to be kicked off. Bad...so..bad!
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Mike you need to be nice to Hye forum Members !!!


Mike inch es uzum iys axhcikits ? poxanak iys axchkan halatselu , mtatsir te inchpes du inqt qez karor es ognel, yev ognel muys Hayerin , yev voch te angitaktsabar thaj mthnolort stertses iyster,

xelqt gluxt havaki yev mek korm tor iren , aveli lav e forumi topicnerin masnaktses ,

te ov inhcov e zbarvum yev inchi hamar e iyster, da arden jamanak@ tsuyts k@ta...




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Originally posted by Mike77:
To Thorn Rose: can you tell me why you went on a church tour? You are an affirmed Atheist. Did you suddenly find God(Alah)?
I think not. God was never a part of you.
You already know my religion. I do not pretend to be something I am not.You are the Scarlet Rose. You know that. So quit pretending. Be what you are.

Because I felt like visiting a church during such an event. It paid. I saw lots, learned lots, and also happened to meet a person such as Steve who showed me things/places in Kayseri I had not been aware of.
In short, it was a healthy experience.
And I thought I told you to cut out that Scarlet Woman bullshit. Why is it that, since you made your way in again, you are trying to jeopardize what you already have?
And, no, I am not part Armenian, before you ask it. What difference does it make, anyway? None that I know of.
I am who I am. You shouldn't talk, "Mike77"...
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