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Armenian Friendly Financial Advisory Website


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Hello friends! I'm a Greek, but have many Armenian friends as I'm sure you have Greek friends. I just started a financial advisory site and am trying to drum up traffic as much as possible. However, I'm not a charity cause. I provide insightful commentary daily, pre-market. I was an analyst for a good 7 years, and at my firm I was ranked 2nd of 90 analysts over the five years I had freedom to select stocks. Check it out:




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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello friends! I'm a Greek, but have many Armenian friends as I'm sure you have Greek friends. I just started a financial advisory site and am trying to drum up traffic as much as possible. However, I'm not a charity cause. I provide insightful commentary daily, pre-market. I was an analyst for a good 7 years, and at my firm I was ranked 2nd of 90 analysts over the five years I had freedom to select stocks. Check it out:




Thanks for your support.






Evcharisto :)

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  • 5 months later...
Hello friends! I'm a Greek, but have many Armenian friends as I'm sure you have Greek friends. I just started a financial advisory site and am trying to drum up traffic as much as possible. However, I'm not a charity cause. I provide insightful commentary daily, pre-market. I was an analyst for a good 7 years, and at my firm I was ranked 2nd of 90 analysts over the five years I had freedom to select stocks. Check it out:




Thanks for your support.





No thank you. Although I like Greeks and Greece (surely!!), I'll pass on your "knowledge" of the "stock market". The stock market is one of the biggest SHAMS in history!!!


WHY? Let me explain:


People think that they are buying part of a company when they are REALLY buying a piece of PAPER!!

1) When you buy stock, you get a minuscule dividend on your investment *if ANY*! (and by minuscule I mean less than 1%). The company's making money and supposedly you're an "owner" so why don't they share the profits with you? The only way you make money is by selling your piece of paper at a higher price when that paper's "value" has risen.


2) The truth is that the corporation only raises money INITIALLY when they've issued shares, e.g. during an IPO or subsequent issuing of stock. This means that when you're buying a stock that money is going to the person who last held the stock and not to the company!


3) The stock market is driven by HUMAN EMOTIONS that are controlled by the CORPORATE MEDIA. The people "drumming" stock prices up are the SAME people who own the stock pre-IPO or are the SAME people who currently hold on to the stock that they want to raise the price, after which they will sell. Once they sell, a few years later they will DECREASE the price and then they purchase at very low rates. In BOTH cases, it's the guys controlling the emotions of the masses (who've invested in "mutual funds" and "hedge funds" and all that jazz) who end up winning at the detriment of the masses!




So what's my advice to "investing"?


1) Use your money to really BUY a company/a ready-made business that gives you REAL returns on investment (the PROFITS of the business are yours...), or

2) Place your liquid assets into some long-term treasury bonds, or

3) Start your OWN business and put your OWN money to work! After all, who but you can bring the best bang for your buck?, or

4) Buy real estate in down economies.


But the stock market... is the biggest casino in the world, and in fact it's WORSE than a casino, because at least in a casino whether or not you win (which is mathematically against you in all games over the long-run) at least depends on CHANCE. In the stock market, there's no chance! It's the big boys (who directly and indirectly control the media) are the ones who determine whether you win or lose... And trust me, they won't win if you win. They win only if you lose.


Think twice before giving your hard-earned money to someone else :)

Edited by Shahan Araradian
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