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What Is Beautiful?


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I understand what you're saying, at the same time I find her chest to look quite natural along with the curves of her hips and etc.  :P I don't know I just find her to be eye catching most time I see her, and women of her "like" and "look" I find myself drawn the most to. I don't doubt that beauty is subjective, and Bellucci is a subject that I find fun to study.  :P Amot to myself!



I understand you: she has enough character to inspire some of us!

In any case, you should not be ashamed to pay tribute to Beauty; at the contrary!

I always said: "I may not believe in a God, but I can adore a Goddess!" :)




Beauty is also..


Sorry Armen you're right the topic did go a bit off track. I pick the above nker because I enjoyed the greenery of  the Japanese country side while I was there. The ability to see the stunningly blue sky because of the lack of buildings and pollution was truly an enlightening experience of the constant cityscape of much of Southern California.



First of all, I would have called this thread "Inspiration" instead of "Beauty!" A personal choice, of course!

"Inspiration" shifts the attention from the "object" to the "subject" and states clearly the subjective nature of the sentiment.

Also, "inspiration" is more inclusive: I find the woman that Armat finds beautiful charming - not beautiful. Charming can also inspire us!

Beauty "is??" "multidimensional" [i don't like the word "multidimensional"], multifaceted and has many appearances!

Please allow to pay tribute to others from Japan who took the time to praise Beauty:

1- Tanizaki - In Praise of Shadows.


2- Kenji Mizoguchi



Leo Ferre expressed it differently:

"She was as beautiful as rebellion; we called her Imagination."

(Elle etait belle comme la revolte, on l'appelait l'imagination.)

Edited by Siamanto
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I understand you: she has enough character to inspire some of us!

In any case, you should not be ashamed to pay tribute to Beauty; at the contrary!

I always said: "I may not believe in a God, but I can adore a Goddess!" :)

First of all, I would have called this thread "Inspiration" instead of "Beauty!" A personal choice, of course!

"Inspiration" shifts the attention from the "object" to the "subject" and states clearly the subjective nature of the sentiment.

Also, "inspiration" is more inclusive: I find the woman that Armat finds beautiful charming - not beautiful. Charming can also inspire us!

Beauty "is??" "multidimensional"  [i don't like the word "multidimensional"], multifaceted and has many appearances!

Please allow to pay tribute to others from Japan who took the time to praise Beauty:

1- Tanizaki - In Praise of Shadows.


2-  Kenji Mizoguchi



Leo Ferre expressed it differently:

"She was as beautiful as rebellion; we called her Imagination."

(Elle etait belle comme la revolte, on l'appelait l'imagination.)



You're cool Siamanto, I like you. ;)

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I think that a lot of things can be beautiful. More beautiful than physical beauty, or any kind of beauty you can touch or feel, is beauty that can be found in words... Maybe because when you read something you see it in your imagination the way you might perceive it to be and it's like putting a personal touch to something beautiful that someone else has written.. In my opinion, the follwing passage is very beautiful.


But I still wanted to believe what lovers believe: that the thing itself is better than any alternative, be it unrequited, or defeated, or insane.  I wanted to cling to the image of love as the blending of spirits, as mélange, as the triumph of the impure, mongrel, conjoining best of us over what there is in us of the solitary, the isolated, the austere, the dogmatic, the pure; of love as democracy, as the victory of the no-man-is-an-island, two's-company Many over the clean, mean, apartheiding Ones.  I tried to see lovelessness as arrogance, for who but the loveless could believe themselves complete, all-seeing, all-wise?  To love is to lose omnipotence and omniscience.  Ignorantly is how we all fall in love; for it is a kind of fall.  Closing our eyes, we leap from that cliff in hope of a soft landing.  Nor is it always soft; but still, I told myself, still, without that leap nobody comes to life.  The leap itself is a birth, even when it ends in death... Salman Rushdie, The Moors Last Sigh, pg.289
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  • 2 weeks later...


Monica Bellucci looked ravishing during the 30th ceremonies of the Cesars. I should thank the black color of her dress that was magically concealig and "flattening" her excessively voluptuous figure. Will Smith who hugged her would attest to that. A fresh Will Smith who, unfulfilled with the two kisses impudently grabbed two more! :)


While the Fresh Prince was delivering his speech - a mixture of humor and wisdom relating a conversation he had with Nelson Mandela - the camera a focused, on many occasions, on another lady who's face looked as if embellished and dignified by the expression of a stoic pride. I assumed she was his mother. A Mother witnessing with reserved Happiness a dream that probably many Black Mothers had; a serene Happiness that hides many pains and sufferings. Noble Beauty lit her kind, yet profound, eyes.


For me, that was the Highlight of the show! Maybe it only existed for me; the proud and grateful descendant of a depossessed and abused Nation who struggled for my future and dreams; my dreams that are their achievements and my achievements that are their dreams.


That was Beautiful!

Edited by Siamanto
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Monica Bellucci looked ravishing during the 30th ceremonies of the Cesars. I should thank the black color of her dress that was magically concealig and "flattening" her excessively voluptuous figure. Will Smith who hugged her would attest to that. A fresh Will Smith  who, unfulfilled with the two kisses impudently grabbed two more! :)


While the Fresh Prince was delivering his speech - a mixture of humor and wisdom relating a conversation he had with Nelson Mandela -  the camera a focused, on many occasions, on another lady who's face looked as if embellished and dignified by the expression of a stoic pride. I assumed she was his mother. A Mother witnessing with reserved Happiness a dream that  probably many Black Mothers had; a serene Happiness that hides many pains and sufferings. Noble Beauty lit her kind, yet profound,  eyes.


For me, that was the Highlight of the show! Maybe it only existed for me; the proud and grateful descendant of a depossessed and abused Nation who struggled for my future and dreams; my dreams that are their achievements and my achievements that are their dreams.


That was Beautiful!



Wow, what you wrote was beautiful. I could fee your sincerity and truth in your words. Nice. I'll response in more lengthy later, hima gordzumem vor.. ;)

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  • 2 months later...
When I saw this picture (I kept it long time) I was hooked! I mean hooked. She has everything what I think beautiful is. I know she does not look like a model! That’s the point ,unique captivating, mysterious, certain charm. I am not a pervert but beautiful woman do get my attention.



greaat!! my favourite style, u know some days ago I saw one girl at Cascade(she passed by me...) man she was sooo beautyfull I think it was godness Astghik who came to walk a lil bit on Earth...I still can't 4get that gurlll!!ohhh g2 go !!!cyaaa

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  • 1 year later...

Actually, Saroyan went through a phase when he looked good from all angles. Even as an older man, though, there is something very good-looking about him. Or sexy, I should say. I think it's more in his personality, the sheer confidence. But then again, tastes differ.


There will be a specific message that that 3/4 face view is meant to convey, particularly through the angle of the camera, and the direction of the sitter's eyes.

For example, if the author wanted to be seen as being particularly visionary or futuristic in his thoughts and writings then perhaps his eyes might be looking upward slightly, and ahead. If he is a political leader then the camera might be looking up at him, emphasising physical stature to reflect his greater intellectual stature than mere mortals. Having no eye contact sugests remoteness and superiority and inscrutability.

In that photo Saroyan is looking straight ahead but at something out of sight, and the camera is level with him but set at a lower height than would be usual for a face level portrait. So I suppose that is meant to suggest that the author examines and writes about contemporary things and lives, from the standpoint of the ordinary person, but that Saroyan is still of greater stature than those ordinary lives he writes about.

Since I've never read any of his books, I don't know if that does reflect his work. :)

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I think the cable guy who came to my apartment last weekend was beautiful. I'm so glad he wasn't able to get the cable working then; that means he's coming by again this Saturday.


Sounds like a "naughty"... ;) :D


BTW my 2 cents: Catherine Friggin Zeta Jones. :wub:

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