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State Dept.'s Anti-semitism Report


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State Dept.'s Anti-Semitism Report a Good First Step,

But Softpeddles Some Arab Gov't-Sponsored Anti-Semitism



PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 10 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The State Department's first

annual report on global anti-Semitism deserves praise for its strong

definition of anti-Semitism, but the report fails to give adequate

attention to anti-Semitism sponsored by some Arab governments, an

analysis by The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies has



"It is encouraging that the report includes Israel-Nazi analogies in

its definition of anti-Semitism, but it is disappointing that the

report says so little about some Arab governments which promote such

analogies and other types of anti- Semitism," said Wyman Institute

director Dr. Rafael Medoff.


The State Department's report, issued Friday, is mandated by the

recently-passed Global Anti-Semitism Review Act, sponsored last summer

by Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Calif.) and signed into law by President Bush in

October. The Lantos bill came in response to the rising tide of

global anti-Semitism, especially in Europe and the Middle East.


During Congressional consideration of the measure, the Wyman Institute

organized a bipartisan letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell,

signed by 108 prominent American political and cultural leaders, which

helped Lantos over come the State Department's opposition to the bill.


The report provides the first official U.S. government definition of

anti-Semitism, and this is one of the report's strongest aspects. It

states that in addition to direct attacks on Jews or Judaism, "The

demonization of Israel or vilification of Israeli leaders, sometimes

through comparisons with Nazi leaders, and through the use of Nazi

symbols to caricature them, indicates an anti-Semitic bias rather than

a valid criticism of policy concerning a controversial issue."


The 37-page report, covering the period from July 1, 2003 through

December 15, 2004, offers summaries of anti-Semitic incidents in

various countries and of what actions in response have been taken by

government authorities. Surprisingly, more space is given to some

European and South American countries where there has been relatively

little anti-Semitism, and noticeably less space to some Arab countries

where government-sponsored anti- Semitism is widespread.


For example, the section about Iceland is 387 words long, even though

the report notes only one instance of anti-Semitic harassment and one

hostile cartoon there. By contrast, Saudi Arabia is given just 182

words, including the apparently contradictory statements that

"Anti-Semitic sentiments...were present in the print and electronic

media. The local press rarely printed articles or commentaries

disparaging other religions."


Only 86 words are devoted to the Palestinian Authority, more than half

of which discussed a sermon on PA Television by a Muslim preacher

urging tolerance (but not mentioning Jews). That sermon unfortunately

was not typical of sermons that are broadcast on PA tv and radio,

which often contain anti-Semitic themes, including denial of the

Holocaust. Additionally, the State Department report does not mention

instances of anti-Semitism in the PA- controlled press. Surprisingly,

Armenia (194 words), Brazil (149), and Azerbaijan (142), where there

is little reported anti- Semitism and no evidence of

government-sponsored anti-Semitism, are given more space in the report

than the Palestinian Authority.




ABOUT THE WYMAN INSTITUTE: The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust

Studies, located on the campus of Gratz College (near Philadelphia),

is a research and education institute focusing on America's response

to the Holocaust. It is named in honor of the eminent historian and

author of the 1984 best-seller The Abandonment of the Jews, the most

important and influential book concerning the U.S. response to the

Nazi genocide.


The Institute's Advisory Committee includes Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

Elie Wiesel, Members of Congress, and other luminaries.


The Institute's Academic Council includes 48 leading professors of the

Holocaust, American history, and Jewish history.


The Institute's Arts & Letters Council, chaired by Cynthia Ozick,

includes prominent artists, writers, musicians, and filmmakers.


(A complete list is available upon request.)




Contact: Rafael Medoff of David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust

Studies, 215-635-5622 or rafaelmedoff(At)aol.com


01/10 11:53

Edited by Armen
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I agree, total BS. It's insulting for other minority groups who are being harrassed but the state department has chosen only "the chosen people" to do a report on. I read the report on Russia where in reality anti-semitism has not been a major issue last year but RACISM against "so called peoples of Caucasus", central Asia and Asians in general has become a major major issue. Yes, but these are not the chosen people, so who cares to do a report on them, right?
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The State Department doesn't need report on racism in Russia because it plays well in favour of the American interests. It is good to make noise from time to time just to brown nose Russians and that is it.


A spitting Jew is a righteous Jew. A non-Spitting Jew is either Holohoax victim or a liberal Jew.

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I find it funny that the people who most brush off the idea that there is anti-semitsim are the ones who are always the most obviously anti-semetic. (and this arabs are semites thing is pitiful - so what if they are - its clear that the issue is hatred of Jews - and it exists - and its pretty sad/sick - IMO (regardless) - and particualry comming from Armenians who have had similar done to them.....most sad....
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I find it funny that the people who most brush off the idea that there is anti-semitsim are the ones who are always the most obviously anti-semetic. (and this arabs are semites thing is pitiful - so what if they are - its clear that the issue is hatred of Jews - and it exists - and its pretty sad/sick - IMO (regardless) - and particualry comming from Armenians who have had similar done to them.....most sad....



So as anti-Arabism is very prevelent in the US, and very, very prelevent in Israel, I have registered in an Israeli forum just recently because a denialist Turk was posting crap there(I still am waiting to be approved after a week), it is intriging to see how people posting there have backward mentality, the arabophobia and anti-Arabism in every possible posts has racist proportions, including by moderators.


There is anti-xyzism, everywhere, about every possible ethnic groups, you won't see any State departement anti-xyzism reports.

Edited by Fadix
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I find it funny that the people who most brush off the idea that there is anti-semitsim are the ones who are always the most obviously anti-semetic. (and this arabs are semites thing is pitiful - so what if they are - its clear that the issue is hatred of Jews - and it exists - and its pretty sad/sick - IMO (regardless) - and particualry comming from Armenians who have had similar done to them.....most sad....



Arabs (most of them) are Semites. That is a FACT!!! Only dumb ass Americans don't know that!


What Holohoax? Are you talking about the tragedy that befelt the poor Jewish people in some European Jewish ghettos? :)

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Arabs (most of them) are Semites. That is a FACT!!! Only dumb ass Americans don't know that!


Another fact is that most Jews aren't. That's right Ashkenazi Jews are not semites, so how can anti-Jewism be anti-semetism? BTW THOTH, answer me this, why are Jews so loved?


What Holohoax? Are you talking about the tragedy that befelt the poor Jewish people in some European Jewish ghettos? :)


No, he is talking about the 25 million Jews that were exterminated in neat and clean fashion at Auschwitz. However, before the cremation, all their heads were shaved from which many nazi blankets and pillows were made. Some of them were even skinned alive and their skins were used to make lampshades. At least that's what they told me in 7th grade social studies.

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So let us correct the Amerikanski State Department. Most of today's Jews are Ashkenazi, meaning they've recruited quite a bit of the European phenotype (or was it the Turkic Khazar yadda yadda?), so, in truth, the anti-Semitism report should be about anti-Arabism and Arabophobia, since Arabs are the true Semites and not the Jews. Do you stand corrected, Amerikanski State Department?
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You guys can argue semantics all you want. For all intents and purposes, the western world/western media today considers jews as semites, and anti-jewism as anti-semitism. Just like most North Americans restuarants (the french in Quebec are the only exception) consider an 'Entrée' as the Main Dish - when in reality it's supposed to be the Appetizer - 'entrée' meaning 'entrance'. It's an accepted fact, and you can cry all you want, but that sort of commodity isn't about to change.
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Exactly vava. And I have no interest in getting into this discusion further with anyone here who just doesn't get it. IMO those who are so focused on putting down the Jews at every oppurtunity are shameful Armenians and shameful people. Certainly Jewish groups and Israel often act in ways that deserve condemnation - etc - and I have no problem doing so (funny but I've been called anti-Semetic and have been shunned by a Jewish in-law of mine for positions I have taken regarding Israel & Palestinians etc - we didn't talk for almost 2 years and I refused to apologize for my comments - creating a big family rift - and what a joke to call me anti-semetic - lol) - but this isn't the point - the issue is people having what is for the most part an irrational hatred of Jews - and this exists and has existed in western society for milenia - its a real phenomona - and it goes beyond the various ethnic hatreds that exist all over). For the most part they are just people like eveyone else - and in fact share much in terms of culture/attitudes and various with Armenians - so think about that a bit when you imediatly jump on the anti-Jew bandwagon. Get over it already. Try to be just a bit enlightened for once in yoru life. (and I have absolutly no interest in hearing ant-Jewish diatribes - what a waste of time & energy - OK - "they" killed Christ - etc - get over it already - oh and those Jews aren't the same as these Jews - etc etc - but you can conviently lump them all together when it comes time to spew racism and hate...
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When a lie is repeated enough times even the original perpetrator will end up believing it.

From the ridiculous to the sublime.

Sometime ago there was a well discussed incident in our local media. An employee of the state was suing his superior of discrimination for the loss of his job and was accusing him of anti-semitism. All fine and dandy. He had many sympathizers until it was discovered that he and his superion were both jewish.


The following is not funny.

I just saw a program on c-span where an Edwin Black reviewing his book "Banking on Baghdad". The entire audience of some 50 pople were obviously Jewish, judging from the yarmulkes. His whole agenda was to show that the 7,000 history of Iraq and Mesopotamia has and does revolve around the Jew. Among many twists and turns he invoked the Ottoman Empire and many other empires before and after it. Another central issue was petroleum, that how and when during the Ottomans it was firts dicovered in Mosul, the race between the Allies and the Nazis for it. In this context he narrated how an young geologist had discovered oil and how the Sultan had appropriated the land (Iraq) as his personal possession. Did he use the A word? Was not that geologist known as Gulbenkian? The author seemed to have a problem with A word. He delved into the Sultan and the Europeans, the "Sick man of Europe", he dwelt on the date of 1894, 1909, 1914, 1915 and 1920. Of course, he did not forget to invoke the long standing love affair of Jews and Turks.

Did he even acknowledge the Armenians?

Did he use the A word?



He did.

Once in the context of his attempt to get into the archives of IBM to expose their collaboration with the Nazis and the Turks, and his failure just like the Armenians had tried and failed before him. (Has anyone heard of this?) The other time the A word was used in reference to the pogroms against the 120,000 Jews of Baghdad who were massacred during the late 1940's along with the Iraqi Shiites, the Assyrians and the ARMENIANS.

When a lie is repeated enough times even the perpetrator will end up believing it.

Now you know who massacred the Armenians!!!

No! Not the Ottomans or Turks but those "jiahdist" Arabs.(He used "jihad" and "jihadist" several times during his talk.)

How come we don't know this? Duuuhhh!!

Was I surprised?

Am I surprised now that we have been reading those liesdsiguised as the "Word of God" for over 2000 years??!!

How come nobody believes our "lies"!!

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Why can't we talk about things that concern Jews without going out of control, this includes "poor poor Jews" and "bad bad Jews." I'm tired of both extrems.


Now, the relevent issue here, is why one group do have a report on people that hate them, and not other groups. Does making such reports not the job of human right organisations, why the State department?


Anti-Arabism right now in the US is worst than anti-"semitism." If the State department of THE US would bother more in what happens IN THE US before bothering on what happens elsewhere, and that they considered Jews as equal to anybody else, and not above, there would be right now a report on anti-Arabism as well. I visited many forums, where Americans write, and what was obvious right away was the blind hate they had for Arabs.


How many wackos there is spewing their hates against Blacks, where are the reports from the State-Departments about this?


I can give many such examples, and I will maintain as well that Israelians from what I have seen from discussion boards are more anti-this or that, than Americans, Canadians are anti-semetics.


I can propose all of you, Israeli discussion boards, you'll be chocked to read what comes from moderators, not only members.

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Would such article be ever accepted in a Western newspaper, without having to face the critics of the population, because what is in takes racist proportions. And check the hypocrasy.  :angry:



BTW, pay attention how many time on purpouses, France is not in capital F, while other countries are, and how "F"rench is not as well.

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I had meant to start a whole new thread about this but this thread seems to fit .

Plus, I don't want ro create yet another thread that will supersede and eclipse our own Armenian affairs.

From all indications it seems like the "Armageddon" has been put on hold.

Rveleations, chapter 16, verse 16.


Now that the Palestinians have elected a "new and improved" president who does not vow to drown the state of Israel into the sea, and tries to extend a hand of friendship and cooperation, the only idiots, the likes of Pat Robertson just like the one in the above site seem to be out of business.

One of many sites; Note theat the ariter seems to be Jewish.


To be perfectly honest, the Jews seldom refer to "Armageddon" in the context of the "final war", the destruction of the globe, and the "Second Coming" as those fundamentalist idiots do. Why would they? After all does not it meant an end to the world, an end, among others to the State of Israel that they have shed so much blood to preserve?

The Jews don't wish for the Armageddon. To them it has lost its original meaning and mission. They don't read that so called Christian text where that idiotic Book of Revelation is.

It is those idiotic "missionaries" who wish and pray for it.

Do we want an Armageddon?

Why would we?

It took us over a thousand years to have our own land. Would we want it to dissolve away in a universal conflagration?

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I think it's imprecise at BEST to be judging an entire based on the comments of a few marginal groups on the web. How porrly would we Armenians be judged if one was to fall upon some purportedly 'pro-Armenian' sites - we'd all be considered no better than racist hooligans. So let's not jump to conclusions.


Why can't we talk about things that concern Jews without going out of control, this includes "poor poor Jews" and "bad bad Jews." I'm tired of both extrems.


This I entriely agree with...

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I think it's imprecise at BEST to be judging an entire based on the comments of a few marginal groups on the web. How porrly would we Armenians be judged if one was to fall upon some purportedly 'pro-Armenian' sites - we'd all be considered no better than racist hooligans. So let's not jump to conclusions.


Why can't we talk about things that concern Jews without going out of control, this includes "poor poor Jews" and "bad bad Jews." I'm tired of both extrems.


This I entriely agree with...



Vava, if I would want to judge a group, i will not visit marginal sites. HyeForum is an example, one would judge based on the moderators and their professionalism, and is not a marginal site.


The Israeli site I am talking about, has it's own "newspaper," it is not only some marginal place. They even have a system for registration and approval, to be sure that anti-Jews don't end up there, after a week, I still can't post there, because I havn't been approved. (do you see the hypocrasy there, while they display a pathologic xenophobia in their forum, they try to minimise the access to their forum to prevent anti-semits to have access to it)


And this is not only forums, but as well the Israeli journalism, reminds me the Turkish daily news... and this article about the French is even not from an Israeli, would the Canadian society ever accept such crap if it was about a group of people? The newspaper editor published it, without even seing anything wrong in it, they havn't even bothere replacing the non-capital "f"s.

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