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Amenian National Cocktail?

high mare

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this is strange question :) I dont think we have a specefic National cocktail, I cant think of one but,


Armenian brandy which is very aromatic tasty and is identified true out the world as being a Armenian national drink/brandy.

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this is strange question :) I dont think we have a specefic National cocktail, I cant think of one but,


Armenian brandy which is very aromatic tasty and is identified true out the world as being a Armenian national drink/brandy.


Yes, a strange question but if you look at all historical cultures, alcoholic drinks have always been a central part of the culture. From church to medical use, I am interested to know of Armenian recipies and how far back they go.

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this is strange question :) I dont think we have a specefic National cocktail, I cant think of one but,


Armenian brandy which is very aromatic tasty and is identified true out the world as being a Armenian national drink/brandy.


And thanks for your communication!!!!

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Cognac tastes absolutely filthy. You'll get the same flavor if you pour some grandma perfume (Krasnaya Moskva comes to mind, or Chanel)  into a bottle of rubbing alcohol :yucky:



booo! I disagree... <_<


I think one of the most enjoyable 'eaux de vie' happens to be cognac. It warms you to your soul, and tastes devine. :) There's a depth of flavours in congac that is not surpassed by many other beverages. If you don't like cognac on it's own, you can mix it as well (but don't use the good XO stuff for mix, that would be a travesty!) Try this: half cognac, half grand marnier, served on ice in a snifter. It's sweet, and has a nice punch - and is excellent as a digestif. Kenats! :D

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this is strange question :) I dont think we have a specefic National cocktail, I cant think of one but,


Armenian brandy which is very aromatic tasty and is identified true out the world as being a Armenian national drink/brandy.



The only one that I can think of is Armenian Brandy "Ararat".

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booo! I disagree... <_<


I think one of the most enjoyable 'eaux de vie' happens to be cognac. It warms you to your soul, and tastes devine. :)  There's a depth of flavours in congac that is not surpassed by many other beverages. If you don't like cognac on it's own, you can mix it as well (but don't use the good XO stuff for mix, that would be a travesty!) Try this: half cognac, half grand marnier, served on ice in a snifter. It's sweet, and has a nice punch - and is excellent as a digestif. Kenats! :D


First of all it tastes like very heavy and very cheap perfume. I understand one attraction of the drink, its ability to burn the crap out of your throat thus numbing your taste buds and in the end everything tastes divine! And a mixture of Grand Marnier with cognac results in a sugar overdose, the smell of both liquor combined alone can sedate an entire army. I tried mixing it with coke, and I must tell you that 95% of the glass was soda and the remainder was cognac, that was the only way I was able to consume it. Same goes for whisky and other hard liquor. It just burns the crap out of you and then you want to beat your chest with fists and feel like a tough man. One of the reasons the drink probably doesn't agree with me. I like complex and delicate flavors, like beer! :P

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Cognac tastes absolutely filthy. You'll get the same flavor if you pour some grandma perfume (Krasnaya Moskva comes to mind, or Chanel)  into a bottle of rubbing alcohol :yucky:




HAHAHAH My Grandma use to use Krasnaya Moskva. :) ohhhh that smellll...


Now about cognac. Brandy/Cognac is a wonderful drink. If you try some of the better quality stuff that Armenians have as well as the France and even some of the great brandies that come from the terrific wineries of California you will discover why a incredible drink Cognac is. The finer stuff does not burn at all, it has a great aroma(will even fill the room) and just feels good going in the mouth and down the throat.

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To answer the original question...


I can think of Wine, Brandy and beer. Armenians have had all three for MANY MANY years.


Armenians(especially those from the Karabagh region) also have tuti vodka(mulberry) as well as Honi vodka.(can someone please explain what a "hon" is.


Also the only drink that I have had in Armenia and no where else is Majar. Now there is something magical about majar that can only be shared between people who have tasted it before. It is basically wine in the pre fermentation stages. Available I guess everywhere where they have wine but only used in Armenia as far as I know.

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First of all it tastes like very heavy and very cheap perfume. I understand one attraction of the drink, its ability to burn the crap out of your throat thus numbing your taste buds and in the end everything tastes divine! And a mixture of Grand Marnier with cognac results in a sugar overdose, the smell of both liquor combined alone can sedate an entire army. I tried mixing it with coke, and I must tell you that 95% of the glass was soda and the remainder was cognac, that was the only way I was able to consume it. Same goes for whisky and other hard liquor. It just burns the crap out of you and then you want to beat your chest with fists and feel like a tough man. One of the reasons the drink probably doesn't agree with me. I like complex and delicate flavors, like beer!  :P



Hey, hands off brandies! What do you understand in parfumes. Again you're imposing your tastes on everyone :angry: Name me ANY drink and I'll come up with an equaly disgusting description. :P

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ay ay ay jutik, I almost was thinking you were perfect for my nefew, he likes konyak just like his uncle.


on second thought here is an national cocktail, xash with garlic and chilled vodka

Edited by Edward
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Name me ANY drink and I'll come up with an equaly disgusting description.  :P




sex on the beach, lets see what can you come up with

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Every drinks sk.  :)




ay tgha heriqa eli es compy araj nstes du, gna mi hat beer xmi

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HAHAHAH My Grandma use to use Krasnaya Moskva. :)  ohhhh that smellll...


Now about cognac.  Brandy/Cognac is a wonderful drink.  If you try some of the better quality stuff that Armenians have as well as the France and even some of the great brandies that come from the terrific wineries of California you will discover why a incredible drink Cognac is.  The finer stuff does not burn at all, it has a great aroma(will even fill the room) and just feels good going in the mouth and down the throat.



Perhaps you are right poncho, it could be a matter of an acquired taste. I just don't think I can ever "acquire" it.

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on second thought here is an national cocktail, xash with garlic and chilled vodka


Now we're talking! Man oh man, how I missed xash! I love the whole idea of sitting all night playing cards, getting drunk, bulshitting and making xash and then devouring it on an empty stomach. But one must be careful not to OD on garlic, gastral pains follow. I am speaking from the Lover of Garlic point of view.


Armen there is nothing you can say about xash that will ruin my love for it. Pigs feet or Raccoon's feet still love it.

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Now we're talking! Man oh man, how I missed xash! I love the whole idea of sitting all night playing cards, getting drunk, bulshitting and making xash and then devouring it on an empty stomach. But one must be careful not to OD on garlic, gastral pains follow. I am speaking from the Lover of Garlic point of view.


Armen there is nothing you can say about xash that will ruin my love for it. Pigs feet or Raccoon's feet still love it.




mi teseq eh, padumayish, ov kaser vor du sents anogh dnox tnakan jiqyarov axchikes jutik jan. :)

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Tuti Arakh is IT.I love that stuff and can't think any onther country having it.Yammm home made nuri gini.

As for Brandy,It is really hard to find the real great quality ones anymore since Israelis also make Ararat(bought the rights from Armenia)and all the cheaters out there filling battles with cheap crap and putting over twety yrs on the label.We seriously need a monitering system like in France and Italy where VS,VSOP,XO,DOC makes sense.

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  • 2 years later...

2 teaspoons instant coffee - Nescafe :)

1 teaspoon honey

1 oz whole milk ( I recommend milk v. cream)

0.5 oz Armenian cognac

0.5 oz Chambord French Liqueur


Add on top powder chocolate and sprinkle just a little cinnamon (if you like to add more extravaganza use spicy cinnamon :) )


Optional: Top it with whipped topping and then add the chocolate and the cinnamon. Finish with a cherry!


Directions: Stir vigorously the mixture of instant coffee and honey and add few drops of milk and few drops of cognac until you get tick creamy consistency. Add the whole milk. Pour 0.5 oz of liqueur, than the cognac.


Leave it in the fridge for about 25-35 minutes under 39F. Do not use ice!


Call it Gamavor's delight!


Enjoy! :)


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