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American culture??

Tatev Hayrapetian

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There is one thing in US called three dates Protokol. I usually don't wait that long:), but it is part of this culture. If your friend, believes that you went with him to his house as part of the dating game, then the rest is also expected. I guess Thoth might explain that to you better:).

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Interestingly enough, I was thinking the other day, as I was driving home, what an odd title "Schindler's List" is for a serious movie. I don't think I can take that movie seriously after what we have said here (I haven't seen it yet).


Anyway, I got very curious about this "three date protocol" ... yes THOTH, please ... DO enlighten us about this amazing custom which I apparently know knowthing about. Sounds interesting.

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Originally posted by Sip:

Interestingly enough, I was thinking the other day, as I was driving home, what an odd title "Schindler's List" is for a serious movie. I don't think I can take that movie seriously after what we have said here (I haven't seen it yet).

We have a Schindler's Lift in our apartment building (as in elevator). I wonder if it comes from the same guy.


Sipan, I do hope your perception of lists will change after you see this movie.

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Originally posted by Accelerated:



you know what they say about guys who drive big SUVs (or otherwise BIG cars), they do so to compensate for their small lists

It is more than that. It is inferiority complex. The message is "you see how big and secure I'm". If how big is you car says something about who you are then the old saying "Houston, we have got a problem" is very true.
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I just want to see you guys with your big lists and hondas try this once


Oh and before Accel brings up his "fast" mazadas and wrxs, guess who's pulling who HERE. You still want to talk about your big lists ... go ahead.

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I just want to see you guys with your big lists and hondas try this once
Well....Sip, my previous post wasnt referring specifically to you, just all those guys who buy SUVs more for their 'big' looks than offroad ability. But if your last rant is an admition of a small list.....so be it


BTW, I'm not ashamed to say I don't have a "big" list!
LOL - we didnt need to know
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Well actually I don't even really know what this "list" is all about but I guess we can leave it at that. Actually if I may shock people here, I don't even have a car! I do realize how important the need for a car is however (as well as the "status" this may symbolize) so I'm considering this. All I have right now is a pretty nice mountain bike and two feet with legs.

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Sip guess what the car was just like the one you have in the picture just brigt brown color and I think it was a little longer so now you can tell pretty much what kind of car it was lol. Sip jan why would you go tsexeri mej hee how are we going to pull you from there lol Anyways cute pic.

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Originally posted by nairi:

We have a Schindler's Lift in our apartment building (as in elevator). I wonder if it comes from the same guy.

Oh my... a list as big as an elevator Even Accel's isn't that big. (is it?)
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