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New Site On The Armenian Genocide


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I'm so overwelmed with number of sites which you find in the intwernet about the Genoside but this one not gave me a big lump in my throught


I been so emotional since yesterday, and today in Hollywood there must of been 30-40 thousend of my fellow Armenians, what a day, what a day........

i never felt this sad and drained like i did this April 24rt. 1.5 million inocent lives, 1.5 lives, and so many were dined the chance of being born from this vistems, future poets, arcitects, engineers, qartashner u shinararner, kjov axpyurits jur berox harsner, aslan hundz anox sari pes txerq, qarits hats qamox, u qarin kyanq tvox anmex zoher, voronq nuynisk chmiatsan te inch nrants yet pahets. nahatakvetsan u bayts anmahatsan mer srteri mej u yeraknerum


voxpam merelots

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when i woke up this morning early, i was eager to check the sunday edition of LA TIMES, wile i was going to page after page......there was a page, a full page deticated to Jewish passower and Holocost, on April 24th, the day of comemoration AG, yet no word of Armenian Genocide, Nothing! what a shame, what a discrase, and at the rally today I noticed some banners which mantioning Jewish Holocost. ironic and i feel very angry.
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