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Better, Fresher, Easier To Work With.


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I have recently redesigned and updated my site:






You are most welcome come visit. And I would love to hear what you think. Happy Holidays to everyone.









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Very creative Rouben, excellent works, just one suggestion, you can make the fonts a little bigger, I was just wondering, since is very hard to click on perticular link, just a suggestion if you will, other then that very innovative web site and design.


Good job

Keep it up



P.s By the way, where does you short movie stands as of now?

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Great works specially Gayane series and Yerevan.I had trouble going up and down on picks including left right.It could be my browser but I got XP...The format is very high tech almost medical related impression instead of Art related.It could be just me.The works again are impressive.You got lot of Talent.

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Thanks everyone for the feedback, I am always in process of re-evaluating my work, so I guess its going to change for the better next time. I am actually mostly pleased with http://finearts.15levels.com , I think I will re-think the others in the same format. Anyway, I am greatful you took time to visit and reply.


By the way, where does you short movie stands as of now?


Edward, we sent out about 50 letters to different funds and organizations, presenting the idea and ask for support in funding it. Lets wait and see if there is any chance of getting the money to make it.


Best to everyone,



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