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Armenian Venture Capital Fund


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Do you think it's a feasible idea to have an Armenian Venture Capital Fund, similar to Jerusalem Venture Capital Fund based in New York. I believe introduction of western investment banking culture and venture capitalism will help in promoting growth in Armenia. There are a lot of people who are interested in investing in Armenia and they just need a vehicle that will gear their money toward profitable investment projects. "Hayastan" fund does some part of it, but it's a non-profit organization and does not have a lot of expertise in choosing viable business investments. Instead of having individual investors like Hovnanian, Tufekjian or Krikorian invest in various projects, consolidating their activities will result in better efficiency. It will also be an affective tool to fight bureacracy and corruption that has been rampant in the country.
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The most natural institutions to handle lending and investing is the banking system.That is the American way and it works.Money need supervision so the local banks are the only natural way to determine which projects are worthy and manage that money.So the banking systen has to be organized the American way.A strong socialist Macroeconomically pulling the strings by controlling the money supply and interest rates. All else private enterprise ownership and control.

Additionally, if Artsack were to pass some bank secrecy laws, similar to Lichtenstein and Switzerland, it would attract a lot of nervous international money. That money would generate a lot of income, and all the nations of the world would clamor to have relations with poor Artsack just to be closer to the money. Dual citizenship for all persons claiming Armenian descent would be a diplomatic coup. All these ideas are too far out I suppose.

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A venture capital fund is an interesting idea. But I don't think thatthe existing projects such as Tufenkian's could be folded into such a fund. These are very specific, very "personal" initiatives.


I can see a venture capital fund for investments in technology for example. Could be very successful and needs only relatively modest amounts of investment.


As to Artsakh becoming a banking centre, with all due respect, that is an impossibility. And I will spare everybody a list of the reasons why that is so. It is quite obvious.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess the Lincy Foundation can become the first Armenian Venture Capital Fund. It has the necessary capital and connections for that. The link below from Aravot.am discusses some of the shortcomings associated with banking sector of Armenia.


This link is in Armenian so you have to use Armenian fonts so you can read it.




[ November 26, 2001: Message edited by: alpha ]

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Liechtenstein is in the heart of Europe. Its currency is the Swiss franc. It has been a small independent stable country for centuries. It has excellent infrastructure in telecom, excellent roads, well educated multilingual workforce. It does not have any troublesome neighbours. It has been acquainted with the workings of capitalism for quite sometime. It is recognized by essentially all countries in the world.


I think Armenia might have a shot at becoming a banking centre in the Caucasus. Artsakh still has a long way to go to be any sort of center with anyting that has to do with international finance.

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OK, kid, have it you own way. But "disservice to Armenians" just sounds like an absolutely lack of understanding of how the world works, and what Artsakh is.

Before writing such gibberish just get on a plane and go to Karabagh. On the way try to read a bit about it.

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I think that it does a disservice to all Armenians to say that we are incapable of handling modern Financial Transactions.The Armenians Financial entrepreneuership saved the Ottoman empire and the Polish Kingdom during the middle ages, at least once, and carried the bulk of the tax burden for centuries.

Beside, very little money would be kept in Artzackh. Most banks keep their funds in Swtzerland, or in the US. Artzach needs only to have the secrecy laws in place, and the market forces will take over. If you think that there may not be enough local talent to staff such businesses, you are right. But the local business would be negligeable. Most major funding and transactions would occur internationally, but the profits would come home, and the funds would figure into the Artsack Financial numbers. Money would become cheap and easily availlable, and the economy would take off. Foreign talent, Armenian or Odar is availlable. If Artsack were to become agood tax haven, in a world of diminishing tax havens, then the world's nervous money would actively support Artszack independance. As long as the Atsack Banks didn't get too greedy and start taking, terrorist and obvious drug money. There is alot of money in Russia and the Caucassus that seeks shelter from overzealous taxing authorities, from the local Mafia, from runaway Inflation of local currencies, and from political opponents. A small Neutral, Independent well armed "Banking Republic" would be all the world needs. And it could all be done from here, or anywhere.

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Dear Boghos

A small protectorate could get away with alot more than Armenia.

I will plagiarize JFK somewhat and say:

Some see things as they are, whille I see things ast hey could be.

Surely,I have not seen any ingenuity from Armenia.Just survival politics. I'm reminded of rodents scurrying and hiding from danger.

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Originally posted by edward demian:

A small protectorate could get away with alot more than Armenia.

Why would one want to put money where one may get away with a lot of things?
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