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Was Stalin half-Armenian?


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When I studied history at school we learnt that Stalin was born a son of a poor Georgian cobbler married to a Georgian woman. Stalin's father used to beat him regularly and severely.


However, I have heard several times in Yerevan and from Armenians in London that Stalin's mother had an affair with an Armenian man and he actually fathered Stalin. For this reason, Stalin's father used to beat him and it is said he (Stalin) grew up with a fierce hatred of the Armenians which drove him to hand over the ancient Armenian lands to the Turks in the 1920s, establish Karabagh as an autonomous region in Azerbaijan and exact retribution from the Armenian population as a whole during the dark days of the 1920s and 1930s.


Can anyone comment on this story? As I said I have only heard this from Armenians but I also do not know any Georgians or Russians whose opinions I could seek.

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This is funny

It is probably one of those Armenian stories to make everybody, be they angels or devils, an Armenian. It is probably a myth, but a myth with a vengeance. To me it seems like saying, as politely as can be, that "An Armenian 'slept' with Stalin's mother". Who is next? Hitler?


Originally posted by Samjan:

When I studied history at school we learnt that Stalin was born a son of a poor Georgian cobbler married to a Georgian woman. Stalin's father used to beat him regularly and severely.


However, I have heard several times in Yerevan and from Armenians in London that Stalin's mother had an affair with an Armenian man and he

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"This is funny

It is probably one of those Armenian stories to make everybody, be they angels or devils, an Armenian. It is probably a myth, but a myth with a vengeance. To me it seems like saying, as politely as can be, that "An Armenian 'slept' with Stalin's mother". Who is next? Hitler?"


Hitler is not Armenian ???

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Originally posted by MosJan:

"This is funny

It is probably one of those Armenian stories to make everybody, be they angels or devils, an Armenian. It is probably a myth, but a myth with a vengeance. To me it seems like saying, as politely as can be, that "An Armenian 'slept' with Stalin's mother". Who is next? Hitler?"


Hitler is not Armenian ???

I think the story is just an excause for georgians and others -yeah his mother slept with an armenian wich turned out to be his father? So that is why he dislikes and treat armenians badly.

I see paralels with Hitler. I heard that one of his relatives was jewish...yeah, surprise!



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