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Since many of the members are from California and since California is considered the most exotic or should i say the place to be these days, then I would want to know how it really is? is it just like in the movies and songs of red hot chili peppers (californication) or has it unmediatized sides too?

I know that TV exagerates everything and that there is a harsh reality behind every successfull image, but there must be some reality behind the California dream or concept.

Write about how it is, what does the youth do, is it the 'American pie' way (by the way did anyone see the second part?), do people surf frequently or go to the beach.

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Everything you have ever heard about California is true - absolutely true - all of it (no matter how seemingly contradictory) - and then some...(really)..(though not sure about it being "exotic"...I mean Cairo is exotic in my book...even Quebec perhaps...I mean don't they have those guys with the tall furry hats and red coats & such...?)...but you still shouldn't believe everything you see on TV or in the movies...(and yea they have beach there - and even if its not "Baywatch babes" it can be quite entertaining...


PS - California is a very big state with a great deal of differences between North & South, the mountains, deserts, North Coast region, etc etc etc...Baywatch is purportedly filmed/represents in LA BTW...and while I personally love the city, its a lot dirtier then they normally show on TV...If you really want to know LA I suggest you read Bukowski...LOL

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I read in a magazine that there are 15000 armenian convicts in the prisons of California and armenian is the 4th most spoken language in california jails (after spanish, vietnameze, corean), we always hear about how armenians are so involved in crime in los angeles.

The problem is, said the magazine, that there is only one person, an armenian reverend, that is preoccupied by this catastrophic situation. apparently other communities provide lawyers, spiritual and educational assistance to the convicts but the armenians are careless.

Write me about the real situation and how come we don't care about our 'black sheep' or why are people so inclined to the crime world.

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Where did you read there were 15,000??? I'd like to see that article.


THOTH is right, everything is here. And it can all be seemingly contradictory. I live minutes from downtown, yet I have to chase deer and coyotes from my yard. I can be in the snow almost as quickly as at the beach.


Overall, it's nowhere near as glamorous as it seems though. Too congested. And the weather is gross half of the year.


[ August 14, 2001: Message edited by: Aghmug ]

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You must be mnistaken Aghmug! My dream is to move there, as a Rabiz queen, after suceeding in Hokis. Then I will have a flat with a balcony in California.
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I don't like California for the Hollywood star type of lifestyle, though, like many. It's Ok but it's fake and false and I'd like something more real. Expept I would like to work there as a film maker and make a half decent film for a change. If that will ever happen one day? Mabye. You never know. No - I want to explore the armenian communities - absorb the culture for a while. visit aghmug and Gayanne and other hyeforum members maabye that's the "glaamour" andattraction for me!
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i've been living here for almost 3 years.

i haven't seen anything exiting. maybe it's just me, i don't know.

but i'd rather live in Armenia.


"any place can be wonderful place to live if you want it to be."

---Harut The Great

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