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Ask a question to Serge Sargsyan


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when we are wise up and employ someone to do our dirty work....sounds familiar?


but the question i would like to ask Mr. Sarkisian is


what is your administrations plans to at list give dissent conditions to those war veterans and there families.

the center of Yerevan looks like Paris, but masiv usanoxakan hanrakatsarannerum muynist xmelu jur chka (estegh bnakvumen himnakanum veteranner u paxtakanner, bakvits, shahumyanits, antamaluts u alcagolig dartsats veteranner)



Paron Naxagah inch e dzer plan@!!!!!????



NA ir Joghovrdi het e - inchpes joghovurd@ enpes el inq2 - p@llan@ k@lini HOktemberyani !!!

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Good Job AVO, I'd say its very progressive of Mr. Sargisian....very much looking forward to the Presidents responses/reply.


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Dear Internet users, I'm happy to welcome you in my personal blog.

Please note, that questions with insult and rhetoric speech will not be accepted.

All questions will get responses within few days.

The most interesting questions will be included in the broadcast version of the interview.

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Note: I want you to go to the site - http://serzhsargsyan.livejournal.com/1016.html

Then I want you to pay attention to all of the questions, just go trough them roughly, then pay closer attention to the following question and the answers, THIS IS HOW BAD THE ARMENIANS IN AMERICA ARE... this is embarasing............................................


(Anonymous) on March 11th, 2008 07:49 am (UTC)



What do u think about tragic events and azeri genocide by Dashnaksutyun and bolsheviks in Baku, Azerbaijan, in 1981 ?

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(Anonymous) on March 11th, 2008 07:55 am (UTC)

Re: Questoin


in 1918

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kornelij on March 11th, 2008 07:57 am (UTC)

Re: Questoin


it was cool

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pigh on March 11th, 2008 11:08 am (UTC)

Re: Questoin


Qez hivandi nman pahi!:)

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(Anonymous) on March 12th, 2008 06:50 am (UTC)

Re: Questoin


it was kinda boring...

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karmir on March 11th, 2008 01:07 pm (UTC)

Re: Questoin


Perhaps in 9118 or 1198?

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vartanm on March 11th, 2008 04:48 pm (UTC)

Re: Questoin


No, it was in 9811, or was it in 8119?

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Re: Questoin - armunikum on March 11th, 2008 05:33 pm (UTC

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Some 3 thousand questions adressed to President-elect Serge Sarsgyan


About 3 000 questions were addressed to RA President-elect, Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan on March 11 and 12. The questions are mainly related to the domestic political situation in Armenia, the foreign policy, economy, social and youth issues, fighting corruption and monopoly.


The Prime Minister will respond to the most interesting questions in a TV interview in the evening of March 13. The answers to all other questions will be posted on the web pages through which the questions were addressed.

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Note: I want you to go to the site - http://serzhsargsyan.livejournal.com/1016.html

Then I want you to pay attention to all of the questions, just go trough them roughly, then pay closer attention to the following question and the answers, THIS IS HOW BAD THE ARMENIANS IN AMERICA ARE... this is embarasing............................................


(Anonymous) on March 11th, 2008 07:49 am (UTC)



What do u think about tragic events and azeri genocide by Dashnaksutyun and bolsheviks in Baku, Azerbaijan, in 1981 ?

(Reply) (Thread) (Link)

(Anonymous) on March 11th, 2008 07:55 am (UTC)

Re: Questoin


in 1918

(Reply) (Parent) (Thread) (Link)

kornelij on March 11th, 2008 07:57 am (UTC)

Re: Questoin


it was cool

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pigh on March 11th, 2008 11:08 am (UTC)

Re: Questoin


Qez hivandi nman pahi!:)

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(Anonymous) on March 12th, 2008 06:50 am (UTC)

Re: Questoin


it was kinda boring...

(Reply) (Parent) (Thread) (Link)

karmir on March 11th, 2008 01:07 pm (UTC)

Re: Questoin


Perhaps in 9118 or 1198?

(Reply) (Parent) (Thread) (Link)

vartanm on March 11th, 2008 04:48 pm (UTC)

Re: Questoin


No, it was in 9811, or was it in 8119?

(Reply) (Parent) (Thread) (Link)

Re: Questoin - armunikum on March 11th, 2008 05:33 pm (UTC



Dear Ashot, all of the above people except one (me) live in Armenia. And I see one thing thats embarrassing and it has nothing to do with Armenians. An azeri is asking a question about a made up genocide and is making a crucial mistake. I have every right to ridicule him because he can't even put dates together. If you pay close attention you will see that he preceded on spamming the following pages with the same retarded question.

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I'll tell you whats embarrassing. The anonymous "presidents" answering questions when nobody asked them for it.



Уважаемый Серж Азатович!

Президентские выборы 2008 года и события 1-2 марта в Армении показало, что наше общество де-факто разделено на 2 лагеря. Хочется надеется, что цель у сторонников обоих сторон одна: увидеть процветающую и экономически сильную Армению, но каждая из сторон выбрала свой путь к достижению этой цели.

Надеюсь, что для Вас одним из первоочередных и важных задач является сплотить нашу нацию (в т.ч. наших соотечественников, которые живут за пределами Армении) и укрепить государственный строй Армении.

Мировая практика показывает, что для сплочения общества очень важную роль играют государственные институты пропаганды и агитации (в некоторых странах даже существуют министерства), которых на сегодняшний день в Армении практически не существуют и это не менее важный инструмент политики, чем вооруженные силы или экономика.

Хотелось бы узнать Ваше мнение.


С уважением Гагик Абрамян.



(Anonymous) on March 12th, 2008 05:50 am (local)

obshestvo ne razdeleno. Prosto est pasivnie ludi i aktvnie ludi, est pesimisti i optimisti, est ludi v raionax, kotorie ne imeut istochnika informacii(u nas televidenie ne yavlyaetsya istochnikom informacii). no cel odna izlechit stranu ot neizlechimogo raka v lice nashix vlastei. Seichas esli ktoto v armenii govorit shto on xochet videt serga sargisyana v lice prezidenta armenii znachit ili on upal s luni ili beljaishii rodstvennik kokogo to chlena bandi respublikancev (slovo respublikance ne imeet otnashenie, s shaikoi negramotnix ludei, kotorie nasledovali iz obizyani toko jivotnie instinkti, prosto oni sebya tak nazivaut)


gagik_am on March 12th, 2008 06:22 am (local)

Вообще-то я свой вопрос задавал Президенту нашей страны, а не Вам. И Ваше мнение по-моему тут неуместно. Есть известная пословица: какой народ, такая и власть. Не бывает хорошего народа и плохой власти и наоборот не бывает хорошей власти и плохого народа.

Оскорбив Президента и представителей власти Вы оскорбляете самого себя. Подумайте над этим, а потом решите кто, когда и откуда упал.

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Same type of a thing... it is just plain embarassing... everyone has their chance to ask the question, why must others comment on that... and as of those Azerbadrjanis, please kick them out... ignorant bastards they are!!!
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Ak could you find our question or it hasn't even been answered or read!!!

I don't think the Hyeforum questions were addressed during this interview. He answered about 60-70 questions out of 3000 asked through 4 websites. There are some really direct (albeit funny) ones that he answered such as "when will you resign as president of Armenia" or "are you a gambling addict?". The answers were a brief "no" lol. He of course showed signs of anger, especially to the one where someone had asked him why he owned all major businesses in Armenia. He denied it and challenged the man to name all these businesses and to go investigate himself if he doesn't believe him.


The entire Q&A is in Armenian so it's possible he only answered questions addressed to him in Armenian. According to his blog, answers to all other questions will be available at the website. Forgot where I heard but there will be another event like this once he takes office as President of Armenia.


Here are all parts of the interview in 1 page if you don't feel like clicking each time for each part http://serzhsargsyan.livejournal.com/1757.html#cutid1

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Harts yev patasxan...


1) inchu voroshetsiq ays dzevachapov patasxanel Hayutsyan@ hetaq@rq@rogh hartserin - (patasxan) Nax@ntrakan zhamanakash@rjan@ yev @ntanrapes kyanq@ tsuytse talis vor hamatsants@ Hayastanum yevs dardzele kartsiq dzevavorogh mexanism, batsi dranits yes kartsumem vor sh@pman ayn dzevne yerp vor patasxanogh@ partavore yev patasxanelu bolor anx@tir ahrtserin, isk harts t@voghner@ karoghen ch@nerkayanal yev ananun hartser ughel... (Kartsumem in@kati uner anasun hartser ughel, bayts tuyl ch@t@vets inqn iren nman artahaytutsyun anelu) Aysorva steghtsvats iravichakum kartsumem vor sa amenits @nduneli dzevne. Karoghen linel hartser yev v@stahem vor lineluen hartser voronq anshusht linelu shat sur, voronq im akanj@ chen shoyelu, yev hents nayev ays patcharove vor yes @ntrelem mer zhoghovurdi, mer zhoghovurdi activ masi het sh@pman ays dzev@.

Edited by Ashot
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Harts yerort, Marine jan bravo, bayts Serzhin karelie -1 tal patasxani hamar... Aysinqn, nax@ntrakan sh@rjanum na naxateseler vor popoxutsyunner petqe arveyn, yev grete mets popoxutsyunner@ arten arvetsin marti mekits ayskoghm...


edit: sheshtem vor mnatsats@ duq qnnadatek te inch popoxutsyunner teghi unetsan!!!

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Harts chorort, bavakanin mtahoq hartser, bayts patasxan@ sakayn petqe stana -1... inchi hamar, aysinqn zhoghovrtin mech bereluv tsuytse talis ayn past@ vor verakangnen ishxanutsyan highinak@, sheshtem vor@ karoghe yev nshanaki vor tapaharel zhoghovrtin yev asel, tsuyts tal, apatsutsel vor ishxanutsyun@ andzernam@xelie, yev kani amen inch vorpesi bolor bnagavarnerum unena ir andzerin!
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Harts hingyerort... kartsumem te menq bolorsel karoghenq hamamit linel aynqanum vor tarber lraberatsantserits misht teghadrumenq Forumi mech bazmativ hratarakvats nyuter, vomots mech deryevs im achqin chi @ngel Serzh Sargsyani tsavaqtsutsyun@, yete ayn goyutyun uni, apa k@x@ntrem teghadrel aystegh kam ayl mi tegh vorpesi karoghananq kardal nra tsavaktsutsyunner@. Ch@moranam sheshtel vor harts@ taluts arach sheshtvets vor bazmativ martiq en harts@rel ays harts@ bayts paron varchapet@ voroshets patasxanel mek andzin, vor@ andzamp indz asume te inchqan anushadiren yeghel patasxanneri heghinakner@ vor @ndanur chen h@ghel patasxan@ ayl h@ghelen mek andzi, yeritasart te tariqov mi andzi...
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Harts vets yerort - shishte vor duq xaghamoleq yev aytselumeq xaghat@ner... deryevs amena himar hartserits mekne... indz tvuma yete na xaghamol liner cher aytseli xaghat@ner, ay kunenar ir andznakan d@ghyak@ vortegh mi poqrik xumbov k@havagvein yev k@katarein irents xagher@, chem kartsum vor aytpisi pashtonov mi andz k@tuyl ta inqn iren nman tegherum ereva.
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