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Some Good News!


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Regnum, Russia

Oct 26 2006


Iranian gas will be supplied to Armenia via Iran-Armenia gas pipeline

ahead of schedule, the High-voltage Electric Lines Company director

Saak Abramyan, whose company ordered construction of the pipeline's

Armenian section, stated to a REGNUM correspondent. According to him,

it is supposed that the pipeline's operation will start on December

20, 2006 instead of January 1, 2007.


Also, Saak Abramyan informed that construction works at 38-km section

of 40-km Megri-Kajaran section had already been finished.


Construction of the 40-km section is assessed to cost $35mln; 80% of

the sum will be loaned to Armenian side by Iranian development bank;

the rest will be grated from own resources.


It is worth reminding; according to Armenian-Iranian agreement, the

section's construction, which will guarantee penetration of Iranian

gas deep into the Armenian territory, should be finished till 1

January 2007. It will enable connection of Armenian and Iranian gas

distributing systems and to arrange coordinated functioning. The

system's preliminary carrying capacity will slightly be inferior to

amounts, recorded in main Armenian-Iranian agreement. According to

the latter (signed in May 2004), amount of Iranian gas, supplied

into Armenia will total 1.1bln of cubic meters at initial stage;

since 2019 it will total 2.3bln of cubic meters. The agreement was

concluded for 20 years. In order to reach the planned figures, the

Armenian side will additionally lay 197 km of pipe, which will pass

through Kajaran, Sisian, Jermuk, and Ararat settlements.


Also, it is worth stressing; later in June, the Gazprom Company

Deputy CEO Alexander Ryazanov stated that the company was going to

purchase the Iran-Armenian gas pipeline. According to him, the gas

pipeline's putting into operation will enable guaranteeing Armenian

gas supply's reliability. "There are problems concerning gas transit

into Armenia via Georgia because Georgia permits itself unsanctioned

gas extraction," Ryazanov said.







I think this was the best move not only of the part of Iran but also Russia, to keep Armenia in the Russian orbit. When everybody are happy no need for worries. It is good for Armenia, it is good for Russia and it is excelent for Iran! Good job folks! ;)

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so now each Armenia house can have it's own pipe frome pipeline :) all you need is a good shafal and some welding equipment :) at the dark night dig the trench to the pipeline get connected and you and your ids / kids of your kids will have GAZ for rest of your life


i can just see Yerevan AT night - everything is running of GAZ / Telephones / cell phones / Cars / Internet / Nargiles / Street Lights / 24 hour a Day Torch burning in Center of Yerevan / no more cold !!!!! Babam es GAz@ Dzuma HAyerin

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In this case having Gazprom on your side is like buying an insurance policy. ;) I'm hopeful that this project is the first step towards much larger global project South-North with far reaching economic consequences that was envisioned a decade ago and which sought to be an alternative to the Turkic one: Azerbajdjan - Turkey - Bulgaristan - Duras (Albania).
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  • 1 month later...

the issue is not "being privatised by foreigners". it is, by gazprom...gazprom is state owned, not private. the big issue here is that armenia is losing more and more of it's sovereignty to russian interests, and by russian, i mean russian governmental. the Putin government is simply trying to control CIS and post-soviet states by blocking its pipelines to these countries, and playing around by raising gas prices at will.

gazprom is already monopolising armenian energy markets it now owns every part of armenia's natural gas power plant (it just bought the 5th part a few months ago). infact, gazprom is the one who manipulated the armo-iranian gaz project into making the pipeline smaller than originally planned. they then proceded to try to get 40% of the armenian ownership, and are now simply trying to buy the whole bloody thing.


i have nothing against foreign private ownerships, because that actually brings foreign investment into the country which is what we need. plus, its the way of the free market.

what i am against is this russian bigbrother meddling in armenian affairs, and trying to get the upper hand in their alliance with armenia

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