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Armenia Is The First Among Cis Countries


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Armenia is the first among the CIS countries in the final report of the World Bank and the International Financial Corporation Doing Business 2007 on simplicity of doing business in 2005 and 2006, reports ARKA. According to the press release of the International Financial Corporation, among 175 countries Armenia is 34, Georgia is 37 and Kazakhstan is 62. Compared with the previous ratings, Armenia went up by 3 positions, and Georgia “bounced” from the 112 to the 37 place.


The worst indicators are Tajikistan’s and Uzbekistan’s, 133 and 147 respectively.

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The economic growth of Armenia continues to surprise the World Bank (WB), Roger Robinson, the head of WB Yerevan office, said during a presentation organized by AEPLAC experts. In his words, no one would believe five years ago that Armenia will have two-digit growth of GDP, increasing public incomes by two and considerably diminishing the level of poverty. “In the beginning of this year, no one could suppose that Armenia would have 11.7% of GDP growth,” Robinson said.


Armenia overpasses all countries of the world, with the exception to Turkmenia and Azerbaijan, in growth indicators. “However, we may not count these countries because their growth is connected with known factors. If these factors are eliminated, Armenia will take the lead,” Robinson says.


Robinson indicated that Armenia needs to implement institutional reforms to keep to the same indicators, particularly in tax and customs services.

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“If we suppose that the averaged indicator of GDP growth in Armenia makes up 12.2%, we can conclude that the country may reach the level of development observed in European Union countries in 17 years,” Artashes Shaboyan, expert of AEPLAC, said during a presentation on “Economic development of Armenia – 2005.”


In his words, real GDP in 2005 is higher by 1.8 times than the same indicator in the year 2000. In absolute terms, it makes up 2.2 billion Armenian drams. The expert forecasts further growth in GDP in the coming years, too.


Shaboyan indicated that the construction ratio makes up 21.7% whereas in 2001 this indicator was only 9.7%. The AEPLAC expert says GDP mostly will account on construction and agriculture in future.

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In some 3-4 years Armenia will not have a chance to be proud of its economic progress. This was the prediction made by Armenian and foreign specialists during the presentation of the 2005 report titled «Economic Development of Armenia».


In order to have constant economic progress there must be institutional reforms in Armenia, otherwise the country will not repeat its phenomenon, said Roger Robinson, representative of the World Bank in Armenia. He invites attention to the fact that if several branches of economy have marked constant progress throughout the past years, the same cannot be said about the tax sphere. There are spheres where there has been no progress at all, Mr. Robinson says bringing as an example the investigations carried out by the World Bank in Armenia together with the Euro Bank. In other words, Mr. Robinson tried to prove that it is easy to make reforms when everything is so bad.


The representative of the World Bank found is difficult to mention the name of someone who would be able to carry out institutional reforms. He said that he has worked with the members of the RA Government and that the Government is quite stable.


The report prepared by the Armenian-European center for economic policy and law consultation outlined the stable development of the economy of Armenia. What is especially impressive is that Armenia is the second among 181 countries by its Gross Domestic Product (14%). Besides, if Armenia and the EU countries preserve the average annual growth of the last five years (12.2% and 1.8%), in 19 years Armenia will reach the EU average index by GDP per person.


So, the analysis of the report shows that Armenia competes with the countries which have oil and gas resources. President of the Central Bank Tigran Sargsyan was also pleased with the report. He claimed that the high tempo of economic development will be preserved as the country has a potential which will be preserved for the coming three years.


Nevertheless, representative of the World Bank Roger Robinson warned that the figures of economic development won't be preserved for long, and unless the strategy is revised, there may be no progress at all

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Armenia overpasses all countries of the world, with the exception to Turkmenia and Azerbaijan, in growth indicators. “However, we may not count these countries because their growth is connected with known factors. If these factors are eliminated, Armenia will take the lead,” Robinson says.


Mr. Robinson means Pipeabad and Oilestan, with the "known factor" being yegh.


Anyways, great for our landlocked republic, and may the digits keep growing.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Good... But it would be better if the economical growth of Armena had positive impact not mainly for the reach people but for the poor families also...


Practically, the economical growt or Armena means NOTHINF for 20-30% of the population...

Not so fast. After all “Rome was not built in one day”.

Can we please stop quoting Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin!!

It brings to mind the kindergarten ditty ;

Papik@ kanchets mamikin,

Mamik@ kanchets tornikin….


Ha kashetsin kshkshetsin ,

Shoghkam@ teghen chi hanetsin.

Society is multi-layered, it has always been.

Let us start at the top.

Robert and Roberta become independently(?) comfortable. Then Andranik and Andrea secure their and their tribe’s prosperity, followed by Hakob, Hovsep ,Hovannes . After they have secured a livelihood as government servants, in walk Sargis, Serge, Vahagn and Vahe, some of us may know them as “oligarchs“ and “mafia“. They get privileges to start new businesses. One starts a factory to make pornographic gadgets, the other opens a touristic complex, yet another builds a hospital. Armen and Armenouhi find employment as managers. Hrand and Hranoush are gainfully employed as Factory workers, Tigran and Tigranouhi make a living maintaining and cleaning the place. After a “day at the office” all the above come home. Now it is time to buy food. Where? Ahaa! Mamik and Papik, who have been at a loss as to how feed their children, send them to good schools so they may become doctors, engineers, and, why not? presidents have had this bright idea of starting and mom and pop neighborhood grocery store where Robert and Roberta, Andranik and Andrea………. can buy staples of sustenance, feed their children and read them bedtime stories about the “pauper “ who grows up to become a “prince”. And now it is time to think about how to educate their children , or is too late already? To build houses of spirituality to teach those children some ethics and morality. Or is it still the state’s job to build churches?

Now that Mamik and Papik have a thriving business going, it is time to see how to get rid of that rotten tomatoes and smelly basturmas :oops:, I mean apukht :). In walks Robert K, no not Kocharian, Kardashian and he says he has just bought this high tech truck and would be glad to provide receptacles and compacters, haul away all that rot away FOR A FEE. Is he the mafia? Of course, we know that that profession is controlled by organized crime in NY and other major cities, but how removal of trash be considered to be a criminal action, unless, of course those compacters also contain remains of humble citizens?


Let’s sing the above ditty again;

Ha kashetsin kashkshetsin,

Shoghkma@ teghen HANETSIN.

Every society has presidents, CEO’s, managers, factory workers…. trash collectors, unless , of course you mean that Yerevan would be full of doctors, engineers and managers and start importing trash collectors from Baku and Ankara. Not to demean any profession, trash collection should be elevated to a level of profession as well with adequate compensation, only then sanitation engineering will become a respected profession. Believe me, I have seen it, and the way it is done is a far cry from “profession“..

Edited by Arpa
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Arpa jan, your point is reasonable, and after all, in all countries there is some social INEQUALITY.


However, all experts agree, that social inequality in Armenia is one of the highests in former USSR countries.


So leaving aside the stupid theories of communism, we still need work to make Armenia a little more comfortable place for all. In other words, if Dodi Gago earns another million dollar and spends it in Las Vegas, Armenia does not become wealthier at all. But if 100 normal guys in Yerevan earn 10.000 more each, this reall is good...

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So leaving aside the stupid theories of communism, we still need work to make Armenia a little more comfortable place for all. In other words, if Dodi Gago earns another million dollar and spends it in Las Vegas, Armenia does not become wealthier at all. But if 100 normal guys in Yerevan earn 10.000 more each, this reall is good...

Many of those wealthy government officials have been spending their millions in Antalya, Turkey. :angry:

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  • 7 months later...

but at the same time, outsiders spend inside armenia.


and, at the same time, most of the mafias in armenia are still too stupid to see the export potential, and thus reinvest in armenia once more.


the reality is that as the rich get richer, the poorer get richer off the rich, for their money unavoidably goes somewhere.

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