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Armenian Inter-marriage Survey


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Hello folks, this is from a fellow Armenian grad student who is doing her research in this field. If this applies to you or to a friend or relative, please try to fill out the survey and email it to her. Read below for the rest, the survey is also attached as a word file.



Hi Everyone,


I'm doing my masters thesis on Armenian intermarriage and am looking

for your help in fielding out a very short questionnaire for

Armenians who are in inter-ethnic marriages in the United States.


This is a non-random convenient sample, so please forward my email

to any Armenians you know you are intermarried, and ask them to

please complete the attached survey and forward to talins11@hotmail.com

Responses are completely confidential, and should take only a minute or 2.




1. Are you:


___ Male



2. Date of Birth: ______________


3. State/Country of Birth: ______________


If married more than once, please think about your most recent marriage when answering the following questions.


4. How old were you when you got married? __________________


5. What year did you get married? ___________________________


6. In what state or country were you married? __________________


7. What is the ethnicity of your spouse? ______________________


8. Is your spouse from a different religious affiliation then yourself?


___Yes If yes, please specify_______________________



9. Where did you have your wedding ceremony?


___Armenian Church

___Other Church (non-Armenian) or religious center

___Non-religious center (i.e. outdoor, wedding chapel, reception site)


10. If not married in an Armenian Church, what were your reasons for choosing other site? (Feel free to use more space if necessary) ___________________________








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