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Armenian Names


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Hello everyone. I'm looking for a resource to help identify the roots and ancient meanings of Armenian names.


For example:


The root "Ar" is one of the ancient names of the Armenian Sun God. Which is why it is such a prevalent root in Armenian words and particularly Armenian names.


The name Ara, for example, means Child or Children of the Sun God.


So you see I'm looking for these types of explanations. If anyone has a resource (i.e. Books, websites etc.) whether in English or Armenian please let me know.

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Hello everyone.  I'm looking for a resource to help identify the roots and ancient meanings of Armenian names.


For example:


The root "Ar" is one of the ancient names of the Armenian Sun God.  Which is why it is such a prevalent root in Armenian words and particularly Armenian names.


The name Ara, for example, means Child or Children of the Sun God.


So you see I'm looking for these types of explanations.  If anyone has a resource (i.e. Books, websites etc.) whether in English or Armenian please let me know.



I would say that an excellent resource would be where you found the information about "Ar."

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The root "Ar" is prevalent not only because it is a particle in Sun - "Arev", but because it means everything "male" - or "Arou" in Armenian. It may well be that Sun and Male where meant to form a kind of allegory in ancient Armenian patheon. Same with Moon and Female.
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I always wondered about ARTSIV and ARYUTS. Why those two creatures which also happend to be national symbols for Armenians and many others have the AR thing going.




Lets be careful.

Aryuts is spelled with the RA whereas artsiv is spelled with the RE. While the former is obviously an onomatopoeic (bnadzayn, based on sound, in this case ornots, roar of the lion) word the latter traces back to Pahlavi and Sanskrit.

I will spare us the details, in the meantime here may be what concerns Ar and Ara and more.

BTW Why many ME nations, including but not limited to both Armenians and Persians use the lion as their national symbol? Was the lion native of the region at one time?


Enjoy; with all the misspells and typos. :)







It has been shown by some Orientalist- Armenologists in a number of quotations of mythological and historical datat that the native people of the Armenian Highland and the neighboring regions of Asia Minor had, in the earlier periods of paganism, a deity whom they called AR or ARA.

In the primitive hunting stage of the life of these natives, the god ARA possesed animal-vegetal charactheristics. Later, with the beginning of agriculture, he acquired a vegetal-solar nature and with the development of irrigation in agriculture and the consolidation of statehood, he became a great war-god and was identified with the sun.

This process of change from primitive to complex characteristics, as manifested in the nature of AR(or ARA), is by no means unique in the mythological history of mankind. It has had its close parallels.

For example, the god Assur,in the earliest periods of the founding of the city of Assur, had a vegetal (peaceful) nature, but later on, when Assyria became a mighty empire by bloody expeditions, it turned into a fearsome deity and was identified also with sun. Research has revealed that inthe remote past AR (or ARA)was the principal national deity of the Armen people. H.Matikian, N.Adonts, M.Abeghian, G.Ghapantsian, and ohter Armenologists accept that ARA was the native deity of the Armenians.

The known Orientalist A.H.Sayce states that AR was the sun-god of the Armenians. In his words:"...it is better to suppose that ER,or ARA,was an Armenian name for the Sun-god, which in later times was confounded with Arios (Nergal)of Ktesias."

In this connection H.Matikian writes:"To study ARA the Beautifu means to make inroads into the obscure centuries of the origin of the Armenian people and to examine them."

The word Ar-ma-ni is a compound noun, where the first component Ar is none other than the name of the natioanal sun-god of the Armens,-AR- and the second component -ma-(me a varient) ssignifies 'build, make, beget, offspring, son'. Ma, with this meaning, was known to many peoples of the Ner East in antiquity. The goddess of birth and fertility, so well known in Asia Minor, was called by this very same name-Ma.(Ma also occurs in its reduplicated from -Mama or Mami in Assyro-Babylonian inscriptions). This root-word (and also its variant -me) is found also in Sumerian language with the same meaning. It results that Ar-ma (and its variant Ar-me) means 'built by Ar, born of Ar', or 'Ar's offspring', 'Ar's/Ara's son' ('the son of the sun', Arevvordi). The ending -ni (the plural-forming or toponymic suffix-ni is found in Subarian-Hurrian-Nairian place and tribal na We find the plural form ni also in Armenian.

It is not unlikely that those of the third millenium B.C. could have Sumerian origin derived from the plural form -e-ne reserved for persons) of Arma-ni (or Arme-ni), as has been mentioned earlier, is plural and toponymic suffix (cf. Mitanni, Supani, Alzini 'Alzinini', Daiaeni, Nihani, etc.).

Hence Armani (or Armeni) means 'sons of Ar', that is, 'sons of the sun' or 'the land of the sons of Ar', which is literally 'the land of the sons of the sun'. A similar case is seen in the Armenian words Hayk' and Virk which by virtue of the plural- forming suffix k' mean, respectively, 'Armenians' and 'Georgians' and also 'the land of Armenians (Armenia)' and 'the land of Georgians (Georgia)'.

Just as the name Arma-ni appears simply as Arma, without the suffix -ni, in the Alalakh inscriptions, so does it in the form Arme in the Assyrian and Urartian writtings.

Since, as it was mentioned above, Ar-ma or Ar-me meant 'built by Ar' (the city or country of Ar), or 'the offspring (or the son) of Ar', and since Ar was also called Ara, it follows that the name Arme could have been pronounced also as Arame, which is, as we already know, the name of the founder of Urartian kingdom, meaning 'the son of the sun', and is preserved by Khorenantsi in the form Aram, as the name of one of the Armenian patriarchs.

Edited by Arpa
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I would say that an excellent resource would be where you found the information about "Ar."




Hehehehe I love it...Thanks Arvestaked. I thought that would be a good source too. Unfortunately the guy who gave me this info had moved away some time ago...however, the situation being what it is, Arpa quoted text from that same guy's website. Fortunately he cited the source--and I'll be checking that book out.



Oh, and thanks for the info and the link Arpa...lav kpav hehehehe


And Kakachik, I think there has to be some link there...you know there always is...none of it is happenstance.


But anyone else out there, I'm still lookin' for more resources. So if you know anything...join in.

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Oh, and thanks for the info and the link Arpa...lav kpav hehehehe






Can you see the ArmText? Can you read it?


In any case, go here and see more;





հայ հին դիցաբանական անուններից է, որ ավանդել է մեզ պատմահայր Մովսես Խորենացին:Արան գարնան, բուսականության,երկրագործության,բերքի,հետագայում նաև պատերազմի, ուժի աստվածն էր,որի պաշտանմունքը եղել է խեթերի, ուրարտացիների,հայերի և փոքրասիական ժողովուրդների մեջ:Գ Ղափանցյանն իր “Chetto-armeniaca” գրքում նշել է մեր Արայի և խեթական Ara բույսերի աստվածության մասին:Գիտնականներից ոմանք նույնություն են նկատել մեր Արայի և հունական Արես աստծու միջև (իբրև մեռնող և վերստին հարություն առնող աստվածների): Գ. Ղափանցյանն էլ նույն կարծիքն է հայտնել (տես “ղպՑՑրՍՌպ ոՏչՌ ց ՈՐՎÿվ”,27) , իսկ Ա. Մատիկյանը անվարան կերպով նույնացնում է Արային և հունական Արեսին՝ գրելով.”Արա Գեղեցիկ և Արես իրենց ծագումով միևնույն դիցաբանական դեմքերն են”(տես՝ նրա “Արա Գեղեցիկ”,էջ 314-315):Արա անունը ըստ Գ. Ղափանցյանի ծագում է ակկադա-շումերական լեզուներից և նշանակում է “անտառ”, “արտ” և այլն:Գիտնականի կարծիքով մեր հնագույն տեղանունների մեջ “արա” մասնիկը Արա աստծու անունն է (Արագածանի-Արայի գետ, Արահեզ,Արագեն գյուղանունները, Արաժին լեռնանունը և այլն):Վերջին տարիներին Արա անունը մեծ տարածում է գտել:

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No I can't see the Arm text in your quote...and I couldn't see it on the website you linked to either. I'm using Mozilla Firefox and I clicked the preset Armenian character encoding that it has, which works most of the time...but no dice.


Any suggestions? what browser are you using?


If not I'll email the webmaster of that site.

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