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Paska And Easter


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What's the significance of the Paska during Easter times in our culture? I searched on the web a bit and there are references to "russian easter bread" and "Ukranian easter bread" etc but I was wondering if it has any special significance or it's just a yummmy holiday treat?
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What's the significance of the Paska during Easter times in our culture?  I searched on the web a bit and there are references to "russian easter bread" and "Ukranian easter bread" etc but I was wondering if it has any special significance or it's just a yummmy holiday treat?



Food again huh Sip!!

Whatever happened to the Mongolian Buffet/Barbeque??!!


:) :)


I don't know anything about Paska except the fact that it sounds like "pascal" the Latin word for Easter and the French "paque" both of which are from the Hebrew "pasekh/basek". Incidentally the Armenian word "pahq/bak" i.e lent is based on the same.


Anyway, is this what you are looking for.

"gata/katah", aka Armenian Easter Bread? Also note that it sounds like the French word for cake- "gateau".

Some sites will open to "chorek" as Armenian Easter Bread, it is, but "katah" is the trdaditional one.


Btw. You can browse the site for other recipes and dance to th ebeat of tamzara as well.




Edit. Please note that ther is no such thing as Tur**** recipies, but to get the "delight"of your life click on the "Yoghurt" button.

Edited by Arpa
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