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Cultural Identity


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Time and again the same topic but with different twist.

Sometime ago someone in this Forum said, that we Armenians did a damn good job preserving our cultural identity compared to other ethnic groups in USA. My question is: DID WE?


Does Republic of Armenia; through her Institutions have responsibility to preserve Armenian cultural identity abroad?


How you personally keep your cultural identity? What are the important aspects of Armenian culture that you want to preserve?



I have my own recipe, which primarily is based on negation. :)


Any comments? :D

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how can the Armenian government try to do that if majority diaspora Armenians are from ancestral lands in Turkey? As all of us know there are differences in language, customs and a lot of disagreements among different groups of what is the "correct" Armenian culture.


In any sense, in my own opinion preservation of ones culture should not hinder in any way ones advancement in the new country.


my identity is based on knowing the history of my family,

practice the religion somewhat or at least know the history of Armenian Christianity, also knowing the particulars of Armenian culture, what makes us unique (our medieval architecture, kachkars, Minas Avetissian, Aksel Bakunts), well everybody has their favorites.

Edited by kakachik77
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My bad Kakachik!


I asked the question in a wrong way. My initial intend was, whether anybody feels culturally challenged in his new country the way I’m.


Here is why!


I can’t eat fast food or any other junk food! My stomach simply revolts at any such attempt. The only food that I can consume in US is the one on a pricey side. I can’t afford going to expensive restaurants all the time. The only other solution is to cook my own food, but usually it is not the same, because most of the products sold at hipper markets are as junk as the other food. Plus, if you work you don’t have the time to cook or you do it from time to time.


Speaking of quality of the food…. The only real tomatoes I ever tasted in US were Italian imports for $6 a pound. Not to speak about the fruits and vegetables that taste as plastic.

I bought strawberries the other day with a scary SIZE…as if they were cultivated somewhere near by Los Alamos.


I can’t drink American beer! It tastes as if it is brewed in Shell or British petroleum refineries!


My wardrobe is 60% made in China. The goods that I buy for everyday use are 100% made in China. So, in a way mathematically speaking I’m 80% Chinese. My recent purchase of clothing were pair of Brook Brothers pants – made in ….Zanzibar.


I can’t listen radio, except very few stations. Every morning I wake up with stunning news about the new hair color of Britney Who, or the new entries of Paris Hilton’s phone directory, or Charlie Sheen’s divorce piquancy, or some other insignificant creatures’ details about their lives. :)


I can’t watch American (or Spanish speaking) television! Long live European football channels as well as HBO, Public TV and Discovery.


American Academia Sucks! My Intellectual property Law Professor started her introductory lecture with the following (and this is post graduate class – just for the record): “What is a trade secret?” – Silence in the auditorium – “Is something published in the local newspaper a trade secret?” – Silence again. And then she added with lively and victorious tone – “No, something that is published in a local newspaper is not a trade secret!” At this point, I said to myself “God, why you are doing this to me!!!” :)


My only comfort is my car, but it costs big $$$ to keep her in good shape!


That is all Kakachik. As to carrier, advancement, social status… has been there done that! :)

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