There was a scheduled case on Thursday, repair of the patients shoulder. She arrives in our holding area, holding area nurse interviews her. Gives the standard info, Dr. so and so ian (name changed) will do your anesthesia, just happened the Dr is Armenian. Patient says "Is that an ian, the Dr. is Armenian?" Nurse says "Umm, yes he is." Patient says "I don't want him to do my anesthesia, I don't want an Armenian." Well, 2 minutes later the whole o.r. had heard the story. So Dr, so and so ian goes to interview the patient. Says to her "I understand you have a problem with Armenians?" Patient starts to get nervous, "Yes, well, umm, I just have had problems, etc etc etc." Dr so and so ian says "That's fine we'll get you another anesthesia provider." At that time the surgeon shows up. They explain there is a delay, have to find another anesthesia. He keeps on asking why, they finally tell him the reason for the delay. He says "Oh yeah?" He walks up to the patient and says "I understand you are not comfortable with an Armenian person being your anesthesia, I am not comfortable being your surgeon, your case is canceled, find another surgeon."