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Adanatzi I need your help ```


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Myrigeen Bannir Bourag shad ga nakhendrem ~ her cheese bourag was not made with flaky pastry but a breadish dough and much of the time baked on a lamajoon pan in the oven ~ inside was cheese, parsley and and onion, that I remember ~ If your Momma made bourag in this manor ~ maybe you could let me know her how it is done ~ I made some but it's not just right ```



Shnoragalem ```




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Hi onjig, this is our recipe!


One and half table spoon yeast

One cup butter (melted)

One cup plain yogurt

Four eggs

one cup vegetable oil

Six and a half cup flour


prepare the yeast first in half a cup of luke warm water mix it and let come to rise it takes about (5-8 min.) . once yeast is ready put flour in the mixing bowl add yeast and mix together. beat the eggs and add to dough mixture continue kniding, one at a time add butter, mix well into dough, then add oil and continue knidding until dough comes together as a nice soft dough. (if you feel the dough is hard then add touch of water , if the dough is liquidy and sticky then add touch of flour). if you are using mixing machine usually the dough comes together nicely , if you are kniding by hand it will take about 15 - 20 min of kniding. cover the dough with saran wrap and table cloth let is rise it take about 1hr or so. in the mean time prepare your cheese . once dough is ready you can take part of dough open one big dough thin enough and cut with a round plate to your liking add the cheese stuffing and bring sides to make it to a triangle, or you can make a half a circle by folding into half. Squeeze the flaps so cheese stays inside. brush it with oil or egg wash and bake in oven 350 degrees.


If it doesn't work blame my wife not me :wife_2: :)

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