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With Gratitude: ArmeniaNow Turns the Page on 14 Years of Pioneer Journalism

June 8, 2016
Dear ArmeniaNow readers:

Thank you for 14 years of giving us reason to do what we do on these pages. Today, however, we do it for the last time. With this edition we conclude a fabulous episode of Armenia journalism. And we finish with great expectations for how the journalists who produce these pages will continue their influence on local media, as they look for new homes for their work. Find them. Follow their work.

In July, 2002, ArmeniaNow appeared out of nowhere before there was much chance of sustaining an online journal from a country where dial-up was still about as good as cyber connection got and waaaay before “social media” was legitimized.

We began with the intention of filling a gap that we believed existed in society’s transition from a special-interests-influenced, to a more independent-based media environment. While ArmeniaNow (and our parent NGO New Times Journalism Training Center), was surely not the first to offer “western style” journalism training, there was, however, a missing element in getting from the classroom to the newsroom . . .
Edited by Yervant1
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