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Monsanto Protection Act this Thursday H.R. 1599


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Monsanto Protection Act this Thursday H.R. 1599

http://thedailypaul.com/images/small-icon.gif By HawaiianDude on

Wed, 07/22/2015 - 04:21

Monsanto Protection Act this Thursday H.R. 1599

Monsanto’s Dream Bill (our nightmare) will be up for a vote this Thursday in the House.

This bill allows Monsanto and all food producers to Never Ever have to disclose if there are any GMO’s in their food and never require labeling. It allows all GMO Products to be labeled Natural.

This bill overrides all local and State Government regulations relating to GMO labeling such as the recent Vermont Law requiring GMO labeling.

It is doubly bad in that it forever holds harmless Monsanto such that any cross contamination or labeling from the farm or the actual seed never has to be disclosed and forever takes away anyone’s right to sue Monsanto for any contamination or lack of labeling on any product from farm to consumer.

Monsanto has plowed a lot of money into congress and this bill is expected to pass easily under the radar, nobody knows about it.

You can’t let someone else take up this battle for you. You will have to call congress from your local area codes and tell them you are paying attention, which is the only way this one will be stopped.

Congress Contact Us page - https://www.congress.gov/contact-us (link is external)

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