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Earthquake at Byurakn;



Of course Bingol is a direct translation of Byurakn that means One Thousand Springs. Below Isahakian refers to it as Byur Ljer (One Thousand Lakes).

Komitas has a song as well that goes: Inchou Bingol@ mtar...?

Byurakn was elevated to the level of Holy Grounds and believed it was the home of many an (Armenian) god. Legend has it that Haik in anticipation of Bel's attack immersed his sword in the icy water of Byurakn to sharpen it even more, which guaranteed his victory.

We also know about the other Byurakan, home of the famous observatory.




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Of course Bingol is a direct translation of Byurakn that means One Thousand Springs. Below Isahakian refers to it as Byur Ljer (One Thousand Lakes).

Arpa, "byur" means ten thousand.

in context, it is mostly used just to mean many.

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Funny how some names totally fit the person who carries them. My cousin who plays waterpolo for the national Dutch women's team is called Biurakn :)

ya, and i died two times before.

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Yes Harut, I know "byur" means "yen thousand" but it seems to have evolved to mean "many" just like "qaesun" does. Do you remember my post about that subject?

IN fact I goffed, the Turkish Bin Gol actually means "one thousand LAKES". Avetik got it right!

I thought Minnesota was the "land of one thousand lakes". Duhhh!! Or was it Wisconsin???:P

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