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The Cradle of (un)Civilization


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When historians and archeologists named Mesopotamia the Cradle of Civilization little did they know that some day it would also be known as the Cradle of Uncivilization. Every time I see the picture of that woman employee of the Baghdada Museum hitting her head and sobbing at the sight of destruction and vandalism I cry with her. I cry if not so much for the loss of priceless treasures of several millennia since the dawn of modern history, but more so that I feel like I am watching Artashat during the year 301AD when Grigor the criminal and his gang of vandals were violently destroying all vestiges of our native civilization for the sake of this alien and stupid one known as Christian, just like the uncivilized of modern Iraq could not wait to display their hate and disdain of everything pre-Islamic.

What is Chrsitian or Islamic about that, about acts of the sort.

It also reminds of the days when the statues of Lenin were taken down, even then I was having this cringing feeling, even though there may have been a message in the act, hoping that the action would be so orchestrated that history , no matter how ugly it may be would be given its proper place. After all history, however ugly it may seem at the moment is history nevertheless and to some it may have been glorious.

History must be preserved even if to remind us of what not to do, what is ugly and which beautiful.

Oh! I forget! How stupid of me!



http://cnn.netscape.cnn.com/news/ :angry:

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