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Our Real Heritage


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Why are we so infatuated with racial purity? We claim to be European, but do you think people regard us as Europeans? And, not all Armenians are of Indo-European descent. Remember that our elites (naharars) and the kings consisted of foreigners: Iranians, Jews, Caucasus peoples, Assyrians, and one family (my own) claims origins from China. As you can see, we also have a drop of that "Asiatic stain" that we despise from those Turks. We are for the most part Indo-Aryan with a blending in of Semitic and a tiny drop of Chinese. It is known that the blood and genes of aristocrats tend to trikle down to the commoners one way or the other, officially or unofficially. We lost our "blond hair and blue eyes" long before the arrival of either the Turks or even the Arabs. It just bothers me that my beloved people are so concerned about purity and race. My earliest forefathers may have resembled those hated Turks. But, they also gave all they could for Hayastan and God. Realize it, or I am afraid to claim this proud heritage.
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Hello, Mamigonian. Don't be afraid. There are few paranoid assumptions about our heritage, but the time will cure them.


As a side note, I don't know where the opinion of Armenians being blond, originally, comes from. Maybe from a song, which has misrepresented the legend on Haik's and Vahagn's being of redheads.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did u guys know that "MAMIKON" is a chinese word, i believe that it means Chinese & that Mamikonians were people of chinese descend.

From history i also know that during Tigranakert Empire in the 1st century, there were not many people living in ancient Armenia, so King Tigran invited many people from neighbooring lands like Persians, Greeks, Arabs, Assyrians, even some Chinese to live there.

Baits de who cares where we came from 20 centuries ago, zato hima HAYENK!!! & we should be proud of it too!

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Yes, Elen. From what my Chinese friends (actually long-lost bros. and sis.) told me: "Mamikon" derived from a Chinese military or nobility title meaning--"Man-Gun"

or people's army. I am not ashamed, but proud. Of course, they were also accompanied by their Chinese soldiers so that it is virtually impossible for all Armenians to rule out even a slight Chinese ancestry. Glad you are not ashamed also.

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Dear. Mamigonian.


The Aryan people (Armenians, Parthians, Medians,Persians, Sogdians, Korezmians, Scythians, etc...) are all Indo-Europeans, however there are also some genes of aqssimilated semitic, Asiatic and native (native caucasian, ur-Artaians, Elamites etc...) amoung them. The Anatolian Turks are mainly themselves of Indo_european origin too, their language is changed later, they have now an identity crisis, think that they are Turks, and at the same time think that Anatolia was homeland of Turks. it is a kind of naive and ridiculous selfawareness, that they deny who were their ancestors, The Byzantines, Kurds etc...

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Originally posted by elen:
And if u guys see a good looking Turkish Men or Turkish Women, they can have some greek, armenian or other backgrounds.

You know, I think this is very true.

Or mabye this is just me blowing my own trumpet! I am greek/armenian. I think that side of it is just really common sense because as much as we don't like to let on any relation with turks, but come on! If it is just next door to Armenia then we would kind of share some blood!

I agree with some one that said that this forum sometimes gets kinda obsessive about ethnicity, and blood. Does it really NEED to be wieghed down to every detail? Don't split hairs please guys.
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Mamigonian jan, do you know if anyone in your family was born with the Mongolian spot, a bluish spot that looks like a bruise? People of Asian and American Indian descent are often born with this it is usually on base of the spine, near the butt. It eventually disappears as the baby gets older. An uncle of mine had this (on my dad's side) and this isn't surprising as he is 1/8 Indian. Also, do you or any of your family have a large number of moles on your body? This is said to be a common sign of people with mixed European and either Asian or American Indian descent. For instance the Metis of Canada, and Mexicans who are Mestizo (which is like 80% of the population). Me and my dad have numerous nasty moles,ugh! But none on our faces, thank God!(Ok that was too much information!)
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Originally posted by Half Breed:
Mamigonian jan, do you know if anyone in your family was born with the Mongolian spot, a bluish spot that looks like a bruise? People of Asian and American Indian descent are often born with this it is usually on base of the spine, near the butt. It eventually disappears as the baby gets older.


Oh my god, I have to call her. Totally mindblowing...
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Kazzajan is a mole, and freckle free zone! JUST olive. Mabye it's kind of boring.

But my mum is a dark-skinned lady, yet her and my uncle have freckles on their nose! Any of you have this?

Freaky, and Pilafjan, if you thought THAT was mindblowing....


hee hee ha.


[This message has been edited by Kazza (edited December 07, 2000).]

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Mike, was your son born with the spot? It is really true, and is taught in Medical School, especially recently because some doctors and nurses were reporting babies born with the spot as being abused to child services! If your son has it, this may indicate either Asian ancestry on your side, or maybe Indigenous ancestry on your wife's side. Who knows?
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It wasn't distinct enough to where it would have looked like a child-abuse bruise, but it was/is a bluish spot pretty much on his tail bone. My grandma said, "All the Murachanians have those." I kinda thought, yeah whatever...


He definitely has 100% Armenian skin (moreso than mine which has a little of the Italian pink to it).

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