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Armenian Products Take Off In Russia


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Armenian Products Take Off In Russia

YEREVAN (Noyan Tapan)—As a part of the project’s marketing strategy of developing brand identification and market penetration for Armenian products in Russia, MAP helped Armenian companies exhibit their goods in the Moscow Trade Show celebrating the 10th anniversary of CIS formation. The exhibition took place on December 10-14, 2001, and was hosted by national expositions of nine CIS countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgizia, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, and Ukraine. More than 900 participants were representing industry, agriculture and food processing, educational, state and other organizations. MAP helped exhibit Armenian products that are already being marketed in Moscow like wines (Areni, Ijevan Winery, Van-777), cheeses (Ashotsk Cheese Factory, Village Group, Golden Goat Plus), jams and juices (Meghri Cannery, Euroterm), as well as herbal teas (HAM. Ltd.).


Moscow distributors of wines and cheeses were actively participating in the trade show. Nora Alanakyan led the team from MAP. The Armenian exhibition was among the most popular booths during the show. The tasting of wines and cheeses as well as jams and juices attracted more than 3,500 visitors. All the visitors who tasted the products were willing to buy it immediately, which speaks for the interest of consumers in the Armenian products and their competitiveness in the Moscow market. Further marketing and promotional activities in 2002 will increase consumers’ awareness about Armenian products.

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