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Ukraine situation dangerous


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In an article of February 12, in the Russian weekly Zavtra, strategic and military experts warned that the protests against Ukraine government for not joining the EU Association, then after that joining the EU itself, had produced a situation in Ukraine; a split into two, those who are pro and those who are contra, even in the security forces of Ukraine, may result in a coup, such a coup would result in a fratricidal war in Ukraine and would constitute a serious "strategic threat to the Russian Federation."

If such a coup happens in Armenia, and the pro advocate of union with EU win, then the consequences for Armenia would be grave, for this same reason Russia would NEVER allow such a coup in Armenia. And we see recently Armenia enacting laws that the Army can intervene if the situation goes out of hand in Armenia. Tartars & Turks are praying day & night for such catastrophic events to happen in Armenia.

As Ukraine, the strategic and military experts have concluded that should such a pro-West coup succeed in Ukraine, the consequences for Russia would be:

1- Loss of Sevastopol as the base of the Russian Federation's Black Sea Fleet

-2 Purges of Russians in eastern and southern Ukraine, producing a flood of refugees

3- Loss of manufacturing capacities in Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov where contract work is done for the Russian military

4- Suppression of the Russian speaking population by forcible Ukrainianization

5- The establishment of US and NATO military bases in Ukraine, including in Crimea and the establishment of training centers for terrorists who would be set upon the Caucasus, the Volga Basin, and perhaps Siberia.

6- Spread of the orchestrated Kiev protests into non-Russian ethnicities in cities of the Russian Federation.

The Russian strategists conclude that they "consider the situation taking shape in Ukraine to be catastrophic for the future of Russia. And thereby the danger of escalation conflict in the region.

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