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‘United Armenians’ public-political organization initiated a program of rehabilitating the Armenian Zvartnots temple constructed in 7-th c. AD (from 640 to 660 AD by Catholicos Nerses III the Constructor). The temple was later ruined in result of an earthquake in 10-th century, and has remained in ruins since then.


A board of trustees comprised of eminent Armenian intellectuals Zori Balayan, Sos Sargsian, Jim Torosian, Tiran Muratian, Archbishop Pargev Martirosian, Shahe Achemian and several others was set up to supervise the program. The initiators called on the homeland and Diaspora Armenians to support the program and make donations for constructing the identical copy of the mediaeval Armenian temple, which was and still is, though ruined, one of the most visited attractions of the country.


For implementation of the program an estimated 1 million USD is necessary, and the construction works will start as soon as half of the sum is collected. For this purpose fund raisings in Diaspora and Armenia are being organized, supervised by the concerned organizations, among them most interested being the Dioceses of the Armenian Apostolic Church.


The donations and fundraising started this March, already yielding 10,000 dollars, most part of it collected in homeland, though. Many people support the initiative, even donating as little sums as 100 AMD (about 17 cents). As the head of the ‘United Armenians’ organization Ruben Avagian told daily Azg, they receive phone calls from elderly people in Yerevan and elsewhere in the country, who request the organizers to go and take the sums they planned to donate for this purpose from their homes, explaining that they are unable to go out of home. This tendency of devotion and care towards the preservation and rehabilitation of Armenia culture is highly praiseworthy, and will hopefully embrace in itself the Diaspora as well. If Diaspora-Armenian philanthropists are involved in the project, there will not be a need to wait long to see the three-story domelike piece of Armenian medieval architecture standing at the gateway of Armenia (the ruins of the temple lie near the highway which leads from the Zvartnots Airport to Yerevan, and, if built, the temple will be the first thing that captures the eye of the visitors arriving in Armenia).


Individuals interested in supporting the program can send their donations on the following bank accounts of the ‘HayKhnayBank’ bank: 160448017584 (in AMD); 160448217580 (in Russian rubles) and 160448117582 (in USD).



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mi qani or araj iyn H1 tsragrov tsuyts tvetsin - kartses te hrashali mi xumb e vor karor e ikatar atsel iys ashxatanq@ / vor@ nuynisk SovetHayastani jamanka Karen Demirjyani bazmativ janqerits heto nuynisk ikatar chatsvets / CCCP yerbeq harmar chgtav iydqan mets gumar hatkatsnelu hamarya te vochnchatsats iys "Kothori" hamar


inch kaseq dzerq meknenq ? mi dzen haneq mi ban anenq



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yes yerku dzerqerov koghm em, bayc...inchpes pogh ugharkel? Yete hnaravor liner "Aneliq" bankum yevs hashiv bacel, apa gorts@ shat ktetevanar:


Harkavor e inch-vor dzevov haytnel ays masin Igityanin, vorovhetev, inchqan yes gitem, "Aneliq@" shat masna&yugher uni ashxarhov mek:


Du karogh es?


Yes inqs zangel em Yerevan hayrikis yev xndrel im koghmic mi gumar mutsel:


Bayc voch bolorn unen Yerevanum hayrik:

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Individuals interested in supporting the program can send their donations on the following bank accounts of the ‘HayKhnayBank’ bank: 160448017584 (in AMD); 160448217580 (in Russian rubles) and 160448117582 (in USD).



ashxarhi 4 kormerits karor es iys hamarnerov gumar mutsel.

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