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Of late the word “pilgrimage” has been used in many contexts.

Pledge Oath Promise

Here we spoke about Ughtasar;


In the Yerevan Russo-Slav transliteration it will be written “uxtasar”** where we don’t know if they mean ՈՒԽՏԱՍԱՐ/Pilgrimage Summit or ՈՒՂՏԱՍԱՐCamel Summit. There may be a method to this madness. Look at the picture above.





Of late the word is used daily. We have talked about Ուխտագնացում/ Pilgrimage here;


From the Armatakan;

ՈՒԽՏ- Հաստատ խօսք, հաստատ առաջադրութիւն, դաշն պայման.

The monograph goes further to say that the word is also found in Arabic, Persian and Sanskrit as “UXT”.


See here the Arabo-Persian “ ’aht” عهد


Some others use that word to mean “promise”.

At times we also call the Testaments as Հին Ուխտ, Նոր Ուխտ.

See what they call the New Testament, Նոր Կտակարան

"عهد جدید‘Aht Jedid”


The ridiculous. I have seen some who pledge to not cut the hair of their male children until it is done in Jerusalem. One wonders what those gender confused boys grow up to be?


Above- respectively. Firm word/promise, firm suggestion, alliance.

At one time, aside from the pilgrimages to Jerusalem we also did at sites of the likes below***.


Մշո Առաքելոց և Սուրբ Կարապետի վանքեր.

Immortalized by Barsegh Kanachian’s masterpiece oratorio NANOR**** (I wish I could find sample audio-video of it. Where it goes chngli zim mour\az@s tour, zim srti sirti sirats@ tour while “changli” means “full of church bells” some have interpreted it as “chengelli”. (“chengel” is some peoples’ interpretation of “jungle”.







The best known pilgrimage was to Jerusalem. And those who did and received a tattoo would be known as “haji”.

Is this the origin of “pilgrimage? The Three Magi;

Definition of PILGRIM

: one who journeys in foreign lands : wayfarer

one who travels to a shrine or holy place as a devotee

one of the English colonists settling at Plymouth in 1620

Examples of PILGRIM

Thousands of Muslim pilgrims traveled to Mecca.

Origin of PILGRIM

Middle English, from Anglo-French pelerin, pilegrin, from Late Latin pelegrinus, alteration of Latin peregrinus foreigner, from peregrinus, adjective, foreign, from peregri abroad, from per through + agr-, ager land — more at for, acre

**It is obvious that many of us don’t know the difference between Խ and Ղ as in “xaxox”. Btw, one our teachers of Armenian who spoke with a thick Kharberd accent, during a class of orthography/ուղղագրութիւն said ուղղագրութիւն երկու ԽԱՏ(sounded like khat) :huh: . We did not understand and proceeded to write the word with one Ղ. Only after a while we realized that she meant երկու ՂԱՏ (ghat). She would also pronounce the grape as “խախոխ”. She was also an unabashed lover of her compatriot Համաստեղ Hamastegh that she pronounced as Համաստեխ/ Hamastekh.

***In Marash the main pilgrimage site was “taksaraqol”, I.e Thaddeus/Թատթէոս Արաքել/ Արաքեալ.

Getting back to the meaning of “pledge” see the “Pledge of Allegiance”.

The Pledge of Allegiance

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands,

one Nation under God,

indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

BTW. The phrase “under God” was not in the original version. It was later added-


Addition of the words "under God"

Louis A. Bowman (1872-1959) was the first to initiate the addition of "under God" to the Pledge.

Shall we re-amend that phrase and add “under allah, under jehovah, under mormon, under buddha , under khoda?


****Since then many Armenians girls were named NANOR. Did Barsegh name his oratorio for a daughter of his? I can’t find the meaning and origin of the name NANOR. Is it a combination of “Nane” and “oror”?


Speaking of “oath-promise-pledge”, does anyone remember the Pledge of Allegiance of the Armenian Scouts that goes something like this- “Պատւոյս վրայ կերդնում ըլլալ հաւատարիմ Աստուծոյ…” which seems to be a translation from the English.


An aside. Who remembers ? I can barely remember. I have forgotten who had written it or the story. “Ուխտագնացութիւն Դէպի Քելվահար”

Note “քելվահար”. Substitute the ՎV with ԲB and the J with Յ Հ and see what you get. “kelbajar”???

Edited by Arpa
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