Arpa Posted November 15, 2009 Report Share Posted November 15, 2009 (edited) ՏԱՊԱՆ/TapanEven if this may be best posted under the category of Language, feel free to quote .---In another thread here; spoke about how “tap/տապ” , how it means “flat/տապակ/տափակ” and “տափաստան/flatland”, even “տապակ/frying pan and plate/dish”.We did not go far enough to “ տապան/tapan” as in Noyan Tapan/Նոյեան Տապան, Noah’s Ark.Below, from the Armatakan, see that ՏապանTapan also means “box”, mainly a box for human remains. We will get back to this. See what “ossuary” means, i.e “a box of (human) bones”.An ossuary is a chest, building, well, or site made to serve as the final resting place of human skeletal remains. They are frequently used where burial space is scarce. A body is first buried in a temporary grave, then after some years the skeletal remains are removed and placed in an ossuary.***ՏԱՊԱՆ.)«արկղ, արկղի նման՝ չորս կողմը փակ նաւ (Նոյի), մեռելի սնտուկ, գերեզման, դամբան» տապան. ՍԳր. Ագաթ. որից տապանակ «արկղիկ, գանձանակ» ՍԳր. տապանակակիր Եփր. յես. տապանագործ Մանդ. Կիւրղ. խչ. տապանատուն Մամիկ. Ուռհ. Վրք. հց. տապանիլ Ճառընտ. եւն: Above we se that it also refers to Արկղ;ԱՐԿՂ սնտուկ, պահարան. 2. դրամի գանձանակ. 3. մեռելների ոսկորները պահելու սնդուկ» արկղ. ՍԳր. Ագաթ. Կորիւն., որից արկղակերտ. Եւս. քր. արկղագործ Ագաթ. արկղիկ Պտմ. աղեքս. դրամարկղ արկղակալ (նոր բառեր): (origin:) լտ.Neither of the above internet versions go far enough, to show that in the Persian “tapani” means box, or that word has spread from the Armenian all the way to Georgian and beyond. The most interesting is that at times “տապան/tapan/տապանաքար” is written as “damban/դամբան” , i.e grave/գերեզման and “գամբանագիր/dambanagir”**** means grave inscription and “դամբանաքար/dambanaqar” means gravestone. Or that “tampanak/տամպանակ” means the small box/bag for collecting alms, donations at the church. Neither does it go far enough to show that at times “Արրկղ” means treasure box. See “արկղակալ” to mean treasurer. The most interesting is that ԱՐԿՂ shares with the Latin arceo/arcio/arch, once again, a funerary box, and the English Ark as in Noah’s Ark/box.**** I just saw somewhere that some people call Ararat Aghri Dagh, that it means the “Mountain of the Ark”. At first I was fuming as to how some “credible? “turkophile/judophile”sources would say that . Then I thought about the Armenian word “arkgh/արկղ”, aside from the fact that mountain is called ”aghri” based on the Armenian village of “Agori/Aghori”. To once again remind us. The Armenian word “Aghori/aghouri/աղուրի” means “grapevine”, or the reburying the roots of an existing plant to propagate it.ԱՂՈՒՐԻ(յգ. աղուրեաց))«որթի տաշտաթաղ անելու ճիւղը» աղուրի. Փիլ. լիւս. 143. ռմկ. յգ. աղուրայնի, սեռ. աղուրայնոյ Վստկ. 61. նոյն է նաեւ աղօր «սերունդ, շառաւիղ» Մագ. թղթ. էջ 205 (տես իմ Հայ. նոր բառեր. հտ. ***Remember? Some time ago a hrya conman, hoaxter declared that they had found the “ossuary”, the stone box of Jesus‘ bones, which later was found to be a hoax. What else to expect from the heirs of the holo-hoax ?**** See the Hanragitaran "dambanacir/դամբանագիր" and "dambanaqar/դամբանաքար", many equate it to "shirmaqar/շիրիմ- ա-քար". Does it rhyme with "khachqar/խաչքար"?********** What does "shirim/շիրիմ" mean? Edited November 16, 2009 by Arpa Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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