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Armenians jumping the border to Turkey.


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It has come to my attention that the incredible has been happening lately: Armenians from Armenia are actually illegally entering Turkey to work! I find this incredible and was wondering if anyone has more info. on this. For instance, about how many people are we talking about? Do they stay for a long period of time, or is it seasonal? How do they enter the country? What happens to them if they are caught?
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Tens of thousands of Armenians / Georgians / Russians / Azeris etc cross the border into Turkey each month - most have short term visas of a couple of weeks - most of the men come to buy comsumer goods in Turkey, most of the women come as prostitutes. Probably a good percentage never return and either remain in Turkey illegally or try to reach Europe, also illegally of course.


And, Azeris travelling from Nakhicevan do not even need a visa (or even a passport!) - they just get a stamp on their ID card, and can enter Turkey as often as they like.



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OK, so why would the women want to go all the way up to Turkey to prostitute? What's wrong with their own countries? More business?

(hope they charge double! for those big hairy Turks - yucky!)

This is getting a bit sick now. Sorryy....


Why do they pick Turkey? Why not Russia? It has more money and is a superpower.

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I once lived near the streets of Hollywood where this type of thing is a common sight. Not once have I seen an Armenian from Hayastan do it. And, many Armenians from Hayastan still live within only walking distance from those streets or brothels. Only seen white trash, blacks and a few blond Russian/Ukranian Jews. Most are drug addicted and some are tranvestites.
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Oh how nice.


Sometimes different circumstances drives us to different things! Many women become prostitutes not just out of poverty but out of childhood abuse, and that was still going on so running away is the only way to escape it then they have nowhere to go at 15. Then this is where these pimps and madams come in.


The same old story happenned to a few friends at school...

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Now onto the women from Hayastan situation. The reason is,i am proud to say,this is the way the women are brought up, because Hayastan was never that way inclined to go into the sex industry. That's why all this hoo ha on the forum as to whether it is actually happenning or not. Russia (an atheist country), however were.
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Of all the former Soviet peoples, Armenians have remained the most religious inclined despite almost a century of communism. Yes, Hayastan women are the most chaste. I think it has a little something to do with culture also. Armenian parents jealously guard the purity and chastity of their little girls at a very tender age. Go to Hollywood, go to Burbank, etc. you will always find Armenian parents picking up their kids after school. Very few allow their kids to walk home alone. The same with clubbing. Many families set nighttime curfews. Most don't even allow their daughters to go out at all. When I was 16, I asked for the phone number of this Armo chick, and she told me that her father would kill her if she did that. So, that explains it. And, let's not look at this as domineering or backward behavior. It is something to emulate. You should only "give it" to the special someone whom you are marrying. Look at others: teenage pregnancy, venereal diseases, etc. Many people treat it as a game with no shame.
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I don't know about the current situation, but during the early to mid 90s a large percentage (probably about 70 percent) of women comming across the border between Georgia nad Turkey were prostitutes - and I would guess that about a quarter of them were Armenian - although to the Turks they were all simply "Russians" and were called "Natashas" (which has now becone a term for all prostitutes in Turkey). At that time most Armenians still had Soviet passports.


The going rate was (I was told by a few Turks) 10 US dollars plus hotel bill. Given that they could stay in Turkey for two weeks with a visitors visa, that could mean a large amount of money could be earned by Armenian/Georgian/Russian standards. Turkey is a lot richer than Russia - and anyone can get US currency.


Along the Black Sea all the cheaper hotels were full of prostitutes. They were mainly along the Black Sea because the more time spent travelling, the less time spent earning.


I'm not going to condem them moraly, but I will esthetically - most of the women were quite horribly ugly, with dyed blond hair and comically thick makeup. But the Turks seemed to like them, hence the Black Sea coast's heavy AIDS infection rate.


If some of you want, I'll re-tell the Black Sea AIDS joke that when originally told on a Turkish chat show later caused a machine gun attack on the TV station, and the program's host to flee abroad to escape death threats - sensitive souls will want to cover their eyes!



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Originally posted by Half Breed:
It has come to my attention that the incredible has been happening lately: Armenians from Armenia are actually illegally entering Turkey to work! I find this incredible and was wondering if anyone has more info. on this. For instance, about how many people are we talking about? Do they stay for a long period of time, or is it seasonal? How do they enter the country? What happens to them if they are caught?

This is not new at all. Actually turkey had threatened to expell all illegals from the country right before the Genocide bill vote in Congress. This has been going on for years. You might be aware that there is a regular bus line from Istanbul to Yerevan. You can see the Turkish buses in the very downtown of the Armenian capital.

Nothing wrong with trying to make a living, be it in Turkey, Russia or beyond. That´s what we have been most succesful at.
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The AIDS joke:


This is from memory - I can’t remember the name of the broadcaster or the Istanbul TV station, (and I think the various family relationships were more extensive in the original telling!). The night after the broadcast someone shot up the TV station’s reception window with a machine gun, and the Black Sea Mafia announced they had a contract out to kill the broadcaster - who by then had apologised profusely before fleeing abroad in panic. The Istanbul Turks use the word "Laz" as a term for everyone living along the Black Sea (not restricting it to the 150,000 or so ethnic Laz). The Laz are seen as a bit stupid, very moralistic, and very touchy about their reputation and sense of honour.


The joke went something like:


There was this Laz who came down from his mountain village to Trabzon to buy some supplies. While there he engaged the services of one of the town’s many Russian prostitutes. A week after his return to the village, he happened to remark to his father that he had slept with a prostitute while in Trabzon, His father was outraged - "how could you have done such a bad thing", he exclaimed! "Don’t you know that they all have AIDS. On the night of you return you will have infected your wife, the following morning she will have given it to her father, by the afternoon he would have infected your daughter, then she will have given it to your son, he will have given it to your mother, then she would have given it to me, and by now the whole village will be infected! How could you have behaved in such an immoral way?"



Another much repeated Laz joke goes like:


A Laz bought a ticket to fly from Trabzon to Istanbul. When he got on the plane he immediately entered the ****pit and sat down in the pilot's seat. The pilot tried to get him to move to a proper seat, but he would not budge. "Oh no", said the Laz, "I paid for the ticket, this is the best seat in the plane, and I’m not moving!". The pilot did not want to make a commotion, so just asked the Laz to show him his ticket. "Ah, I see you want to go to Istanbul", said the pilot, "but this part of the plane is going to Ankara, the back of the plane is going to Istanbul."



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