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Armenoid Caucasian


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And other pseudo-scientific myths

Basically, in the guise of (pseudo) science , it is none other than racial bigotry.

There was another thread dabbling with varied physiognomy and phrenology(phenotype) of the Armenian Race which rightfully was remanded to the Humor section.

Now, let us see more humor disguised behind the mask of (pseudo) “science.”

I have heard from some that at one time German “scientists” with a measuring tape in hand were measuring the length, the width and the height of the heads/crania of Armenian boys and girls, and sorting them from genius down to idiot. Anyone know what hydrocephaly is, those with huge heads with 90% water in the cranium ?

Phrenolgy, pseudo science.


Physiognomy, another pseudoscience


n. pl. phys·i·og·no·mies


a. The art of judging human character from facial features.

b. Divination based on facial features.


a. Facial features, especially when regarded as revealing character.

b. Aspect and character of an inanimate or abstract entity:.

What does Armenoid mean?


Then we come to Caucasian. Leave it to the Germans who took an Asian-Iranian term of Aryan and redefined it to mean a “race with blond hair blue eyes” all the way to the point of albinism. How many Iranian Aryans do you know with blue eyes, yellow hair and almost no pigmented complexion? Did you know that there are African Albinos with no pigmentation just as there are Germans who could easily pass as Africans? Did hitler, zieg heil! have yellow hair and blue eyes?


I won’t even get into the ridiculous Armenian Aryan (Արիացիներ) nonsense. Do they have yellow hair, blue eyes and shaved (skin) heads?



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though this is all quite interesting, i think that few modern white supremacists use these categories scientifically, though maybe the names are still mentioned.

also, i'm afraid that the european connotation for the 'aryan race', is much more complex than the typical blond hair and blue eyes. as you mentioned yourself, hitler also wasn't blond or blue eyed.


Do they have yellow hair, blue eyes and shaved (skin) heads?/quote]

that's just the stereotype of the post nazi era conception of 'aryanness'


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