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Balasan - English/Latin Name?


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Anyone know what flower this is - ie its English/Latin name? I was told that it's a white flower and that it has medicinal properties but so far I haven't been able to find out its Latin name.


Can anyone help?





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Anyone know what flower this is - ie its English/Latin name? I was told that it's a white flower and that it has medicinal properties but so far I haven't been able to find out its Latin name.

Can anyone help?



Dear Anna-Mary Magdalena :)

Welcome. Please stay, you may learn a thing or two, just as you may teach us a few.


Balasan is from the Greek “balsamum/balsam”. Usually referring to sweet smelling resins, like Balsam of Peru or Tolu Basam.. For all I know it may originally be from the Arabic since most of those trees are native to that part of the world.

The Armenian “balasan” may be directly from the original Arabic “balasan”.

There is a flowering tree with sweet smelling mini-flowers known as “balasan” which at times is used to make tea with as a cure for stomach ache, or what have you. I am sure Johannes knows it.

ԲԱԼԱՍԱՆ արաբ. ծաղկի անունից, որ հայերենում ևս գործածական է: Բալասան բառը մեզ մոտ նշանակում է նաև “դեղ”, “դարման”, “սպեղանի”: Կա նաև իբրև արական անուն: Սրա կրճատ ձևերն են Բալաս, Բալո: Այժմ էլ կենդանի…

You may not see the above in the Armenian text, from “Armenian Names“.

Here is what it says;

BALASAN(female name); (from the Arabic) name of the flower.. Which, in our culture also means medicine, cure and balm… we also have it as a male name, at times abbreviated to “balas“,”balo”….

Also not to forget the French term ”baumë/balm” .


From the Websters

Pronunciation: \ˈbä(l)m\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English basme, baume, from Anglo-French, from Latin balsamum balsam Date: 13th century

1: a balsamic resin ; especially : one from small tropical evergreen trees (genus Commiphora of the family Burseraceae)2: an aromatic preparation (as a healing ointment)3: any of several aromatic plants of the mint family ; especially : lemon balm4: a spicy aromatic odor5: a soothing restorative agency

PS. In the Armenian the term "speghani" is alternately used to mean "wound blm/ salve".




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  • 4 weeks later...
Dear Anna-Mary Magdalena :)

Welcome. Please stay, you may learn a thing or two, just as you may teach us a few.


Balasan is from the Greek “balsamum/balsam”. Usually referring to sweet smelling resins, like Balsam of Peru or Tolu Basam.. For all I know it may originally be from the Arabic since most of those trees are native to that part of the world.

The Armenian “balasan” may be directly from the original Arabic “balasan”.

There is a flowering tree with sweet smelling mini-flowers known as “balasan” which at times is used to make tea with as a cure for stomach ache, or what have you. I am sure Johannes knows it.


You may not see the above in the Armenian text, from “Armenian Names“.

Here is what it says;


Also not to forget the French term ”baumë/balm” .


From the Websters


PS. In the Armenian the term "speghani" is alternately used to mean "wound blm/ salve".



In French la Balsamée[ (balsamodendron) donne la myrrhe (du grec murra (parfum) it is what the Bible calls MUR qui compose "l'huile sainte"



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In French la Balsamée[ (balsamodendron) donne la myrrhe (du grec murra (parfum) it is what the Bible calls MUR qui compose "l'huile sainte"

Yes “mur”. The English Latin is “myrrh” from the Arabic “mur/murra” to mean bitter/amer in French. Remember the Italian movie Riso Amaro that means Bitter Rice? Also remember that the three magi brought “gold, frankincense and myrrh”. In fact in those days the latter two were worth more than their weight in gold.

From Ajarian’s Armatakan; Notice the highlighted «մեռոնի ծառ»

ԲԱԼԱՍԱՆDialect section ...

-arab.(ի՟ա հլ. (ըստ ՆՀԲ. առանց վկայութեան, սեռ. պալասանայ Միխ. աս. 378))

«արաբական մի տեսակ թուփ, նրա ծաղիկը, անուշահոտ իւղը, balasamina hortensis Dc. »

բալասան. Խոր. աշխ. 612. Մաշտ. յետին գրչութեամբ պալասան Բժշկ. Միխ. աս. պալասամ Բառ. երեմ. յաւել. 571 (երկիցս). հնագոյն ձեւերն են բաղսամոն (յունարենից փոխառեալ) եւ ապրսամ (ասորերէնից կամ պարսկերէնից փոխառեալ). ասւում է եւ մեռոնի ծառ Բժշկ. (origin:) արաբ.

And, as long as we are talking about "l'huile sainte" see this thread about Muron, and see the first ingredient;


Please forgive my silliness :P Does not "mur" also mean wall as in ""mural". See Լացի Պատ ; http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mur_des_Lamentations

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Yes “mur”. The English Latin is “myrrh” from the Arabic “mur/murra” to mean bitter/amer in French. Remember the Italian movie Riso Amaro that means Bitter Rice? Also remember that the three magi brought “gold, frankincense and myrrh”. In fact in those days the latter two were worth more than their weight in gold.

From Ajarian’s Armatakan; Notice the highlighted «մեռոնի ծառ»


And, as long as we are talking about "l'huile sainte" see this thread about Muron, and see the first ingredient;


Please forgive my silliness :P Does not "mur" also mean wall as in ""mural". See Լացի Պատ ; http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mur_des_Lamentations

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The the word "mûre" in French is the fruit of "Moreni" which you write in another topic.

By the way, I did not find what was the VAZ ! Can you tell me what it is, please ?

I have printed the parable already.

There is only one word in French for the tree that gives "Mûres" though one gives white fruit and the other black ones.

I suppose in armenian there are two different names. Ma grand'mère élevait des vers à soie, elle allait chercher les feuilles

des mûriers, je suppose que c'étaient des mûres blanches. Est-ce que vous appelez ça des feuilles de mûrier ou MORENI ?

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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The the word "mûre" in French is the fruit of "Moreni" which you write in another topic.

By the way, I did not find what was the VAZ ! Can you tell me what it is, please ?

I have printed the parable already.

There is only one word in French for the tree that gives "Mûres" though one gives white fruit and the other black ones.

I suppose in armenian there are two different names. Ma grand'mère élevait des vers à soie, elle allait chercher les feuilles

des mûriers, je suppose que c'étaient des mûres blanches. Est-ce que vous appelez ça des feuilles de mûrier ou MORENI ?


Sorry, I did not find in the "help" topic how to delete a message.

Edited by Louise
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The the word "mûre" in French is the fruit of "Moreni" which you write in another topic.

By the way, I did not find what was the VAZ ! Can you tell me what it is, please ?

I have printed the parable already.

There is only one word in French for the tree that gives "Mûres" though one gives white fruit and the other black ones.

I suppose in armenian there are two different names. Ma grand'mère élevait des vers à soie, elle allait chercher les feuilles

des mûriers, je suppose que c'étaient des mûres blanches. Est-ce que vous appelez ça des feuilles de mûrier ou MORENI ?

Dear louise, lest I forget, let me congratulate you for the wonderful work you have and still are doing. I have, on many occasions visited your site and seen not only your wonderful translations but your historical writings, including your father’s diary, to not forget your art and paintings.

Your translation of Varuzhan’s Ode to his Daughter is wonderful, as little French that I know I can see how you not only translated literally but also spiritually. My only wish is that our so called translators would not only see the dry linguistics but the linguistic nuances and the spirit. Why did Varuzhan call his daughter Varuzhnak, who eventually turned to Veronica, it is because SHE was a part of his body and soul.

As promised, VAZ/ՎԱԶ:

Below two entries. We already know what #1 is, as in to “run/jump”. Look at #2 which I did not know. Once again, maybe based on the first definition, it is a “node/ուռ” on a grape vine which eventually turns/jumps into an arm, a branch, at times, in the English it is known as “shoot“., “scion“ in French just as in Latin/English.

scion definition

scion (sī′ən)


a shoot or bud of a plant, esp. one for planting or grafting

a descendant; offspring

Etymology: ME sioun, ciun < OFr cion, earlier chion < Gmc *kijan-, to sprout < IE base *ĝei-, ĝī- > OHG chīnan, to sprout, OE kith, sprig

Webster's New World College Dictionary


ՎԱԶDialect section present: yes

Present/Not Present in other languages: no

4-292 -

((ի հլ. յետնաբար))

«ցատկելը, ոստիւն, արշաւ, արագ հոսիլը» Երգ. Բ. 8. Յոբ. ԼԹ. 25. Եւս. քր. Վեցօր. Սեբեր. «սրտի թրթռումը» Նիւս. բն. Ոսկիփ.

վազ. որից վազել «ցատկել, արշաւել, վրան վազել» ՍԳր. Ագաթ. Սեբեր. «ապստամբիլ» Ովս. Է. 13. «սիրտը տրոփել» Փիլ. նխ. ՟բ. «վերանալ երիվարի ի զամբիկն» մհյ.բառ (Նորայր, Բառ. ֆր. 826ա). վազվազել Գծ. Գ. 8, ԺԴ. 9. վազեցուցանել Յայսմ. վազումն Բրս. բարկ. անվազ Կոչ. քաջավազիկ Մագ. վազք «զուգաւորութիւն ձիոց» մհյ. բառ (ըստ Նորայր, Բառ. ֆր.825բ). արագավազ, ագեվազ (նոր բառեր): - վազ գործածուած է նաեւ «անդունդ» նշանակութեամբ՝ Ուխտ. Ա. էջ 6. բայց սա հայ. վախ «անդունդ» բառն է, որ սխալմամբ գրուած է վաղ եւ այս էլ երկրորդ սխալով վազ (տես Աճառ.Հայ.նոր բառեր հին մատ. Բ. 132):


2ՎԱԶ 2Dialect section present: yes

Present/Not Present in other languages: yes

4-293 INT.


«խաղողի ուռ»

վազ 2. Վրդն. առ. 207 (որ եւ կենդանի է Երեւ. նոյն ձեւով, նաեւ Լ. Հմշ. Ղզ. Շլ. Տփ. «խաղողի որթ» նշանակութեամբ): Յիշում է Բառ. երեմ. 255 որթ բառի բացատրութեան մէջ: հյ. վազել «ցատկել, դուրս ցատկել» բայից. տես վազ: (origin:) հյ






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The word "mûre" in French is the fruit of "Moreni" which you write in another topic.

By the way, I did not find what was the VAZ ! Can you tell me what it is, please ?

I have printed the parable already.

There is only one word in French for the tree that gives "Mûres" though one gives white fruit and the other black ones.

I suppose in armenian there are two different names. Ma grand'mère élevait des vers à soie, elle allait chercher les feuilles

des mûriers, je suppose que c'étaient des mûres blanches. Est-ce que vous appelez ça des feuilles de mûrier ou MORENI ?

As to “moreni” my first impression was based on the account of that “book of lies” where Moses met the “burning bush” “moreni” in the Armenian.


[2] And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.

2Տիրոջ հրեշտակը երեւաց նրան մորենու միջից կրակի բոցով։ Մովսէսը տեսնում էր, որ մորենին հրով վառւում էր, բայց չէր այրւում։

Here is a picture of the Burning Bush that I have in backyard, which is green now but in the fall it will turn crimson red;




I did not know this either. Note that in the Armenian MOR/ՄՈՐ also means dark red, some may call it “purple”.


3-347 PIE.


«մոշ, մորենու պտուղը»

մոր. Կիւրղ. թագ. որից մորենի «նոյնի թուփը. լտ. rubus nemorosus Haynè» (ըստ Տիրացուեան, Contributo 216) ՍԳր. Վեցօր. 111, որ եւ մորի 2 Առաք. - պտուղների նմանութիւնից շփոթելով մորմ «ելակ» Կամրկպ. «շնխաղող» Բժշկ. «մոր, մոշ» Բժշկ. որից եւ բոյսը կոչուած է մորմնենի: - Ըստ Տիրացուեան, Contributo 387 մորմ սեւ է «solanum nigrum L», որ է շանխաղող: (origin:) հնխ.

Edit. Ah! I found what "mure"/moreni"is. Blackberry;






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Dear louise, lest I forget, let me congratulate you for the wonderful work you have and still are doing. I have, on many occasions visited your site and seen not only your wonderful translations but your historical writings, including your father’s diary, to not forget your art and paintings.

Your translation of Varuzhan’s Ode to his Daughter is wonderful, as little French that I know I can see how you not only translated literally but also spiritually. My only wish is that our so called translators would not only see the dry linguistics but the linguistic nuances and the spirit. Why did Varuzhan call his daughter Varuzhnak, who eventually turned to Veronica, it is because SHE was a part of his body and soul.

As promised, VAZ/ՎԱԶ:

Below two entries. We already know what #1 is, as in to “run/jump”. Look at #2 which I did not know. Once again, maybe based on the first definition, it is a “node/ուռ” on a grape vine which eventually turns/jumps into an arm, a branch, at times, in the English it is known as “shoot“., “scion“ in French just as in Latin/English.


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------thank you dear Arpa for having looked at my web site. I have been much interested in wild flowers.

I have made the inventory of more than 200 wild flowers around my little town which is surrounded by hills.

As to the maening ov VAZ, I will leave it, I don't want to make a mistake.

I'll try to find someting else to translate. I was so happy with Varoujan's poem. It is very beautiful.

I have translated another poem from another poet "Im sipanigis" If you don't know, i'll give you the réf.

au revoir.






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As to “moreni” my first impression was based on the account of that “book of lies” where Moses met the “burning bush” “moreni” in the Armenian.


Here is a picture of the Burning Bush that I have in backyard, which is green now but in the fall it will turn crimson red;




I did not know this either. Note that in the Armenian MOR/ՄՈՐ also means dark red, some may call it “purple”.


Edit. Ah! I found what "mure"/moreni"is. Blackberry;



Your quote of Exod was very interesting. I shall read it again. I had not noticed what was the burning bush.

As to your bushes with red leaves, we have not that here. We have only the blackberries in the woods. Sometimes in gardens, which are bigger.


But the leaves that the silkworms eat, it is something different. My grandmother used to breed, but not in France, in Adabazar. There was 5 spinning mills in the town. They used to export the silk. some of workers survivors found a job in the town of Lyon where the silk was exported.


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Dear louise, lest I forget, let me congratulate you for the wonderful work you have and still are doing. I have, on many occasions visited your site and seen not only your wonderful translations but your historical writings, including your father’s diary, to not forget your art and paintings.

Your translation of Varuzhan’s Ode to his Daughter is wonderful, as little French that I know I can see how you not only translated literally but also spiritually. My only wish is that our so called translators would not only see the dry linguistics but the linguistic nuances and the spirit. Why did Varuzhan call his daughter Varuzhnak, who eventually turned to Veronica, it is because SHE was a part of his body and soul.

As promised, VAZ/ՎԱԶ:

Below two entries. We already know what #1 is, as in to “run/jump”. Look at #2 which I did not know. Once again, maybe based on the first definition, it is a “node/ուռ” on a grape vine which eventually turns/jumps into an arm, a branch, at times, in the English it is known as “shoot“., “scion“ in French just as in Latin/English.




Oh I found "scion" , I understand what it is. I'll try to translate the parabole. Merci encore.

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Your quote of Exod was very interesting. I shall read it again. I had not noticed what was the burning bush.

As to your bushes with red leaves, we have not that here. We have only the blackberries in the woods. Sometimes in gardens, which are bigger.


But the leaves that the silkworms eat, it is something different. My grandmother used to breed, but not in France, in Adabazar. There was 5 spinning mills in the town. They used to export the silk. some of workers survivors found a job in the town of Lyon where the silk was exported.

It is imteresting that you say that.

According to one source, even though the Blackberry is common in places like Syria, it is not a native of the Sinai desert. I wonder if Johannes knows the Syrian name for the plant. Like I said, I don't know what the Syrians call it but, coming back to the "silkworms", my Eng-Pers dictionary says the blackberry is known as "tout jangali", jungle berry. Of course the "silkworm"eats te leaves of Mulberry /Tteni/ԹԹԵՆԻ :

:P Hey Ed! Where is my bottle of Tti Oghi? :) Or, did Yervant and Mos commandeer it? :D

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