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Haik, Haig, Hyek, Hyeg, or is it Haiq, Hyeq?

Հայկ, Հայգ or Հայք, the plural of Hay/Հայ?


We will see.


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From Martiros Kavoukjian’s (?)** Armenia and Subartu translated by Nourhan Ouzounian. Thank you!


When one reads Martiros’ original text one gets more confused as to which comes first A (Ar-Ra)or H(Haik.). It is obvious that we need more research to determine which is first C or E, chicken or the egg. It does not take a genius to see that in any dictionary C comes before E. In the meantime, we have been running about like a “chicken with its head cut off”. Which is our “head” ? Ara,/ Arev , the Egyptian Ra or Hayk the Hay?


Mr. Ouzounian (thank you again) has chosen to leave some critical points that Martiros advances to which we will come eventually.





The god Hyek(Hayk), the mighty archer, has been closely interwoven with the life of the Armenian people since times immemorial, as ancient perhaps as the hunting stage of the primeval communal society.

He was the principal indigenous deity of the most prominent (central)group of the Nairian tribes that have formed the Armenian people.We know that Hyek(Hayk) is none other than Haldi,and that Hyek-Haldi was a deity of fire who had taken origin from the volcanic nature of the Armenian Highland.

As mentioned earlier, Movses Khorenantsi,drawing his information from Mar Aba's book, uses a distinctive expression for Hyek:"the Yapetostean Hayk",i.e. having the nature of Yapetos-Hephaestus.Remembering that Hephaestus was a god of fire, such a characterization of Hyek appears to have taken place during the Hellenistic(Artashessian)period of Armenia when Hyek's fiery nature was still remembered.

Personified as the eponymic ancestor of the Armenian people, Hyek is also described as having "very curly hair and sparkling eyes",a description that was inspired by his fiery nature and paralleled with that given to Vahagn who, too "had hair of fire...and his eyes were two suns."

In the old genealogical list preserved by Khorenatsi, Hyek is considered the son of Torgom. The origin of this name is linked with that of the city-land of Tarkuma/Tarhigama(some scholars locate this city in Hyeasa, but others who place it in the south-western regions of the Armenian Highland((see Tarkuma)), in Arme-Subaria, north of Syria(see Tarhigamani), seem to be more correct. In this connection, it might be right to point out the village of Derik, below Angel Tun-the birthplace of Angls or English, in the region of the sources of the Khabur, 40km west of Mardin.As we have seen before, Adad-Nirari-2 called this region Hark'((Harki)) which was in Armani as mentioned by Naram-Sin)mentioned in Hittite and Urartian inscriptions.

It must be recalled that Hyek is a deity, hence, he should have been considered the son of the god Tarku, the god Tork' of Armenians, whose name is radical component of the city name of Tarkuma/Tarhigama.Tork's main temple was in Aghtznik(Arme-Subaria), at the Armenian sacred city-fortress Angel-Tun(Ingalava?), now called Egil.

Among Armenians Tork 'was also called Tork'Angel; Khorenatsi refers to him as Tork'of Angel, i.e.Tork' of Angelian descent.In the Old Armenian translation of the Bible, the god of the Underworld, Nergal of the Semitic text, is translated as Angel(who probably corresponds also to the Sumerian Engur, the god of the Abyss).

Thus it becomes easier to understand why Hyek, the god of volcano(later attributed to Vahagn) is called "son of Torgom", i.e. the son of Angelian Tork,'the god of the Underworld, because both the volcano and the god of volcano originate from the underworld forces.

The epic of Hyek's fight against Bel(babylonian god) provides a substantial proof that Hyek and his people were already in existance in the land called Hark', at the center of the Armenian-Nairian Highland, at the time when Bel was carrying out his raids, that is, when the mighty Assyro-Babylonian empire was seeking to expand; a proof which, unfortunately, has been overlooked by those who (wrongly)support the theory of migration of Armenian people from the Balkans.

These were the people of Haldi-Hyek, who, as the natives of their own highland, have fought long and bloody battles to protect their homeland against foreign invasions;Because o fthe fact that the Armenian Highland is situated at the crossroads of continents where different civilizations have met, foreign deities have penetrated into the land in later periods, and Hyek, the indigenous god of the land was raised to heaven as a star and identified with the constellation Orion.




** Can we pleae agree to how to spell his name? Is it Kavoukjian, Gavugjian (damn that turkifying J!)

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  • 2 years later...

Haik Nahapet (Patriarch) (2107-2027 B.C.) Also spelled "Hayk" "Haig" "Hayg"


One of the greatest folk epics in Armenian History is the Epic of Haik, forefather and establisher of the first Armenian kingdom in third millenium B.C. The Father of Armenian History, Movses Khorenatsi (Moses of Khorene), wrote the epic from the oral tradition of the troubadours in the Fifth Century AD. The epic story tells us of Haik, the chieftain of the tribe of Armens (Arymins) one of the most powerful, organized and biggest of the Armenian tribes in Armenian Highland and as well as Northern Mesopotamia (Armenian Mesopotamia).


Haik organizes Armens and as well as the other kinfolk tribes against the invading forces of Semitic Bel (Baal) of Babylon attacking from Mesopotamia into the Land of Ararat. As the Great Armenian Calendar (Armenian Traditional Date or Calendar of Vahagn) tells us it was August 11 in the year 2492 BC (according to our Gregorian count) in a battle that takes place near the shores of sacred Lake Van, Haik fires a triple headed broad arrow from his long bow into the chest of Bel of Babylon. The ample arrow splits the breastplate of Bel, who falls to the ground and dies on the spot, being hit by the powerful force of the impact. The "unorganized horde" as the Father of History calls the army of Bel, flees in the face of the death of their leader. Thus Armenia successfully holds her freedom by crushing the foreign invasion from the South.


Haik calls on his kinsmen to unite into one single nation and kingdom in order to defend and to continue cultivate, improve and enrich the ancestral homeland. Haik establishes a town - Haikashen which becomes the nucleus of the united Armenians. Haik also places his sons in charge of strategically important areas of Armenia to guard and prevent any further hostilities from Mesopotamia or elsewhere.


Haik, once thought to be a mythical folk legend hero, is now widely accepted by many historians as actual Armeno-Aryan chieftain of the third millenium BC (Haik was the prime god of the kingdom of Ararat in the second millenium BC, known in the cuneiform inscriptions as Haldi), the establisher of the first Armenian kingdom and first to incorporate the all Armenian nations into a united confederation.



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Haykazuni dynasty (2492 / 2107 - 331 before common era)


Hayk (2492 / 2107-2026) - Nahapet-patriarch of the Armenians, founder of the Haykazuni dynasty.

According to the traditional Armenian chronology, Hayk lived in the 26-25th centuries before common era. On 11 August 2492 Hayk won the battle of Dyutsaznamart and crushed the army of Mesopotamian tyrant Bel.

Below are the years of rule of Hayk's offsprings according to the "Chronological Tables" of Mikael Chamchian, which do not always correspond to the traditional Armenian chronology (that is begins with the date of the Dyutsaznamart).


Armenak, son (2026-1980)

Aramaiyis, son (1980-1940)

Amasia, son (1940-1908)

Gegham (Gelam), son (1908-1858)

Sisak, son

Arma, son (1858-1827)

Aram, son (1827-1769)

Aray Geghetsik (the Handsome), son (1769-1743)

Kardos (Aray), son (1743-1725)

Anushavan Sosanwer, son (1725-1662)

Paret (1662-1612)

Arbak, son (1612-1568)

Zawan, son (1568-1531)

Parnak, son (1531-1478)

Sur, son (1478-1433)

Honak (or Hawatak), son (1433-1403)

Vashtak, son (1403-1381)

Haykaka I, son (1381-1363) (in the Hittite accounts is known as Hukkanas, 1380-1360 b.c.e.)

Ambak, son (1363-1349)

Arnak, son (1349-1332)

Shawarsh, son (1332-1326)

Norayr, son (1326-1302)

Vstam, son (1302-1289)

Kar, son (1289-1285) (in the Hittite accounts is mentioned as Karanni, 14th century b.c.e.)

Gorak, son (1285-1267)

Hrant, son (1267-1242)

Yndzak, son (1242-1227)

Glak, son (1227-1197)

Horoy, son (1197-1194)

Zarmayr, son (1194-1180)

? Shawarsh II (1180 - 1137)

Perch, son (1137-1102)

Arbun, son (1102-1075)

? Perch II (1075-1035)

Bazuk, son (1035-985)

Hoy, son (985-941)

Husak, son (941-910)

? Ambak II (910-883)

Kaypak, son (883-838)

? Parnawaz (838-805)

? Pharnak II (805-765)

Skayordi, son (765-748)


End of the era of Patriarchs, begins the era of Kings.

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Period of Legend


The Armenians have their full share of legends regarding their origin; legends in which spirits, gods and superhuman heroes, the forces and phenomena of nature, play dominant parts. In such myths may be traced occasional historical facts. The impossible thing is to disentangle the fact from the fiction. The most pervasive figure in this national folklore which has come down to us through songs and ballads is that of Haik.


The Hero-Ancestor


Haik, the wonderful archer, long ago became established in the national legend as the ancestor of the Armenians, bequeathing to them the patronymic Hay, the name which the Armenians apply to themselves. This legend takes us back to that prehistoric epoch when the first Armenians arrived in the land of Urartu, under the leadership of a great commander. Haik, according to the story, revolted against a tyrant, Bel of Babylon, and departed for the North with his family and followers. Bel, at the head of a large army, pursued and came upon him. Haik engaged Bel in battle, killed him with an arrow, dispersed his rabble of warriors and freed the land which is known as Hark — i.e., the country of the Hai people.


The names of the places mentioned in the myths — Hark, Haikashen, Hayotz-tzor, are found around the Lake of Van, the region where the Armenians settled. Haik, the nahapet (tribal chief), whose household included 300 men, waged his successful battle in the "land of Ararat." After his victory over Bel, the chieftain proceeded towards the northwest, whose inhabitants voluntarily submitted to his authority.


This legend is reminiscent of the invasion of the Armenians from the west. The bringing of Haik from the south in the narrative may be traced to the wish of the Christian historians of Armenia — Khorenatsi and others — to connect the story of Haik and Bel with the Biblical narrative of the construction of the Tower of Babel.


An historical character?


Father S. Der Movsessian believes that Haik was "an historical person." He was later deified and worshipped as "Deus Armenicus," the man who led a Hittite colony into Armenia in 580 B.C. and vanquished the last Urartean king, Menuas II, whom tradition has transformed into the tyrant Bel. Gradually the name Haik, derived from Hay, became an adjective or adverb, synonymous with heroic valor, prowess and beauty. This view has been endorsed by another savant, Father S. Matikian, a Mekhitarist of Vienna, who connects Haik with Hai or Hay, the old name of the Armenian people, and offers in support of his argument the names of Assyria, Athens and Rome, each named in honor of its particular deity-hero. Haik, says he, that titan of popular legend, was one of the greatest of gods, equal to the Indra of India, the Assur of Assyria, the Hattu of the Hittites and the Khaldi of the Khaldian-Urarteans. The Haik of Khorenatsi reminds us of Marduk, mentioned in the Bible, a Babylonian divinity (represented in our skies by the planet Mercury) whose arrow slew Bel because of his rebellion against the gods. In a similar manner, the dragon Verethra had been destroyed by Indra, the enemies of Athens by Athene, and the enemies of Germany by Odin. Just as Haik fled from Babylon because of Bel, whom he eventually killed, so Zeus had escaped to the mountains of the Caucasus, later to return to Sicily and hurl fatal arrows into the bodies of his titanic foes.


Haik linked with Orion


Ancient legendary heroes and demigods were often, in popular imagination, transfigured into stars — as in the case of Marduk and Mercury — so that the people would have nightly evidence of their celestial existence. In the old popular sense, Haik means a giant, and in some manner he became connected with the Orion of Greek legend — perhaps because Orion, too, was a hero of fine stature and features. The latter was accidentally slain by Diana, who was in love with him, and in her remorse she turned him into a brilliant constellation. Other mythological cults saw Orion as the god of the wind and storm; the "thunderous Orion" of the Babylonian conception drove away evil spirits. And so it came to pass that this constellation mentioned twice in the Bible (Job IX, 9; XXXVIII, 31) and called Orion in the Greek text, was, in the Armenian translation, turned into Haik.


The linguistic relation between the names of Haik and Hai or Hay is not entirely clear. The prototype of Hay or Khay has been traced by some scholars to the name of the great god Khaldi. Father L. Alishan believes that the name Hay was derived from Haik, and that the national patronymic was originally Ha. Ha‑os was the name under which the nation was mentioned by the Georgian historians, the ending os being a Greek usage. The appellation Ha still existed in certain Armenian localities until 1915; also in the plural form Haik or Hek, Khaik or Khek, as in Khekotz-Vank, the monastery of the Armenians.


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One of the greatest heroic Epics of the Armenian people is the great Cosmic Epic of Hayk -- the Forefather and establisher of the first Armenian Kingdom of AR-MANIA in third millennium BC. The Epic was written down by Mowses Xorēnac‛i -- the father of Armenian History. Xorēnac‛i, wrote down the epic in his History of Armenia in the fifth century, from the oral tradition of the ancient troubadours. The epic story tells us of Hayk [ORION], the leader of the nation of Armens (Armans or Armins) of the original Indo-European Homeland [where the solar cult of Orion originated and spread throughout the world], in the impregnable Highlands of AR-Men-ia. The warrior-king organizes the Armens against the invading forces of the tyrant Bel (Baal) of Babylon attacking from south, from Mesopotamia into the highlands of ARARAT. The Great Armenian Calendar records -- August 11, 2492 BC -- as the day of the cosmic battle [August 11 = the day of the solar eclipse... the light...after...darkness] between the forces of the freedom loving Ar-Men and the invading forces of Bel [in fact of the same divine Arman/Netjeru bloodline...the ShinAr/Chaldean High-priest leaders were the enlightened rulers of Near East as far back as we have records and no doubt before that, the exalted civilization and influence extending to our own days...in the epic Bell is not hard on Hayk at all calling his 'small brother' to return to Babylon as ones Armenic settlers and the Edenic-Elder God culture from the first Neolithic communities brought civilization with the waters of sacred Tigris and Euphrates from the Highland Source...Hayk refuses the big brother...telling Bell to instead RETURN to PARADISE-PARTEZ in peace and love...not in arms...connoting the underlying Stellar and Cyclical significance of the great Epic].





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Mos jan, tarber tegherits havaqats infoya, de petqe ushadir kardanq yev mechits @ntrenq aveli mez harmar@... vor mek@ vor ogtagortsenq himnakan @st aynm shnorhakalakan togher kavelatsnenq irakan source in!!!
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Here is a longer version to it, it has more detailed informations!!!



Written by Gevork Nazaryan


One of the greatest heroic Epics of the Armenian people is the great Cosmic Epic of Hayk -- the Forefather and establisher of the first Armenian Kingdom of AR-MANIA in third millennium BC. The Epic was written down by Mowses Xorēnac‛i -- the father of Armenian History. Xorēnac‛i, wrote down the epic in his History of Armenia in the fifth century, from the oral tradition of the ancient troubadours. The epic story tells us of Hayk [ORION], the leader of the nation of Armens (Armans or Armins) of the original Indo-European Homeland [where the solar cult of Orion originated and spread throughout the world], in the impregnable Highlands of AR-Men-ia. The warrior-king organizes the Armens against the invading forces of the tyrant Bel (Baal) of Babylon attacking from south, from Mesopotamia into the highlands of ARARAT. The Great Armenian Calendar records -- August 11, 2492 BC -- as the day of the cosmic battle [August 11 = the day of the solar eclipse... the light...after...darkness] between the forces of the freedom loving Ar-Men and the invading forces of Bel [in fact of the same divine Arman/Netjeru bloodline...the ShinAr/Chaldean High-priest leaders were the enlightened rulers of Near East as far back as we have records and no doubt before that, the exalted civilization and influence extending to our own days...in the epic Bell is not hard on Hayk at all calling his 'small brother' to return to Babylon as ones Armenic settlers and the Edenic-Elder God culture from the first Neolithic communities brought civilization with the waters of sacred Tigris and Euphrates from the Highland Source...Hayk refuses the big brother...telling Bell to instead RETURN to PARADISE-PARTEZ in peace and love...not in arms...connoting the underlying Stellar and Cyclical significance of the great Epic].


The decisive battle takes place near the shores of Lake Van. Haik fires a triple headed broad arrow from his long bow directly into the chest of Bel of Babylon. The ample arrow splits the breastplate of Bel, who mortally wounded, falls to the ground. Bels soldiers flee the battlefield after the death of their leader. Haik calls on his kinsmen to unite into one single nation and kingdom in order to defend and continue to cultivate and enrich the ancestral homeland. Haik establishes a settlement -- Haikashēn which becomes the nucleus of the Armenian Kingdom centered around Van-Vaspurakan. Haik places his sons in charge of strategically important areas of Armenia to guard and prevent any further hostilities from foreign incursions into the LAND OF ARARAT [zErikrn Hayoc‛ Araraday].


Hayk, thought by some scholars to be a mythical Indo-European folk hero, is most probably one of the early leaders who was an Armenic king and was later deified as the supreme embodiment of the virtuous character of the hero king. [C]Haldi [connected with the name Chaldean] -- most probably another name for Hayk -- was the God of War and Victory in the exoteric pantheon of gods of Ararat. [C]Haldi was the supreme deity in the holy triad of the primary [exoteric manifest] Gods in the sacred pantheon of Ararat [the other two being Shivini -- the Sun God -- and -- Teyshub -- the God of Lightning -- all three male gods had their three female counterpart goddesses of Beauty, Fertility and Providence] in the second millennium BC.


Thousands of years later, in the first century AD, another Armenian leader, bearing the sacred name of his kinsmen -- Armen or Ar-Man, known Armin[ius] to the Romans and Herman [German] to the Indo-European Cheruski would lead the renowned contingent of 30,000 Armenian horsemen in Bavaria [to this day a lot of Bavarians have, like in so many places throughout Europe, Armenian blood in their veins] against the Romans annihilating three legions of about 20,000 men under the Roman general Publius Quinctilius Varus at the battle of Teutoburg Forest, recorded in local Bavarian epics of the Middle Ages stating that they are "highlanders from the mountains of Armenia." It is also important to note here that in Old German the name Ashkenaz was both the name for Armenia and Germany, in the Armenian primary sources Ashkenaz [Koriwn, the disciple of Maštoc‛ for example] is always stated as Ashkenazian gund or Ashkenaz cavalry -- another branch of Armenic [Arman] Indo-Europeans, that later split off were the Scythians who were also called Aškuza [and Ask‛anaz is a common name amongst Armenians to this day]. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle of the Middle Ages would also recount the ancient story of their ancestors originating from Armenia. Some scholars also pointed out that the name Hayk implies Hayak -- son of [H]AYA [EA -- ĒUT'IWN -- DIVINE ESSENCE].


The ancient Armenian word for King -- ARKA -- is synonymous with -- AREGAK -- SUN -- with the sacred AR root. AR-MAN the name the primordial ancestor seers called themselves meant MEN of AR. The word Ar-Ar-ich [Creator] also referred to the celestial Sun [as the cosmic Solar eternal masculine force of creation and sustenance of LIFE -- Generation/Regeneration combined with sacred eternal feminine Matrix and the terrestrial Matter/Mother Earth], with the double AR signifying Unity or the Totality [the Whole] of plurality [which are simply different parts of The One].



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Found this while i was conducting some studies on Aratta


The word Armani - an early form of Armen-Armin [Armen or Arman denotes the national affiliation, as with many cultures standing for the particular nation thus, the God AR being the primary deity in the Indo-European pantheon - thus AR MAN denotes -- Men of Ar or Children of Ar


Thus we can say that Haik is Discendent of Armani the ruller of Aratta - Armani-Armenian King Madakina...

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  • 3 weeks later...



The god Hyek(Hayk), the mighty archer, has been closely interwoven with the life of the Armenian people since times immemorial, as ancient perhaps as the hunting stage of the primeval communal society.

He was the principal indigenous deity of the most prominent (central)group of the Nairian tribes that have formed the Armenian people.We know that Hyek(Hayk) is none other than Haldi,and that Hyek-Haldi was a deity of fire who had taken origin from the volcanic nature of the Armenian Highland.


As mentioned earlier, Movses Khorenantsi,drawing his information from Mar Aba's book, uses a distinctive expression for Hyek:"the Yapetostean Hayk",i.e. having the nature of Yapetos-Hephaestus.Remembering that Hephaestus was a god of fire, such a characterization of Hyek appears to have taken place during the Hellenistic(Artashessian)period of Armenia when Hyek's fiery nature was still remembered.


Personified as the eponymic ancestor of the Armenian people, Hyek is also described as having "very curly hair and sparkling eyes",a description that was inspired by his fiery nature and paralleled with that given to Vahagn who, too "had hair of fire...and his eyes were two suns."


In the old genealogical list preserved by Khorenatsi, Hyek is considered the son of Torgom. The origin of this name is linked with that of the city-land of Tarkuma/Tarhigama(some scholars locate this city in Hyeasa, but others who place it in the south-western regions of the Armenian Highland((see Tarkuma)), in Arme-Subaria, north of Syria(see Tarhigamani), seem to be more correct. In this connection, it might be right to point out the village of Derik, below Angel Tun-the birthplace of Angls or English, in the region of the sources of the Khabur, 40km west of Mardin.As we have seen before, Adad-Nirari-2 called this region Hark'((Harki)) which was in Armani as mentioned by Naram-Sin)mentioned in Hittite and Urartian inscriptions.


It must be recalled that Hyek is a deity, hence, he should have been considered the son of the god Tarku, the god Tork' of Armenians, whose name is radical component of the city name of Tarkuma/Tarhigama.Tork's main temple was in Aghtznik(Arme-Subaria), at the Armenian sacred city-fortress Angel-Tun(Ingalava?), now called Egil.


Among Armenians Tork 'was also called Tork'Angel; Khorenatsi refers to him as Tork'of Angel, i.e.Tork' of Angelian descent.In the Old Armenian translation of the Bible, the god of the Underworld, Nergal of the Semitic text, is translated as Angel(who probably corresponds also to the Sumerian Engur, the god of the Abyss).


Thus it becomes easier to understand why Hyek, the god of volcano(later attributed to Vahagn) is called "son of Torgom", i.e. the son of Angelian Tork,'the god of the Underworld, because both the volcano and the god of volcano originate from the underworld forces.


The epic of Hyek's fight against Bel(babylonian god) provides a substantial proof that Hyek and his people were already in existance in the land called Hark', at the center of the Armenian-Nairian Highland, at the time when Bel was carrying out his raids, that is, when the mighty Assyro-Babylonian empire was seeking to expand; a proof which, unfortunately, has been overlooked by those who (wrongly)support the theory of migration of Armenian people from the Balkans.


These were the people of Haldi-Hyek, who, as the natives of their own highland, have fought long and bloody battles to protect their homeland against foreign invasions;Because o fthe fact that the Armenian Highland is situated at the crossroads of continents where different civilizations have met, foreign deities have penetrated into the land in later periods, and Hyek, the indigenous god of the land was raised to heaven as a star and identified with the constelation Orion.


Source:"Armenia,Summer and Subartu" by Prof.,Dr.Martiros Kavukjian

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  • 6 years later...




Dont they know that the name of that Constellation is Haik?

BTW. The Constellation Orion is at times interpreted as an Bowman and also as a Hunter./ Աղեղնաւոր /Որսորդ:










United States: navy P-3 Orion and Boeing P-8 aircraft; navy ships USS Kidd and USS Pinckney with Sikorsky MH-60R Seahawk helicopters;[119][120][121] a National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) team.[122]

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