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"hayapatum" In Thessalonica Biennale


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  • Anna Barsegian's and Stephan Kristensen's historical work, entitled "Hayapatum" will be represented to the First Biennale of Modern Arts in Thessalonica, May 24-September 12, 2007. "Hayapatum" was created by the joint efforts of the municipal authorities of Geneva, Modern Arts center of Camper and the organizers of the Thessalonica Biennale.


    According to information received, the Biennale represent 15-25 minute-long films dedicated to the history and modern life of Aleppo, Kessab, Beirut, Istanbul, Yerevan and other old eastern cities.


    The authors of the film "Hayapatum" tell not only of the historical presence of the Armenian nation in a certain geographical area, but also try to analyze the essence of the Armenian people, its identity and historical challenges.

  • By H. Tsulikian
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