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A Graphical Battle Goin On Over An Armenian Tank Picture...


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The T-34/76 may be credited with saving the Russians. It was a tank that had no German counterparts equal to it until the Panther. The 76.2mm gun was very effective against all German tanks at first. The armor was reasonably thick and was the first tank to introduce sloped armor. The off-road performance and mechanical workings of the T-34/76 tank series was also better than the German panzers at the time. The ease of production for the T-34/76 resulted in some 40,000 of all types being produced. This rugged little tank has earned its spot on the top 10 tanks list.





T-34 Medium Tank

The T-34 was a technologically innovative design which addressed the short-comings of the earlier BT series of wheel/track tank. The T-34 was developed during the 1936-37 period, the prototype was completed in early 1939, and in September 1940 T-34 was put into series production mounting a 76mm gun. The Model 1940, the first T-34 production variant, t was armed with the L-11 76.2 mm gun, which was considerably shorter than the subsequent F-34 76.2 mm main gun of the 1941 and later models. The mantlet was also round in contrast to the more square mantlets of later models. The tank's main advantage was its simple design which made it easy to mass produce and repair. The T-34 was also small and comparibaly light, while the tank's water-cooled diesel engine minimized the danger of fire and increased the tank's the radius of action. The design overcame the technological superiority of German forces during the Great Patriotic War. Built in Ukraine in the Kharkov Steam-Engine Factory (KhPZ), the German general von Runstedt called the T-34 the "best tank in the world" and von Kleist said it was the "finest in the world." The T-34 had a more powerful cannon than German tanks, a higher top speed (32 MPH versus 25 MPH), and superior sloped armor and superior welded construction. However, the German Tiger and Panther tanks outranged the T34's original 76mm gun, and subsequently a 85mm gun was mounted on a T-34 tank. The T-34/85 was a modification of the T-34 equipped with a more powerful armor and cannon. T-34/85 had a flatter turret which gave this already inovative tank design the look that all tanks adopted after the wars end. Although not equal to the German Panther and Tiger tanks, the huge numbers of T-34s more than compensated for their technological shortcomings.


Users: Algeria, Angola, Bulgaria, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, North Korea, Poland, Romania, Russia, Syria, Ukraine, Vietnam, former Yugoslavia and other CIS states.




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Users: Algeria, Angola, Bulgaria, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, North Korea, Poland, Romania, Russia, Syria, Ukraine, Vietnam, former Yugoslavia and other CIS states.


Are these supposed to be the T-series tanks or just T-34?


BTW, the Soviet Army had some beheamoths, that Germans never even dreamed of seeing in the early part of the war. Germans never used any massive monster tanks in the early blitzkriegs.

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Youd be surprised - I know of at least one T-34 that was used in the Balkan Wars in the mid-90s


Possible. Last time I was in the army was 1988. We used them for training purposes. Some of them were in pretty good shape so I'm not surprised that they might have been used. T-34 has a unique armor and I'm talking not about the tickness of the metal (that too). :)

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T-34s are no longer (long time ago) out of use. The T-series I know for sure that are still on duty (T-55, T-72, T-72M, T-81 (the latest being techno miracle and I've heard of T-90)


Sorry, maybe I didn't state my question properly.


What I was trying to ask is did you mean those countries used specifically the T-34 or just T-series tanks in general?

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The revolutionary frontal sloping armour.


Yep, but not only. The frontal sloping amour makes the tank interior almost impossible to penetrate from a frontal shelling or even missile attack. This otherwise ugly piece of metal is constructed in a very intelligent way.

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