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Armenian Khachkars To Be Displayed In Louvre


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YEREVAN, APRIL 8. ARMINFO. Armenian khachkars (cross-stones) will be displayed in Louvre within the framework of the Year of Armenia in France, which will be held in 2006-2007.


France's Ambassador to Armenia Henry Cuny informed ARMINFO, French experts of the famous museum arrived in Yerevan recently, who must select Khachkars from the funds of a number of museums of Armenia for the Louvre. Numerous cultural arrangements, as well as trade exhibitions of food and other products made in Armenia will be organized within the framework of the Year of Armenia in France. The ambassador mentioned that the apricot will become the main fruit symbol of Armenia, as Armenian apricots are famous for its flavouring quality already all over the world. Henry Cuny mentioned that the holding of the Year will help to present wide sections of the population of France with rich culture of Armenia, which, in its turn, will attract the interest of the French to visit Armenia. "Armenia is one of the most stable countries of the world", the ambassador mentioned.

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