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Interview Of Tigran Sargsyan


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ARKA News Agency - Exclusive Interview

March 14 2005






Exclusive interview of Tigran SARGSYAN, Chair of the Central Bank of

Armenia, to ARKA News Agency.



ARKA- Mr. Sargsyan, I'd like to congratulate you on your reelection

as head of the Central Bank of Armenia. What the Bank has managed to

do for past seven years of your staying in office?


T.Sargsyan- We has managed to recover bank system, create new market

infrastructures and lessen inflation. Considering this aspect,

Armenia is reckoned the country achieving the best result in the

frames of International Monetary Fund. Macroeconomic stability has

also been reached and bank crises avoided. New instruments for

consumers - plastic cards, micro-credits and consumer credits - have

been put into operation as well.


ARKA- What has not been done for the same period?


T.Sargsyan- Effective contacts between bank service and real economy

have failed to be established. We haven't managed to lessen

dollarization and ensure rapid growth of the country's financial

resources accumulation in financial institutions, to implement

hypothecary reform, to establish normal relations with media outlets,

i.e. with the people conveying information from those realizing

policy to this policy consumers. Mentality is also failed to be

changed because of above-mentioned processes.


ARKA- What is the most important failure? In particular, why

effective mechanism of ties with the media has not been created?


T.Sargsyan-This is rather political issue, as it is important what

reforms are being implemented in Armenia and what is public

perception of them, are there leaders in economic area supporting

ideas of forming financial and economic system and what is mass media

and public reaction to these reforms. To implement these reforms, not

only a clear realization of what you want and not only will are

needed, but also supporters. It is remarkable that the essence of

economic reforms is that the number of supporters should increase at

each stage. This indicators show success or failure of the reforms,

as the essence of the reforms on transition to market relations is in

ensuring of citizens involvement in economic processes. If we fail to

ensure that, they'll become bitter enemies to these reforms and will

demand to restore the old system, where they hadn't make economic

decisions and take care of their own future and everything can be

demanded from the government. The key problem is that we have no

clear leaders today supporting economic and financial reforms, and

there is no public support for these reforms. This is a serious

problem. Today's democratic institutions are being used by political

activists for harvesting favors from their constituents instead of

being used to disseminate advanced ideas. As a result, they are

behind of people, not ahead of them. Cheap populism is increasingly

becoming widespread and pushing our country back, instead of moving

ahead. This is fundamental and conceptual problem we faced today. As

a result, reforms implementation problem is pushed to one side and

the media doesn't engage in that. It became clear after analysis that

financial and economic press is also using populist methods

presenting only criticism of what is being done. There are absolutely

no articles having clear stance on what needs to be done, how it to

be done and indications of decision-makers' mistakes in the press. If

so, professionals won't appear in media outlets, as there is no

demand for them. On the other hand, the people writing populist

articles are in demand today. It hobbles reforms and our country's

movement forward.


ARKA- Where is the way out of this situation? Does CB set any

objective in this area?


T.Sargsyan- First of all, the way out is in ambitious programs on

reforming economy. The community has to realize that there are such

ambitious programs aimed at involving people in the economic programs

to be implemented in Armenia. These reforms should enable everyone to

make economic decisions, to determine its economic welfare and plan

own future independently. That's essence. If we accumulate critical

potential necessary in this sphere, it would be a guarantee of our

success. How to achieve that? That's the main problem, and

professional researchers-journalists writing about financial economic

reforms should be concerned about that. They should highlight such

issues. What the CB done in this direction? We have organized courses

on providing economic knowledge to the journalists highlighting

economic issues. We have held a series of meetings with the media

representatives, to know their stance and the problems concerning

them and, in turn, present them the CB position. This is very

important moment, which will get three time greater attention and

resources than before to give proper impetuses to the society and

receive adequate reaction.


ARKA- What will be the CB objectives for the next seven years?


T.Sargsyan- First of all, ambitious programs focused on the republic

financial system reformation. We will be ahead of all other

transition-period countries on paces of financial system reformation.

That will guarantee the country economic prosperity, as Armenia isn't

rich in natural resources, has no other capacity but intellectual, on

which it can orient. And what for intellectual capacity, it can be

completely realized only in the event of intensification of all the

processes in reformation area. The goals we set are to speed up

ambitious programs implementation and increase their volumes. These

programs implementation envisages intensification of fundament on our

country's macroeconomic stability. We have to ensure low inflation

and, at the same time, favorable environment for economic growth.

When we say economic growth, we mean the economy oriented on people's

intellectual capacity, not the country industrialization. The second

direction is the country's financial stability. A new concept of

financial stability is planned to be put into practice in the CB. New

parameters will be applied in conducting monitoring and regulating

financial stability. It means the parameters to be taken into account

for stability estimation go out of the bank system frames. At the

same time, it is planned to conduct other economic indicators

monitoring and regulate them at macroeconomic level using the levers

the CB possesses. And the third direction is to make closer ties with

real sectors. The CB will publish ratings of economic activeness and

citizens' economic expectations, which, as a whole, will show

`temperature' in economy. We'll complete this work by the end of the

year and economic activeness index will be published for the first

time. We will conduct ratings of the enterprises wanting to use the

instruments offered by the CB and commercial banks for analysis and

to discover opportunities in real sector as well as estimation of

risks and spurring the enterprises transparent functioning. Those

enterprises having the CB rating will be given access to cheap credit

resources and other kind of money attraction. The next direction is

intensification of reforming the hypothec credit area, primary market

development stimulation, credits standardization in primary market

and secondary market development stimulation. Hypothec crediting

contains consider capacity for stable economic growth. Along with

that, intensification of work on pension reforms and applying new

approaches on turning to accumulative pension system, when private

accumulative funds will operate in our market, are planning.

Transition to accumulative system also contains capacity for stable

economic growth. Another direction is corporative papers work in the

market. One of major faults of our financial market is lack of

corporative precious papers market, because we have no corporations,

no open joint stock companies, and this problem should be solved as

soon as possible. We are behind these processes, which are going on

in real sector. That's why financial system is becoming very

vulnerable and risky. Besides, there is no insurance market in

Armenia. The World Bank and International Monetary Fund mission that

was in Armenia last week recorded in its report that the republic's

insurance market is one of the smallest insurance markets in the

world. Normal correlation among money, currency and capital markets

will be ensured. If these markets won't conform to real sector

requirements, it will inevitably lead to crisis while grounds for

crisis are laid here. It is obvious that risks emerging in financial,

insurance and capital markets are interconnected. That's why a common

approach is needed to gauge these risks as well as common methods of

their estimation and regulation and common risk supervising body. It

is also necessary to think about Armenia's regional development.

There are many serious disproportions in it hobbling the republic's

economic growth and posing threat for stable economic growth. The

government will work out its financial development regional program.

It is necessary to adopt programs stimulating crediting in border and

mountainous regions and decentralization financial flows from

Yerevan. It means development of infrastructures in regions will

speed up and expenses transactions and operations connected with

services in regions will lessen and, as a result, interest and

credits rates will lessen as well. Summarizing that, I can say that

the state should ensure macroeconomic stability, create effective

protection of property rights and contracts execution as well as to

provide effective state services and implement ambitious programs,

stimulating sustainable economic growth.


ARKA- Does it means that the CB will become the main economic

institution in the country for coming seven years, as all the

objectives and areas you mentioned go out of bank system boundaries?


T.Sargsyan - I'd like to note that above-mentioned programs were in

the CB focus for previous years and we have already put forward quite

ambitious projects on these issues, including pension and hypothec

reforms, and on Armenian financial sector development prospects. This

work will be continued as it doesn't beyond our authority. Besides

ensuring low inflation, we are also responsible for the country's

financial stability. Taking into account the lack of proper

infrastructures, it is clear that financial stability is under threat

now and the Bank can face criticism because of failure to inform

about that in time and make due proposals despite of being the state

financial agent. As the state financial agent, we are now working out

proper concepts and proposals and presenting them for discussions.

The work will be continued.


ARKA- Will the total capital normative increased for banks

functioning in Armenia?


T.Sargsyan - The Central Bank does not consider increase of

requirements on minimal amount of the capital as end in itself. It

means we should move forward taking into consideration to what

economic consequences our any decision leads. At this stage,

management corporative culture planting in commercial banks is a

principal issue to us. We intends to come up with legislative

initiatives this year and submit a package to the government wit

description of steps to be taken to bring to life concept of

corporative management in Armenia and, first of all, at commercial

banks. The fate of capitalization requirements enlargement issue will

depend on how much we`ll accomplish in the culture implantation and

on consequences of that. Corporative management concept is considered

a top-priority issue at this stage. It is envisaged that the concept

logic contains rational element - if banks work on corporative

principles, they are opened for the community and for new investors

and if the corporative system starts functioning, the banks become

more transparent and conflict between interests of owners and those

of mercenary professional management appears as well as interest to

bank capital rises thanks to attraction of new investors. This will

help banks to have comparative advantages in competitive environment.



ARKA- Are banks ready to adopt the corporative management concept?


T.Sargsyan - We have already reached consensus on the majority of the

issues. There is still some discord on two or three points, but this

is a normal thing, at it is impossible to have unanimous opinion on

all points.


ARKA note: Armenian National Assembly reelected Tigran Sargsyan as

CBA Chairman for the second seven-year term on March 2, 2005. As many

as 92 MPs participated in the vote, of which 86 cast their vote for

his candidacy. Tigran Sargsyan was born on January 29, 1960 in

Kirovakan (at present Vanadzor), Armenia. From 1980 to 1983 he

attended Leningrad's Financial and Economic Institute after

Voznesenski. From 1983-1987 - postgraduate education ended in

obtaining PhD degree. From 1987 to 1990 worked as the Chief of

Department for Foreign Economic Relations of Scientific Researches

Institute of Economic Planning in Armenia. From 1988-1993 worked at

the post of Chairman of republican Council of Young Specialists and

Scientists. From 1990 to 1995 - a member of Supreme Council of the

Republic of Armenia and the Chair of Standing Commission for

Financial, Credit and Budget Affairs. From 1995 to 1998 - Director of

Scientific Researches Institute of Social Reforms. From 1995 to 1998

- the Chairman of Armenian Banks Association. Since March 3, 1998,

Sargsyan has occupied the post of CBA Chairman. Non-partisan.

Married. Has two children. M.V.--0--




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