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Christmas And New Year

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Dear Outdoorgirl, this is just the problem I have. No woman ever says those things to me. They usually say "Leave me alone or I'll call the cops". Only if they would spend the time to discover my black beauty.

Azatyushkin.....black beauty???? :lol2: Vay astavats! Ushqes gnats!




Vava, how the hell did you find that. I have to say reading that thread made me laugh out loud as well. :)

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what if I consider my work as my church.  does that count?


I did not Maral jan.  I am one of those immoral non believers.  :blush:  But I do wish you and all my fellow HyeForumians a very Merry Christmas



no I didn't mean to say that those who go to work are immoral non believers...my 14 year old had to go to school...the second she gets home though we're off to Burbank :)


we had this discussion yesterday as to how many people stay home but do not go to church...

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no I didn't mean to say that those who go to work are immoral non believers...my 14 year old had to go to school...the second she gets home though we're off to Burbank :)


we had this discussion yesterday as to how many people stay home but do not go to church...



I did not mean that Maral jan. I do not not go to church becasue of work. I just dont. :(

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As the saying goes; "only in America"!

I must add: "Only in armenia" !! (Lower case a to denote the world of Armenians, not necessaritly the Yerevan Province.)

Go ahead! Have another Christmas or two! The owrld has all forgotten about it. The stores are stocking up Valentine's merchandise>

Go ahead, stick out as a sore thumb!

Who has given us even "erku luma" for celebrating Christmas apart from the world?!!

Who has given us even "mek luma" for staying in the sidelines when the entire world is celebrating one thing or other?!!

To me ther is one Christmas, and that is when the entire world is singing Jingle Bells.

Go ahead! Sing "Khorhurd Mets Ev Skancheli". See if any one will hear you.

Whe we decide to be part of the world maybe then the world will accept us as a part ot it.


Ther is a crude saying in Turkish. What else? Crude!!

It translates: "Once the feast is over you can apply the henna to your.... vorik"


Ther is so much to enjoy in this world. Why do we deny ourselves the "joy".

Only one other people do this when they deny their children the joy of Christmas with that hanukkah stuff.


Maral, please, don't hate me. I like you. You are beautiful. You are a good Armenian.

When will we ever stop confusing our children?

When will we stop telling them they are different?

When wiill we stop listening to Gregor(Lusavorich) and hear what Mesrop had to say?

Saint Sahak realiized that we were at the verge of extinction, hellenizationor assyrianization when he commissioned Mesrop to save us.

He did!

Did he?

Obviously not!

When we were not satisfied of Mesrop's invention to distinguish us from the above.we were still attempting to assert our difference based on denomination, rather than national, cultural and ethnic difference. We wEre still arguing wrh Byzanatium and Rome when then the Turk came in and told us; it was neitheR Dec. 25th nor Jan. 6th but it was Ramadan.

How less is a Pole Polish for celebrating Christamas with Rome?

How less is a French French for celebrating Christmas with Rome?

Not to forget all those who subscribe to Martin Luther-ian. :) :)

Are we the only the people commissioned by God to save the world, and in the process to lose our lives?

Two billion people celebrate Christmas on December 25.

Who assigned us, a mere o.oooo1% the keepers of the calendar?


Until we admit that we are of this world, from this world and for this world ( to quote that great Armenian, Abraham Lincoln-ian) we will forever be out of this world.

Edited by Arpa
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Arpa,forgive me...but...WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING about?

Who's denying joy?

Khentatzehrehs? :P

Did your mommy deny you love when you were younger??Yallah get over it .....come here and give Tantig a Dzenoont huggie! :D

Edited by Maral
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As the saying goes; "only in America"!

I must add: "Only in armenia" !! (Lower case a to denote the world of Armenians, not necessaritly the Yerevan Province.)

Go ahead! Have another Christmas or two! The owrld has all forgotten about it. The stores are stocking up Valentine's merchandise>

Go ahead, stick out as a sore thumb! 

Who has given us even "erku luma" for celebrating Christmas apart from the world?!!

Who has given us even "mek luma" for staying in the sidelines when the entire world is celebrating one thing or other?!!

To me ther is one Christmas, and that is when the entire world is singing Jingle Bells.

Go ahead! Sing "Khorhurd Mets Ev Skancheli". See if any one will hear you.

Whe we decide to be part of the world maybe then the world will accept us as a part ot it.


Ther is a crude saying in Turkish. What else? Crude!!

It translates: "Once the feast is over you can apply the henna to your.... vorik"


Ther is so much to enjoy in this world. Why do we deny ourselves the "joy".

Only one other people do this when they deny their children the joy of Christmas with that hanukkah stuff.


I was determined to stay out of wisdom-peddling business but the intensity of wrongheadedness in a new topic overcomes my determination.


Armenians in Christian lands are already without much of a "shield" by way of religious difference. Doing away with one uniqueness in their tradition is counterproductive. Why not turn the so-called "sore-thumb" into an advantage, another tool in cultural preservation and celebration? Celebrate Christmas twice. Celebrate it first with the rest of the world, and then celebrate it again on the night of January 5. Give gifts to your children twice. Make their Armenianness into something other kids on the block would envy. That's what we did anyway.


Isn't it time we shifted away from "do not" (e.g. "don't eat grapes before Asdvadzadzin") to "do" (give extra gifts on Armenian Christmas)?

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Arpa added:

How less is a Pole Polish for celebrating Christamas with Rome?


That Pole has a significant Armenian component. You know, that big Armenian community that quickly disappeared after their church leadership was taken over by "worldly", "business" oriented types that thought conformism was the way to go. And indeed it was. The descendants of those Armenians are citizens of European Union and on their way to join the most prosperous of the planet. There is one little problem from the Armenian perspective though: They are no longer Armenian.


Navigating the world landscape of today with perpetual preservation of Armenian identity as a primary goal requires flexibility, imagination, and resourcefulness, not a simple-minded recipe of conformism or going with the "winners". A not-insignificant part of that struggle includes using every opportunity, even silly ones, to make being Armenian more special, more enjoyable, and warmer than the mainstream culture into which our children are daily threatened to be dissolved away. Working on more substantial aspects of that distinct Armenian identity, and making it a fundamentally compelling one is of course a different if somewhat related discussion. [sorry Edward, you'll probably hate the structure of my sentences in this post ;)]

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